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Posts posted by Hypn0ticD

  1. ((Screw it, I don't wanna wait for Connor anymore!))

    Having waited long enough for the Equestrians, Colette sent Connor inside and headed in the direction they wandered. Fortunately, she didn't have far to go. What she encountered, however, was not what she expected. Chrysalis was being embraced by David, and they seemed to be very… Involved with each other. "Ahem!" Colette began, clearing her throat loudly. "It's getting late, cold, and Connor tells me he's expecting company back in Illinois…"

  2. "It won't happen again, Miss Sunshine." Colette said, more than catching the hint in the teacher's voice. She then looked around, just now noticing the absence of several of her classmates. Alas, she was too caught up in showing off, being blown up, and being late to take notice of it until now... one more thing Colette wad good at. Tuning things out. It seemed just about EVERY student, in this class at the very least, was hooking up! "Canterlot Prep. Where relationships are magic!" She muttered to herself.

  3. Colette balked at this. "How can anybody forget their own SISTER?!" She was about to say more, but thought better of it, and decided to let it drop. "There has to be a way to at least get Luna to at least reverse the curse…"

    As they were walking, Colette couldn't help but notice the stares from men aimed at Chrysalis, and smirked a little. "Well, if you could feed off the lusty stares of men, you'd be set!"

  4. Once again, Colette was late… And here, she thought she'd at least make it to her second class on time! Alas, it was not meant to be… She opened the door to the classroom and plopped down in an empty seat next to Shade. Only the first day, and already she got into a huge mess! Literally this time! "Sorry I'm late, Miss Sunshine, been caught in a huge explosion last class."

    ((Sorry for being away so long!))

  5. Colette shrugged. "I'm sure that the others are gonna want to know, but I'll let it slide for now. Come on, let's go, before it gets too late!" Colette then led Chrysalis out of the house and toward the couple, who were still there. Whilst she did, she took out her cell and texted Connor.

    >>I'm taking Chrysalis out to eat, just wait for me when you get to my house. Let your friends know I found her. We need to find a way to find the others <<

  6. "Dammit, Connor! Don't play hero!" Colette shouted a little louder than she cared to. Looking over shoulder, she hoped Chrysalis didn't overhear her… Colette sighed as she hung up and headed inside, spotting the strange couple… they were doing that slow walk couples do… she didn't know who they were, so if she could get get Chrysalis to feed on... Dammit, what was she thinking?! Better than her feeding off her friend!

    Colette stepped inside and saw Chrysalis at the window, eyeing the people on the street. "I let you feed, you have to leave my friend alone… Deal??"

  7. As if on cue, the opening riffs to The Spectrum sliced through the sliced through the silence. "Oh! Telephone!" Colette chirped, jumping up and pulling out her phone. Who was -- oh NO! Colette's face blanched as she turned to the Changeling Queen, putting on plastic smile. "Dad's calling, gotta take this." Colette then took the call as she grabbed her jacket and headed toward the front door.

    "Hi, DAD! Before you ask, I didn't invite anyone over! How's Boston??" Colette hoped Connor would take both hints. She knew she needed to get Chrysalis out of the house eventually, but she also needed Connor to stay away from her… If she can pick up on someone's crush, there's no telling what Chrysalis would do to him…

    Once she was sure she was out of earshot, Colette dropped the act. "Connor, you can't come! Chrysalis is onto your crush!"

    ((Sorry about the late reply! My phone died yesterday, and I was owned by the sandman))

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