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Everything posted by Battlebornbrony

  1. you really think so? Thanks for the confidence, I'm glad that you believe that I can achieve my goal.
  2. Finally Done. hopefully this time I didn't fail.
  3. And I forgot to mention the method that star swirl told me, thanks! that reminds me, thank you everyone that gave me suggestions and ideas
  4. there I typed it in word document and then imported it, hopefully this will work.
  5. all I did is type in the information I didn't click the bold button, I am failing hardcore. ... any suggestions besides the free for all?
  6. Ok I cant make it not bold, lost all my work I tried making it non bold but it just dosent work and yes I highlighted it and then clicked bold, IT wont become un bold, also the base you gave me just made it bold again, im going coo coo in the head here... any suggestions?
  7. Nothing is bold. but Okie Dokie Thor and Loki.
  8. Just made a lot of changes, because I felt like it and its hard to make a guard character.
  9. how do I change the app name from BattleBornBrony's rp character to something different.
  10. Yeah. I love Skyrim, I just wish I could mod my Skyrim for my xbox360, I would use the My little pony mod but does any one have any suggestions for a NEW name for my RP characters?
  11. Haha! funny but no really got any ideas for some guard names?
  12. thanks for the advice, see that's what I love about this place all of you go out of your way to help which is nice but if I change battle borns name then I don't know what to call him. Anyone got any suggestions?
  13. Thank you. only part is it wasn't in bold but having trouble indenting it.
  14. Finally done, it took me well not under 10 seconds flat, hahaha. I couldn't figure out how to make this for the whole time I was here so four months ha ha ha aint I silly?
  15. Roleplay Type: FFA Name: Iron Works Sex: Stallion Age: Adult Species: Pegasus Eye colour: Hazel Coat: Dark Navy Blue and usually seen wearing a apron with a red shirt under it and a statchel strapped to his left side Mane/Tail: Long and messy mane and short and messy tail all pitch black. Physique: Strong Residence: Las Pegasus Occupation: Blacksmith Cutie Mark: A anvil History: Iron Works was originally from Stallion Grad and was raised there by his father and only his father because he never met his mother and no pony knows why. Iron Works dad was named Steel Hammer, they would work together making horseshoes, tools, and building materials. One day Iron Works father fell sick so he had to work the shop and forge alone, doing this the whole day from the sun rising to nightfall got him his cutie mark, his dad told him later that it was a test and he was more than Proud of him. him and his dad got along even better since and became the best of friends. Character Summary: Iron Works is very friendly, he is sometimes lonely though but likes to be lazy and go out and explore areas when he gets the chance, when he does so he likes to explore ever free forest and other places. He loves pie and cake, mostly chocolate fudge cake and pumpkin pie. he's loyal until the end to when a friend is out of doubt or in trouble he's always there to help. the ONLY thing he strongly dislikes with a burning passion is almonds he strongly dislikes the taste.
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