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Everything posted by SymphonicFire

  1. Small spelling error there, Rose. I wonder of Patch is actually fluent in Dino or not.
  2. You might want to save your awoo for the upcoming picture! XDD
  3. Talking about shows with kids 10 years younger than me.


    Best thing ever.

    1. Rosewind


      You were there when the Deep Magic was written.

  4. ...kind of? I don't think I'll be watching it in theaters though.
  5. As if you have a say in this! XDD
  6. From the album: SymphonicFire's Doodles

    We have more yokai! Fuwa Fuwa the Ha-Inu and Tamotsu the Inugami! I might change Fuwa's design in the future. Hue!
  7. I might've gotten into it if my laptop could run large games properly.
  8. I wish I could ride a motorcycle, I'd love to cosplay as Celty. I have a tiny fear of driving though...
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