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Posts posted by Shadowbolt0

  1. (Puzzle, you just ninja'd me)

    "Pinkie, don't you remember who you're talking to? It's me and Apple Jack, i know you need our help, now more then never. It...It kinda hurts to see you like this Pinkie, i truely does...."

    Rainbow turns and see's the kid Pinkie was with before come out

    "Ummm, i'm probably not the one to say it, cause it's kinda big for Pinkie here...She'll tell you, if she wants to"

  2. Rainbow glanced at AppleJack, partly for getting her attention and partly for calling her 'Dashie'

    "She's..umm, how to put this...She's upset that a large number of us are...getting close, and that noone's taken an obvious interest in her. I'm no good on subjects like this AJ, can you, like...explain this?"

  3. Rainbow ran her hand through her hair "Ohh, yeah..it's that obvioius? Well, we're not actually going out, i don't think...Anyway, look Pinkie, there is someone in that class who likes you, you've just got to be patient"

    'Wow, i sound like a fool, asking Pinkie to wait for something, its like asking me to wait, there are only a few people i'll ever do that do'

    "What i'm trying to say Pinkie is he's in there..somewhere, maybe that kid you were hanging out with before, he looked really concerned when you just ran out like you did....Or..." Rainbow shook her head

    "Just go back in there and do what you do best Pinkie, you'll see someone will be looking at you, i promise"

  4. Just as Pinkie mentions her name, Rainbow Dash enters the classroom with Nova right at her side, both of them had the others hand in their grip as they moved back to where they had been sitting before. Just before they sit down however, Rainbow gives Nova a playful poke in the stomach.

    Her eyes were still slightly red from her crying, but had fully dried up. She didn't even look in the direction of Morning, completely ignoring him.

  5. In case you are still accepting players, I'd like to enter a pair of ponies. Yes a pair, I'd hate to split up siblings. Its a Brother/Sister pair.

    Name: Snow Frost

    Class: Pegasus Rogue- Ranger

    Background: Snow Frost is a caring Pegasus, only having her older brother to look up to after the blight took their parents away. She took an interest in hunting as it was the only way for her to keep wild animals and Darkspawn away from their small camp near stalliongrad. Being the younger of the two, she was attached to her brother and looked towards him for guidance and safety. Snow knew well that if the templars knew of her Apostate brother, they would hunt them down with no remorse. Their decision of not moving with a family friend in the fortress city of Canterlot was both good and bad. The decision was good because the fortress was the home to the templars, avoiding them is their priority. The decision was also bad because they didn't have the proper supplies to make a more fortified camp to defend against darkspawn hoards or raider groups.

    Snow is armed with a homemade ranged weapon akin to a crossbow but was automatically fed new bolts from a cartridge apparatus. The cartridges were made to hold ten sharpened stone-tipped bolts. The actual firing mechanism was taken from a darkspawn Bolter's crossbow and modified to automatically recock itself after firing a bolt, trading off power and range for firing speed. Snow also carried a pair of sharpened daggers, one attached to her 'crossbow' and the other attached to her vambrace on her free hoof. That dagger was equipped to a self-deploying mechanism that allowed the blade to be concealed when not in use and at ready in seconds with the aid of a spring-loaded apparatus built into her vambrace, something that assassins probably carried on them but on a more basic scale than theirs.

    Name: Icicle Frost

    Class: Unicorn Spirit Mage- Apostate

    BackgrMound: Icicle Frost, Snow Frost's older brother and only family left. Being an apostate put his younger sister at risk of being killed by the templars everyday and everynight but the templars weren't their only enemy, Darkspawn, wild animals, raiders, all of them were significant threats to them. He tried convincing Snow to go live with a friend of theirs in Canterlot but she wouldn't leave his side even if she was staring death down eye to eye. She was stubborn but he loved her and cared for her since the third blight, when their parents were killed by darkspawn. They've lived together since then and grown stronger and closer as family than ever. They accepted any aid they could get or use any materials or supplies they could find for themselves.

    Being mage wasn't all that bad, it helped Icicle set magical barriers and traps at night to keep them safe while they rested. His study into the rrestoration arts also came in handy when they got hurt or someone that was hurt came to them. His skills with magic almost became something that others that flee the darkspawn talked about. The talk of his miracles spread to other camps and soon they would have groups of injured refugees or homeless come to seek his aid.

