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Posts posted by puzzlebeat

  1. "I like the idea of air support." Silver said as he watched the fanuas girl charge Torchwick. He quickly stood taking a stance for throwing a spear. He was getting ready to form a lance made of ice but stopped. Creating weapons of ice was his specialty and if they saw the ice spear they would easily be able to link this fight to him. He scanned the roof for a solution, his eyes falling onto some lead pipes.

    "Aisha..." Sil said suddenly. "Sorry bout this..."he finished before pushing her off the side of the building. She fell a few stories before being caught by a white nevermore. "Icarus is going to take you to that roof." He said pointing to a roof on a road perpendicular to the one they were on. "He's going to weave through the streets and keep you out of sight."He finished before the bird began making its way to the roof that was specified.

    He approached the pipes and picked one up and cut the tip diagonally creating a point. He checked his work before crafting a large quantity of the makeshift polearms. He stuck the spears into the roof and retook the stance, waiting for someone to make a move.

  2. (Schwartz XD. you didn't have to change the company name.)

    Silver covered Aisha's mouth as she protested. "Ssssh." He said quietly placing his index finger to his lips. He held back a smile, trying not chuckle. Not many things made him laugh but teasing Aisha was an activity he found very humorous.

    Sil watched as the White Fang's airship landed and the troops began to secure the containers. He waited for the two on the roof to relocate before he repicked up Aisha and moved them to a better veiw point. As he carried her, he couldn't help but smile as she quietly protested.

    Landing on the highest roof adjacent to the docks he put down his partner and fell to has stomach, crawling to the ledge. "Let's get a better look." He said bringing his hands together. He pulled his hands apart slowly, forming a rectangular sheet of ice the acted as a magnifying glass. He adjusted the placement of the ice so Aisha could look though it as well. "What do you think we should do?"

  3. Sil placed his fingers into the canister tops and absorbing enough dust to get them to the roof. He threw Aisha over his shoulder then conjured a pillar of ice that carry the two to the rooftops quickly. He jumped off the tower as it began to thaw, quickly dissolving altogether, and landed on the roof, quickly finding cover before anyone noticed them. He took the moment to put down Aisha then looked over the wall to watch the events unfold.

  4. "Nah. I hit a bakery before the dust store. I'm good." Silver replied patting his stomach. He looked to see the group of students from beacon headed towards the docks, but shrugged it off.

    "Is there a place we can store my crate?" He asked, "I have to speak with a faunas librarian who owes us but I think he might skip town soon." He explained looking on his map for the book store labeled with the motto 'every book under the sun.' "You can come with me tomorrow to take care of that if you want." He offered before putting his map away.

  5. "Well... according to our reports: if tonight's job go's well, we can move to phase two." Sil replied pulling out his map. "Does Torchwick have a place for us to sleep? I'm a little broke so I wont be able to rent a room. And I don't want to to play Eskimo again." He asked remembering the time he was forced to use his ice dust to make an igloo just so he had a place to sleep.

  6. "Yeah. Stupid sailors lost all of mine." He said letting the crate down so his partner could help him. "Thanks. I had to pay a fortune though and I doubt uncle Torchy would let me skim off what we have." He continued stopping at the platform setting the crate down as they waited for an airship. "You know how he is. So.." he said sitting on the crate. "What about you? How have you been?"

  7. Silver Ice looked around the shop looking at the options they offered. He approached the store owner and set his satchel on the floor against the counter. "Can you get me a 3x2 foot crate for dust powder canisters all full of ice dust?" Sil asked the old man. He nodded and dashed to the back to fill the canisters for Sil.

    While the old man went to the back Sil took a look at the dust combat belts. He grabbed on that held two canisters on his back. It was custom tailored to people dust infused skin, perfect for him. He picked up the white belt and tried it on. He stuck his thumb into one of the dispenser ports. "Perfect." He took off the belt and grabbed a case for his crystals before moving to the counter.

    The old man returned with the crate on dolly, then approached Sil with the receipt for the crate. "Can I get these and some uncut ice crystals?" Silver asked placing the belt and case on the counter. The old man grabbed the case and started to place crystals in slots. Sil decided to check the crate. It was heavy, heavy enough to require two average built people to carry it. He checked the canisters making sure they're full. When he was certain all was accounted for he returned to the counter. "How much?" He asked as the price appeared on the cash register. Sil whistled at the cost. 'I should just rob him.' He thought pulling out his wallet. 'better not.'

    He placed his money on the counter then gathered his stuff. He put on the belt and threw on his satchel. He walked towards the crate and grabbing one of the handles he threw it onto his shoulder and held it there as he walked to his case and picked it up with his free hand. "Thanks." He called out while he walked out, Into... Aisha!?

  8. Silver Ice finished his pastry as he saw the school's airship flying in the sky. The thought of the academy brought his mind to the mission at hand. He was so infuriated that his dust supply got lost, not to mention hungry, that he forgot to check in and inform his partner he made it to Vale. "Better do that now." He said to himself before pulling out his phone. He dialed a private number and placed the phone to his ear.

    "I'm here. I'll be ready to meet in a bit. I need to resupply my dust." He said to his accomplice on the other side. He allowed her to respond before hanging up then walking into the dust shop.

    (He called Dabom's oc btw :) to clear up future confusion.)

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