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Posts posted by Ellison

  1. Okay, Twi is done. It's just pencil sketches tonight. Usually I go digital. I don't have scanner access till morning so enjoy a bad photo for now!

    Also, I despise drawing books, so due to laziness, I went a little "creative" (aka lazy) with your idea.

    That was my warm up, time to get serious! :razz:


  2. I'll get right on that! It's gonna be a quick one, but I hope you'll like it. And, I'm working on a pic of my "pony-sona" on and off, so no worries that you're busy now. Once I finish it maybe you can throw a sketch my way.

    Edit: I was replying to the first post, but I will sketch both! ^^

  3. Hi! I'm new, and I have not drawn a ton of ponies lately, so I'd like to have some examples made, by drawing what you'd like to see!

    But in addition, is anyone interested in trades?

    If I get any sort of response, I will see how things go. However! Let me dig up an example or two! But the first one to request here shall receive a doodle shortly. After that, I'd love to do some trades!

  4. I must say, I am hugely intimidated by the talent that is displayed in the MLP fandom. It's scary! Not only that, but some of them simply have a higher production value than I am able to attain. But that's alright.

    This is my first attempt at my first pony song. I would like to create a better version of it, eventually, with a better mic.

    It's frightening putting my work/voice out there. But I know how kind and encouraging this fandom is! Here goes!

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  5. I am quite glad to meet everyone! I hope to have some fun here. I actually wrote my first pony song and put the vid for it on youtube today! So if I get up the courage, I'll make a thread for it in the proper section, assuming there is one.

    I am actually pleasantly surprised to say that there are quite a few bronies at school here, both male and female. None are my close friends, but I can always sense when they are near somehow...

    Can't wait to meet some peeps XP

    Edit: I just realized I made the probably fatal mistake of referring to the collective as "everyone" and not "everypony". Well, I am new.

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