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Posts posted by Spaced

  1. Alright, so as the agumentations went, they failed missarbly and not physcial change happended. However, a small part of a demon (not the whole one, just part of a rage demon) entered his soul. The demon and Shadow fought mentally, and he slowly one. But, as he said before, being stabbed by the weapon (along with unicorn magic) sealed part of the weakened demon into it.

    So, the red eyes and the 'rush' are the Rage demon trying to take charge. The way to control it is via the knife, where another part of the Demon is. You control the knife, you influence the demon and Shadow's thoughts and process are influced by the demon (and hence, the pony wielding the knife)

    He isn't a unable to think, it simply controls the rush and means he can't attack those you don't want him to

    So he's an abomination?

  2. He's moslty based on speed, so small and compact is a good one. Not particularrly blulky or well built, and his mane is a complete mess.

    A bit smaller than the average Pegasus and a bit thinner too, ummm. I guess you could add scrawny in too, (i'm not entirely sure what it even means tho)

    Umm, that good enough? or should i try think or a better way to desrcibe him?

    Also, Black fur, black and red mane and a red tail (like the pic i have) Amber eyes

    Wow. He's actually black and red?


    Well, whatever works for yer!

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

  3. Alright, seeing that your willing to leave the subject out of the rp I'll at least give you that discussion in rp as well. I'm nothing if not somewhat flexible. Icicle and Hoax can confront one another about the subject but that doesn't mean that actually taking part in blood magic is ok with me. Part of rping is at least having a somewhat open mind and the willingness to share ones opinions.


  4. Ok, I'll yield that blood magic is part of that universe but that doesn't mean I enjoy that one aspect of it. Demons, yes I'm fine with them, abomination, meh sure why not, necro, in this rp, I'm fine with it since that's just limited to fighting against them. Its just that one aspect of the universe that I'm in no way comfortable with so yes, between me and ANY thing that has to do with blood I have a problem with.

    I'd quite like you to challenge Hoax on it, if you want to put that distaste into the RP.

    If not, I'm sorry - I didn't know the subject was going to make you uncomfortable. I'll keep it tasteful.

  5. I doubt any of them have the need for a sadistic solution. And again, I'll refer you to my earlier post on which I don't remember what page it was but I had said that rping is suppose to be fun for everyone, if one player isn't having fun then what's the point.

    Who's not having fun? It's the Dragon Age universe, and everything that comes with it - be it better or for worse - is part of that world. Blood magic, by its very nature, is perverted and evil - but its still part of that world. Is this going to be an issue?

    I'm a little confused, considering you were joking about the whole thing earlier.

  6. That may be true but people have morals and standards, and I'm not referring within rp, I'm referring to what I personally like and dislike. For all I care, they could sacrifice people to get things done, that doesn't mean I'll follow them and keep doing that.

    All very well, but sometimes sacrifices are necessary. Sometimes you have to make difficult decisions that you wouldn't normally dream of. That's the curse of responsibility.

  7. I still didn't saw something official if Nexar is immune to Bloodmagic or not...

    you should look at the blood magic spells and see which one would make sense to resist.

    Blood Magic spells-

    [colour=#ff0000]Blood Magic/Blood lust [/colour]- Caster sacrifices health rather than mana to power spells.

    [colour=#ff0000]Grave Robber/One foot In[/colour] - The blood mage consumes the residual life force from nearby corpses. A small amount of health is drained from living targets. Creatures without blood are immune - [colour=#0000cd]Nexar would be immune to this sort of attack. [/colour]

    [colour=#ff0000]Sacrifice[/colour] - Blood mage sucks the life out of an ally to regain health.

    [colour=#ff0000]Hemorrhage[/colour] - The spell corrupts the blood of every for in the area, inflicting high damage regardless of armor or spell resistance. Creatures without blood are immune - [colour=#0000ff]Nexar would be immune to this kind of attack[/colour]

    [colour=#ff0000]Blood Slave - [/colour]The target is enslaved, forced to bend to the caster's will. Creatures without blood are immune - [colour=#0000ff]Nexar would be immune. [/colour]

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