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Posts posted by Shadowbolt0

  1. 17 hours ago, SymphonicFire said:

    Yeah right...


    Okay I thought about it a little.


    1. We could do something like a professional team that has graduated from Beacon and goes on missions, put together because their original team mates died/didn't want to be hunters or huntresses anymore/got a desk job.


    2. We could finish what we started up to the part where Pyrrha dies in the show (like I previously planned but rushed XD) and the team split up, rejoins again after idk how long because of Ozpin's new body brings them back together and they battle the White Fang and a villain other than Salem...anything other than Salem...


    Anyone else have ideas? If not we can vote.


    I'd be game for either. I know we're all a little hesitatent to be like 'THIS' bc i feel like no one wants to step on the others toes and take clear 'charge'.


    Expanding on idea number 2: We could shift the perspective to be hunting down Adam/Grim and the fang as opposed to gunning for salem? Ngl i would really like to do the fighting festival arc namely bc i'm a sucker for tournament arc driven stories and such (Plus Midnights, umm, thingy that we planned fire i'd love to enact bc i've been loy-key super sad i was never abel to drop the reveal thing we planned). But that's just my personal view on it. 


    Tournament arc into a mini-battle/war agains the fang (Totally no faunus pride/bias here folks)

  2. Midnight growled at Torchwick as he backed away. This human was NOT escaping her! She spots the two Faunus to her sides, and she shakes her head. They had one chance to stop her. They were too late. The cat-Faunus threw herself at the one to her left, quickly disabling them by slashing across their chest. The second fired, but her shield met the attack and stopped the shots dead. Turning to face that other Faunus, shield raised, she used it as a battering ramm, knocking the other Faunus onto the ground. She was confident the blow would disable them.


    She looked over at Slash. Thank the gods he was alive. She frowned as she heard the train start moving. What was the plan here? They had no choice right? They had to stop the train! Grabbing her blade from the ground and placing it on her back. The Faunus looked at the team, with Slash back 'in charge', there was a simply choice. They had to stop this train! "Get a move on!" She said loudly as she sprinted forwards towards the train. Torchwick was not escaping her fangs again! 

  3. The world faded away. The underground area, her team, the professor. The rage of Midnight was focused solely upon Roman. This human, who treated her family like dirt, yet used them for his own purposes! Grimm had a LOT of explaining to do if she ever managed to catch up with him again. Using her second sword to swing, she allowed her rage, all her emotions she typically buries down deep, to flare up. A volcanic eruption of emotions. That was the fuse, but fuel was him not even remembering her. Was she so significant that he forgot! She snarl that escaped her mouth was not human.

    "You arrogant little pest of a human! I told you at the docks, we Faunus don't need you!" She took a hard swing, aimed at his cane instead of him. Even in her anger, she knew she'd have to fight his weapon before getting through to her target. Through gritted teeth, she said much softer, where only those listening closey would hear "After i'm done with you, i'm gunna find a certain wolf and he better damn have my answers" 

  4. It wasn't hard to spot either of them. Slash and...Torchwick. That damn human was here! That meant, the White Fang was here also. She let out a short breath as she checks the blade in her hand, and the hsield in the other. It was time to party. She bit her lower lip. Could she make the distance before Torchwick pulled the trigger on his cane. No. But, there was one thing he could not be prepared for. 


    Midnight took her blade, Judgement, and threw it right at Torchwick. It had enough power behind it to reach him. Using it as a distraction, the Faunus charged and made a wide swing at him. There was clear anger in her eyes. This human, the sight of him, annoyed her. This stupid human was way above his head. The Faunus didn't need his help to liberate themselves! "You! Why is it, everywhere i go, you're here waiting for me!?"

  5. Midnight looked down the hall, even with her Faunus vision, it wasn't easy to see the bottom. She looked around at the 'team', was she meant to say something here? As the most experienced, probably?

    "Simply mission. Go in, find Slash, get out. No heroics, no trying to show off. Do your job, you get out alive" It was the closest she had to care to make, simple, to the point. With that solice, she grabbed onto the rope and went first, using her enhance Faunus Night Vision to spy what was occuring around her. 


