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Status Updates posted by Armony

  1. I've been a brony for a whole year now... best year ever!

    1. Astalakio


      Happy Broniversary! XD I'm so bad with time that I've forgotten when I became a brony... I'll never be able to celebrate a year in Equestria :(

    2. Armony


      I only remember because Wikipedia remembers for me. 'Twas the day Cutie Mark Chronicles aired.

    3. Doc Hoof MD

      Doc Hoof MD

      Welcome to the club! =D

  2. I feel like I had a very successful day. We have a new safety rule at work and it is ALL MY FAULT! XD

    1. CrossStitch


      Consider my curiosity peaked!

  3. My managers think I'm weird now because I bought some MLP happy meal toys after work.

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      I thought they weren't out until the 10th!

    2. Armony


      The store I work at got 3 cases of toys 1&2 (Pinkie Pie and Rarity) on Tuesday, and we got 2 cases of toys 3&4 (Twilight and Fluttershy) yesterday. We started selling them yesterday because we ran out of the previous line of girls toys. And since someone doesn't know how to open cases of toys in order, I picked up Twi and Fluttershy today when I got off. :P

  4. I feel like something is distinctly wrong when waking at 7 AM is "sleeping in" to me.

  5. Much as I detested reading Rainbow Factory, I can't get the darn song out of my head now.

    1. Astalakio


      I've never read the fic, it's not my kind of thing, but I still love the song, just because it's really well made.

    2. Armony


      I only managed to get through the fic because I was reading along to Mic the Microphone's recording of it. The song really is much, much better.

  6. "Why is my apartment so cold?" *finds out heat has been off for two days* -_-

  7. So I have work at 3 AM. Not sleeping beforehand is sounding more and more like a good idea.

  8. Back from BroNYCon. I don't think I've ever had so much fun in my life before.

  9. Getting ready to head out for BroNYCon!

  10. Is it a bad thing to feel like being on Steam is a considerable source of stress?

    1. Astalakio


      I don't even know what this 'Steam' thing is that everyone keeps talking about. One of these new 'internet' things, I suppose >_>

    2. Armony


      It's a video game marketplace and digital distribution software with a built-in instant messenger.

    3. Armony


      So, yes... one of those new 'internet' things... though it's not really that new >_>

  11. Having a not-so-great DM has been the best motivation for me to build a campaign/world in a long time.

  12. Happy non-denominational winter holiday, everypony!

  13. Why must my roommates always become loud and obnoxious when I need sleep the most?

  14. 4n/2w=a - Or something like that. It's always funny when your problems can be boiled down into an equation.

  15. I've been at work so often over the last two weeks that I no longer know what to do with all of my free time. So I got two more level 6 perks in Killing Floor now.

  16. After tomorrow, I actually get days off work! Two of them, even!

  17. Well, two more people got fired, so I have a 50+ hour week ahead of me, with no days off.

  18. I need to get a job that doesn't leave my mind free to wander. I think about some *weird* things at work.

  19. Just got home from work about half an hour ago, have to be back in in about 10 hours because my managers are bad at writing sensible schedules.

  20. Friends saying they'll come to visit and not showing up seems to be a running gag in my life.

    1. AshtonSSG


      I would have so been there.

    2. Armony


      That comment really cheered me up and makes me wish you lived somewhere close enough to come visit, Ashton.

  21. Working Black Friday at fast food is like working the Saturday morning rush, except the rush lasts all day and not half of the day.

  22. Brought home lots of burns today. That grease was out to get me!

  23. Just bought the Humble Introversion Bundle. CRAYON PHYSICS!!!

  24. Somebody hacked my battle.net account, that's exactly what I wanted to wake up to...

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