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Posts posted by mjt014

  1. After thanking Dusk for her hospitality, Lightning had exited the house. He left the books he was reading there since he already read on what he needed to know. He flew back to his home and was greeted with a hug from his mother. She was happy that Lightning was starting to make friends. This gave Lightning a small smile as he walked upstairs to his room.

  2. Roleplay Type: World of Equestria

    Name: Flare Chaser

    Sex: Male

    Age: Colt

    Species: Pegasus

    Eye colour: Light-Brown

    Coat: Orangeish Brown

    Mane/Tail: His mane and tail are black. The mane is styled in an upward brush pattern like a flame. His tail also has the same flame-style.

    Physique: He is a little shorter compared to the average mare, but is well built with strong wings.

    Residence: Canterlot

    Cutie Mark: His Cutie Mark consists of a flame with a lightning bolt inside. During one day when Flare was a little foal, he was trying to fly at great speeds, but he just couldn't seem to reach that speed level. He was sitting near his house's door with a sad look on his face as his father came out and told him what was wrong. Flare told him that he was sad because, he couldn't fly fast and that he'll probably never will. His father sat down and told him that he can fly fast. He said to never give up and keep on trying. This lit a spark in Flare as he got up and hugged his dad, thanking him for saying those words. He decided to keep training as he walked to a lush field of grass in Canterlot. He started to fly, feeling the wind blowing throw his mane, his tail flapping in the breeze. He decided to try and fly faster. As he flapped his wings harder, he began to tire. He then, remembered what his father said. To never give up and to keep on trying. Those words encouraged Flare to keep flapping his wings harder and harder as he felt the wind's intensity increase. Even if it started to hurt, he just pushed through it. As he flew a surge of speed rushed through his body. This caused him to go a great distance from home, accelerating at a high velocity. He stopped and turned around to see the distance he cover from the starting point. His was happy that he managed to fly this far, so quickly, but it left him tired, so he flew back to his home. When he land near the doorstep, a shine from his flank caused him to look down and see he has finally gotten his Cutie Mark. Flare was fill with such happiness that he decided to tell his family immediately. He thanked his father for encouraging him to fly fast in the first place. Since he's got his Cutie Mark, he has never given up on anything else.

    History: Flare was born in Canterlot, the center of ponydom. As a young colt, Flare has always dreamed of becoming a great flyer. He would train to become faster and try new techniques. This is how he got his cutie mark. His friends were very supportive about his dream as he was about theirs'. They would often play together outside until Flare's mum told him to come in. His mother is Moonlight Treasure, a beautiful unicorn. She is very caring towards her children, whom she loved very much. She would often scold them for doing something bad, mainly Flare for his mischievous nature. His father is Northern Light, an amazing pegasus. Northern likes to spend time with his sons. They practice flight together or he would join Flare in pranking other ponies. This resulted in a prankster part of Flare. Flare has an older brother and a little sister. Their names are Thunder Strike and Shine Bright. Thunder and Flare would do everything together, from their chores to even walking side by side. Shine would always like to play with Flare. They would have lots of fun together, which often led to Shine falling asleep out of exhaustion. He would carry her to bed ad tuck her in for a good night sleep.

    Ever since he got his Cutie Mark, Flare has become more confident in himself. So confident that he was certain he could do anything he set his mind to. His skill in flying often caused him to be full of himself as he bragged about how good he was. His friends didn't mind his boastfulness, although some would roll their eyes. Flare has always been a hot head. Other ponies, who were very snobbish, would make fun of him, if he happened to walk by them. This enrages him to a great extent as the look in his eyes scared them off. Flare currently lives in Canterlot with his family, happily enjoying life.

    Character Summary: Flare's talent is that in flight. He likes to fly, feeling the wind in his mane and the rush it gives him when flying fast. He excels greatly at soaring at a high velocity. Flare dreams of becoming a great known flyer in Equestria like his father. He also likes to go where ever his brother is going, hopefully going on adventures. During his free time when there's nothing to do, he tries to search for adventure. Other than searching for adventure, Flare often practices his flying skills and comes up with new moves. He likes to perfect their technique. Flare also likes to pull harmless pranks on other ponies. If he happens to take it to far, he'll apologize and make up for it. He dislikes when his friends are hurt by others. He especially, doesn't like to be insulted. This often leads to Flare going into a fit of rage. He may seem like he's not afraid of anything, but he does have fears. Flare has a big fear of bugs. When he was little out in the wilderness, he was surrounded by spiders, stinkbugs, and beetles. He cried until his mother and father came to his aid. He's also afraid that he might not be fast enough to accomplish his dream.

    Flare is kind like his brother, but more brave and more outgoing. He's very prideful of his talent in flight and is very confident that he can do what ever he puts his mind to. He can be arrogant at times, bragging about his skill in flying. This can annoy his friends at time, if it gets out of hand. He also has a fiery temper as he's very easy to anger, especially when somepony insults him. When pushed far enough Flare get a vicious look in his eyes. This can strike fear in many ponies. Those who know Flare well will be wise not to get him mad. Despite his hotheadedness, Flare is a really nice colt to be around. He makes a good friend as he will stuck up for his companions when they're being bullied. He's a very tough Colt and won't hesitate to stand up for his friends. Though highly skilled in flight, Flare was never a pony to use his head in complicated situations. He prefers to use brawn over brain. When it comes to problems that require him to use his mind, he has trouble coming up with a solution. He often tries to do it himself without any help from his friends, worrying that if he doesn't solve his current problem on his own, he won't be able to solve anything that requires his mind.

    Overall, Flare is a nice pegasus with a hot temper, who would make a good friend.

    Image: new_flare_chaser_by_mjt010-d5m2g44.png

  3. I've been thinking, what if we crossover the elements of ben 10 to MLP:FIM. Instead of the omnitrix transforming it's user into aliens, it transforms them into mythological creatures. For example, elementals, ghosts, vampires, and especially dragons. Also what if the device itself was alive and the user had to synchronize with it to transform into the right hero. Also, what if all the heroes were alive inside the device.

  4. I've been thinking, what if we crossover the elements of ben 10 to MLP:FIM. Instead of the omnitrix transforming it's user into aliens, it transforms them into mythological creatures. For example, elementals, ghosts, vampires, and especially dragons. Also what if the device itself was alive and the user had to synchronize with it to transform into the right hero.

  5. Lightning laid in the guest bed, awake, thinking of what has happened these past couple days. His mother would be thrilled to have Lightning making friends. Back in Canterlot, Lightning was treated like royalty rather than a friend. He was inside his home most of his time there to avoid so many ponies coming to him. Since Lightning spend most of his time in his home, the princesses hardly know about him which is good since Lightning doesn't do well with crowds. Lightning took a deep breath and exhaled. He had already returned the books to the shelves just in case he forgot to do that. He was going to go back to his home in Ponyville tomorrow and see his little brother, little sister, mother, and father. He does wonder, if the princesses will find out about him.

  6. Lightning nodded and went to get a wet towel. He came back with a towel and bucket of water floating behind him. He used his magic to dip the towel in the water. He took it back out, squeezed the excess water out, folded it, and floated it on to the mare's head. [colour=#a52a2a]"Maybe I could help" [/colour][colour=#000000]Lightning said.[/colour]

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