  6. Medicine, as Midnight used it, was a bandage for her bleeding shoulder and a long drink of her flask. Of course, she did have something else prepared that currently existed within a needle in her back, but she'd use that when the fight started. It was a 'timebomb', meaning she'd be able to fight non-stop for an hour easily, before passing out or needing another shot. Too many, and well, a heart can only take so much adrenaline. Thankfully, none of them were trying to stop her, because she was on a mission. She had an order, find Slash. She would achieve her mission, or die. As was the fate of a soldier.


    Following Slashs scent, it wasn't hard to locate where he'd gone. A massive hole in the ground, into some cave or something?

    "Found it!" She called out "His scent ends here, by this hole..."

  7. Midnight heard what the professor was saying, and honestly, if she was in a sane state of mind, the Faunus would agree with him. She herself was bleeding, on the verge of passing out and being kept awake by a flask and adrenaline in her veins. Her shoulder had been stabbed and she was certain her vision was starting to blur a little, not to mention that Andrea had also gone through some level of torture, although the extend was unknown to Midnight. 


    The Faunus sniffed Andreas hand, there was was. The scent of a Faunus, it had to be Slash. She was very taken aback to see Andrea at the point of tears, but, well, even she had a weak side. It was a shame Midnights ability to care was limited, otherwise she'd of mocked the girl for it. She turned around, and walked near the professor.

    "I'm certain something has happened to him. He's a Cat Faunus, we don't just get lost on a whim like this. Something, or someone, has him, and i'm going to find him and kill anything that stands in my way professor. You can either come with us, or stay here...I truly don't care which you pick" She would begin a slow walk forwards, heading in the direction of Slash. She could smell him, and she wouldn't lose his scent anytime soon. 

  8. They, split up? And the fact that Slash Wasn't with them wasn't at all a good sign. While the other cat did have many flaws, which Midnight would need a lot of time to list out, he also took full charge of the team. Meaning vanishing wasn't an option. Meaning, he was lost, unlikely, or...something out of his control happened to him. CAt Faunus don't get loss, and if he did. Midnight would make him pay for it, if nothing else, Cat Faunus had their pride dammit! If Slash was worth his ears....

    Still, out of them all, she had the best way to track Slash. After quickly bandaging herself up, and taking a long drink, she walked over to Andrea. Ohh how this would be embarrassing. 

    "Andrea, Slash is missing and, well, i doubt the professor will find him by running around. I know you and Slash hold hands quite a bit, meaning there is a high chance his scent will be on, well...you" Gods this was embarrassing, of all people, Andrea! "J-just, hold out your hand for a bit...A-and i swear, you pull any funny business, i don't care if i'm bleeding, i'll bury you" 

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  9. Midnight was leaning heavily on Tehengu to move, although one swing of her flask later and she seemed able to move under her own steam, sort of. She was struggling, but then, she'd live. And at the end of the day, wasn't that what was important?

    She was falling apart, and would need to bandage up her arm, but for now, she was alive and mobile. And wasn't that important?

    "Wait...where is Slash? Wasn't he with you?" She asked Tehengu. It wasn't like Slash to just vanish when the team was concerned, so where was he?

  10. The cat Faunus was lying on the ground, one hand pressed on her bloodied shoulder as she looked at Tehengu. She saw the shift in him, but if she was honest, she didn't care, couldn't care, in her situation. She was a soldier first... 

    She reached her hand out for her flask, and looked up at Tehengu. This time when she smirked, a little life reached her eyes, but not much. "I'll find 'em later T, right now, i just gota get back on my feet" She said, sighing slightly as she realized how bad she must look to him. Bleeding, torn up and, well, she knew what her eyes did when she was like this. Had many comments back in the Fang camps...

    "If you're worried about me dying and being reckless T, remember what i am. I'm a soldier first, and a soldier accepts the reality that when they put on their uniform, they might be buried in it" Midnight had no intention of dying any time soon, oh no. She had so much to do before she was buried in the ground. She waveed her hand at Tehengu to pass her flask over "Come on, pass me that and lets get going..."

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