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Everything posted by Ellison

  1. Also, someone tell me how to do the "spoiler" thing, please! Ha
  2. Thanks! I'm coloring that one right now, but here's what I've done today- My fave pony!
  3. Thanks very much, Indie! I appreciate your kind words. As I'm sure you know, its good to gear that other people enjoy what you're doing. I have actually thought about doing these sort of "I want" songs for all of the filly mane six! If I get inspired, it very well may happen. I'm glad you like the "home-brewed" quality. Still, I'd like for things to sound better and better! Edit: I'm actually working on another filly-inspired song right now!
  4. Hey there! I figured since I enjoy drawing, and I plan on doing more pony art, I'd make a thread! Here is where I will post my doodles and such from now on. Right here. To start it off, tonight I created my pony-me! I will scan it tomorrow, but for now, here's a cruddy photo.
  5. Here is your request, Sapphire!
  6. Ah well, hopefully you still like it- I figured I'd do something more simple to start with.
  7. You're welcome! I'm working on the Time Wizard's OC now ^_^
  8. Okay, Twi is done. It's just pencil sketches tonight. Usually I go digital. I don't have scanner access till morning so enjoy a bad photo for now! Also, I despise drawing books, so due to laziness, I went a little "creative" (aka lazy) with your idea. That was my warm up, time to get serious!
  9. I'll get right on that! It's gonna be a quick one, but I hope you'll like it. And, I'm working on a pic of my "pony-sona" on and off, so no worries that you're busy now. Once I finish it maybe you can throw a sketch my way. Edit: I was replying to the first post, but I will sketch both! ^^
  10. Thanks, guys! And yeah, there were a couple in one of my art classes last year. I found them out without them proclaiming it, haha. And, there is a girl on my hall who has a pinkie pie drawn on her door...and I have heard pony music from another one of the rooms. I know they are there, haha.
  11. Hi! I'm new, and I have not drawn a ton of ponies lately, so I'd like to have some examples made, by drawing what you'd like to see! But in addition, is anyone interested in trades? If I get any sort of response, I will see how things go. However! Let me dig up an example or two! But the first one to request here shall receive a doodle shortly. After that, I'd love to do some trades!
  12. Thanks Tenkan! And, I'm pretty sure I can email it to you if you'd like, Sapphire.
  13. I have written music before this, never pony related But there's a high standard for pony stuff! Thanks so much!
  14. I just put up my first fan-song up in that section! Thanks! And now I don't feel so bad, ha.
  15. I must say, I am hugely intimidated by the talent that is displayed in the MLP fandom. It's scary! Not only that, but some of them simply have a higher production value than I am able to attain. But that's alright. This is my first attempt at my first pony song. I would like to create a better version of it, eventually, with a better mic. It's frightening putting my work/voice out there. But I know how kind and encouraging this fandom is! Here goes!
  16. I am quite glad to meet everyone! I hope to have some fun here. I actually wrote my first pony song and put the vid for it on youtube today! So if I get up the courage, I'll make a thread for it in the proper section, assuming there is one. I am actually pleasantly surprised to say that there are quite a few bronies at school here, both male and female. None are my close friends, but I can always sense when they are near somehow... Can't wait to meet some peeps XP Edit: I just realized I made the probably fatal mistake of referring to the collective as "everyone" and not "everypony". Well, I am new.
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