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Posts posted by Shadowbolt0

  1. Midnight was for a while, confused at Andrea. Even not knowing Slash that well, there was little chance he cheated on Andrea for multiple reasons. One being they weren’t a couple, the second being Slash (to her knowledge) knew no one else at Beacon, yet alone a female, and third, he wore himself on his sleeve. So it took her several long moments for it to dawn on her that this was a trick, to let them escape. She had been about to explain she’d read her note, right before a certain sister arrived. The conflict between them, she sat back and watched. She knew that Andrea looked up to her, in her own way.

    “Beatrice, it’s fine really…” she’d started to say, to try and defend her teammate, right when Andrea spoke up. Throwing a quick glance over, Midnight felt her head speed up. They were right! All of this, a distraction for an infiltration mission! With Slash and Tehengu trapped inside, it fell, to herself and Andrea to stop her. She looked back at Andrea. “Feel like taking a walk? T-to get over his betrayal…” she offers, a sly smile on her face. It would be a walk, so she wasn’t lying, but it was as good an excuse as any to make it look like she was taking care of her ‘friend’, not two warriors on the warpath.


  2. Midnight didn’t take too long to spot Andrea, the girl wasn’t really that stealthy if she was going to be completely honest with herself. Although, it didn’t seem Andrea was too happy to see her, but she made her way over to the girl, and soon found herself, looking inside the hall? She hadn’t noticed it, but yet, it slowly dawned on her that Andrea was smarter than she looked. She’d managed to position herself to look around, and disguise it as her talking. Midnight smiled softly.

    “Nice start, presume you’re suspicious too huh?” the faunus kept her voice down, low enough those in the hall wouldn’t be able to hear her, only Andrea “L-listen…Andrea, a-about before” Midnight took a deep breath, she felt partly awkward saying this, mostly because they’d both been less than kind to the other. Ordinarily, she’d never interact with a person like that again, so confronting her left an odd taste in her mouth, one she wish she hadn’t tasted.

  3. Midnight raised an eyebrow at Tehengu. First at his idea, which she disregarded. She wouldn't hurt him, even if it was to 'act' the part. She couldn't do that. She also couldn't try on demand, she was far from a good actress...But, part of her distress was real, she'd, read a certain thing today and, now, alone with Andrea, was a better time than any...

    "You go tell that jerk off!" She didn't yell, and it came off as more snobbish than she'd intended, but hopefully it caused enough of a scene as she gave Tehengu a light shove, before moving (As quick as she could given her dress) towards the door, trying to follow Andrea and even calling out the girls name to try and find her...Hopefully, looking like a concerned friend, not a suspicious tracker...



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  4. Midnight took a deep breath, and her mind said that to dance. Not only would it be enjoyable to have a dance, after their kiss, She opened her mouth to make the suggestion, but that's when, it occurred. Midnight looked over to see the altercation between Andrea and Slash! And her mouth dropped to the floor.

    "W-what the...?" The faunus looked at Slash, then at Andrea who stormed her way out, then back at Tehengu finally "W-what just happened between them...? S-should we....?"

  5. Midnight nodded her head, she wouldn't lie to herself and say he was a fantasic kisser, just...inexperienced and, different to what she was used to. She reached up with her hands, starting to fidget with her hair, uncertain what to say next. What should she say? Talk about Grim, her investigation...? Or just, ignoring it entirely for tonight?

    "y-y-yes...I did..."   she answers him quietly, blushing furiously

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  6. The Faunus felt Tehengu's hand on the back of her head, holding her into the kiss as her own grip on him tightened slightly, before she slowly dragged herself away, and even taking a step back. She was less certain of herself now than she'd been on the balcony! Before there was a chance he didn't like her, but after that kiss...She would have to make a choice...why?

    She looked up at Tehengu, and pushed her worries away. She'd worry about the situation with Grim later, for now...she couldn't give herself one night to enjoy herself.

  7. So lost in her own thoughts, Midnight wasn't even aware that Tehengu was preparing for the kiss until she felt his lips on hers, which dragged her back to the real world, and she felt her heart leap! Slowly she started to return the kiss, one of her arms wrapping around Tehengu's shoulders, the other finding itself curled around the archers back as she closed her eyes.

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  8. He was right, and it utterly pissed Midnight off to no small end. Whoever was making these distractions, assuming Tehengu was right in that assessment of the mistletoe and the marks that summoned them, had a perfect distraction. Who would leave a dance like this? Anyone who did, would be noticed in a heartbeat by the summoner instantly...Was this, no, Grim wouldn't do this, was this that women, or another faction?


    Midnight stared up at Tehengu, part of her begging to go and investigate, before stopping herself. If she would leave like this, weaponless and wearing a dress, she'd lose. No, she'd have to give them this round. She silently cursed at herself, they'd won this battle so easily!... She refused to let that happen again.

    "Dammit...dammit, they won..." she hissed, anger growing inside of her at her failure "We can't let them...think T think...How can we get out, I I cant, let them beat me...that can't happen this..easy.." Despite staring right at Tehengu, it would be clear to him that the faunus was so obsessed with her new mission to investigate that she'd blocked everything, including him, out of her mind and, in that, was leaning forwards, her, admittantly light, weigh on him.

  9. The blush didn't vanish from Midnights face, but what Tehengu said...If this was all just a distraction, then...


    That's when the implication hit her, and her cheeks turned bright red! He...did have a valid point, but also that meant...It meant to much. It meant her first kiss to Tehengu, it meant someone wanted a distraction to do something at Beacon! It meant Grim and his allies were on the move, and that meant more than she'd like...

    "P-play along? Someone might be breaking into beacon T, surely...."

  10. Midnight kept up with Tehengu, right until he mentioned the custom with it. That's when her heart stopped dead in her chest. Held in his arms, she just stared up at him, lost for words. What could she say? It was far from her first kiss, that belonged to a certain faunus, but...

    "S-summoning...?" she asked, partly trying to divert his statement away from the first part. She was, conflicted. She was certain she liked T a lot, maybe even loved him, and she knew she still cared about Grim... Why couldn't she only have one, or both but not at the same time!?

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  11. Midnight was many things. A proud soldier of the White Fang for many years, a liar, a traitor, a thief, and also very ignorant to many quips of 'normal society'. The girl, so lost in her internal turmoil after her meeting with Grim, hadn't noticed Tehengu approaching until the archer called out her name, and was blissfully unaware of the mistletoe growing above her head, nor its intended purpose.

    She looked up, following Tehengu's eyes above her, and her first reaction was to frown. That wasn't there when she sat down! And the, circle above it. She didn't recognize it, being unaware of the Schnee family sembalance. If she had known, she might have hunted them down...


    Seeing his hand extended, with some hesitation, she reached out and took it.

    "Whats mistletoe...?" The girl asked as she was being lifted out of her seat "A-and whys it growing there? It wasn't when I sat down..."

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