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Posts posted by puzzlebeat

  1. Puzzlebeat

    Puzzlebeat turned to the others[colour=#008080] "Did she metion anyone she liked before this happened?" [/colour]He asked them.


    Applejack thought then remembered she said somthing about silver. [colour=#DAA520]"[/colour][colour=#DAA520]y[/colour][colour=#DAA520]eah she said she thought a boy named sivler was kinda cute."[/colour]


    [colour=#008080]"ok Be Right Back." [/colour]Puzzlebeat said and walked to the room. [colour=#008080]"um excuse me can a Silver come out into the hall please? we need your assistance."[/colour]

  2. Applejack

    [colour=#DAA520]"oh Sugar cubes your not ugly or weird."[/colour] Applejack said trying her best to comfort Pinkie


    [colour=#008080]"What! is this what tis is about?"[/colour] Puzzlebeat walked over to the girl and lifted her chin and stared into her eyes.[colour=#008080] "Do you honestly think your not Desirable?"[/colour]

  3. Puzzlebeat

    [colour=#008080]"Hey. I'm Puzzlebeat. I'm throwing a party after school if you three want to come." [/colour]He said to Cloud, Ruby and Garnet. then turned his attention to the door worried about his friend.


    Applejack stood and went out the door. [colour=#DAA520]"Whats wrong with her Dashie?"[/colour] she asked Rainbow Dash

  4. Charles went into the bathroom "This isn't a fairy tale this is a temporary thing, Don't get comfortable." He told him self knowing he would only get hurt if the stories Rarity spoke of were true. He washed his face and finished packing his clothes. He started to pack some food. "Apples, bananas, oranges and carrots for snakes on the way." He told himself. he put the food into a cooler. When finished packing Rarity's things he sat down and thought of the events to come.

  5. (yeah sure.)


    Puzzlebeat took off when he heard the bell ring. '[colour=#008080]crude I go get my bag to not be late and that is what I become.' [/colour]He flew across the campus. He made to class and burst in. [colour=#008080]"sorry i'm late. I was comforting someone who was depressed."[/colour] he took the closest seat that was open the, one next to Pinkie and Cloud. [colour=#008080]"Hey what i miss"[/colour] he asked him.


    [colour=#daa520]"it's been cool. I'm glad that all my friends are here and how kind every one else is."[/colour] Applejack said. the door burst open and Puzzle beat cam in. [colour=#daa520]'so strange.'[/colour] she thought

  6. Puzzlebeat

    [colour=#008080]"Glad to hear your going to make it to my party, but for now lets get to class ok you two?"[/colour] Puzzlebea said to the two of them


    [colour=#daa520]"oh Come on just because one guy broke up with you your going to be forever alone?" [/colour]Apple jack asked Fluttershy.

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