    Icicle is armed with a wooden, iron tipped spear that was etched with miniscule amount of lyrium to boost his natural ability with magic. His family's spells consisted of cold spells but when combined with spirit spells, he could brings ice wraiths or ice golems to aid in their fights for a short time but casting such spells uses a lot of mana, those spells are rarely used and are left only for true emergencies. Aside from being a gifted mage, he's also a bit of a novice enchanter. He's able to add weak cold damage to Snow's stone tipped bolts to add extra damage and a 10% chance of freezing the target.

    That's quite the deadly combo you have there, i can only see hilarites coming from them, but alas. I am a mere assassin who was threatened by having my head slowly cut off slowly by a manpony with a huge sword, so what do i know? :shock:

  6. (This will probably be my last post for the time being until people come back, wouldn't want to fill up a whole page of just me and Shadowbolt with no-one else replying (no offence Shadowbolt you're doing a fantastic job of RP-ing as Dash I'd just want to avoid trouble with the OP about pages of responses with just two people in a group rp.) or maybe a just few more posts but definitely putting a limit on how many posts I make in a posting streak, even if this little scene with Nova and Dash is utterly made of D'awww... :blush: unless Shadowbolt wants to continue this via PMs would be perfectly fine and it would help to avoid the aforementioned problem.)

    Nova smiled and nodded to her warmly as she thanked him for being there for her while finding her blushing absolutely adorable, "Of course, it's no problem Dash. I'm just glad you're feeling better than before" he answered positively while avoiding a direct reference to Morning at risk of upsetting her again. he felt her grip tighten as she pulled closer in the hug while returning the hug he looked up at the clouds and admired the view that the roof give him and Dash during their time as the blue sky and white clouds painted the scenery around them in a magnificent image of calm and tranquil peace as the wind blew around in a gentle breeze, Nova looked back down at Dash and dried her tears away gently as the flow slowed until her tears stopped flowing.

    Nova then blushed heavily as Dash finally answered his question from earlier and hugged her closer feeling that no words would be needed in that moment as they embraced, "Say Dash, if you're ready do you wanna head back to class or stay up here for a bit and just watch the scenery pass by?" He looked back at her asking if she was ready to go back to class or not while obviously concerned that Morning might try to hit on her again but at the same time confident that Dash would be able to deal with him by herself considering what he said to her had made her so angry to literally send him off his feet.

    (Yeah, waiting for the others sounds like a good idea, but we'll contine in PM and when the others come back, we'll just let them guess what happened in the time period)

    Rainbow glances down at the tiles of the roof, and takes a deep breath "I...I don't know, i thought i knew him, knew Morning...but...I just don't know anymore Nova..I'm...I'm slightly scared. Scared of what Morning could do, scared about what my friends'll think we went we go back to the class....I-i just need some time to think..."

    Rainbow slowly breaks the hug so the pair are sitting side-by-side. She then leans in slightly, resting her head against Nova's shoulder.

    Her eyes drifitng from Nova, to the sky all around her, then back to Nova.

  7. Nova silently embraced Rainbow Dash as he rested his head against hers, "Anytime Dash...It hurts to see you this way, just remember...You're not alone, I promise you have the best friends always there for you, your family and...Me. Just remember there's always someone there for you supporting you no matter what through the good times and the bad times if you ever feel like you need a shoulder to cry on I'll be there." he spoke softly as he cradled her in his arms and blushes heavily not caring whoever sees him like this as long as he was with Dash he didn't really care if he got ridiculed for it. Then Nova realised something he hadn't noticed before...While friends came and went he never stayed around long enough or kept in contact with most of his friends because of his fear of socializing with people and getting involved with people's lives, he hated having to pick sides or get involved with personal conflicts or drama between two friends and due to his often kind-hearted nature it was often manipulated during the conflicts. After a particularly nasty drama which devolved into a big fight several years ago he started developing the social barrier he has today using sarcasm as a defence mechanism.

    No, not this time...This is different...That won't happen again. He hugged Dash close pushing his thoughts of fear to the back of his mind, right now...He's got the beautiful Rainbow-haired girl in his arms and some new friends, that's everything he wanted.

    This heart-stopping moment is brought to you by this beautiful song.

    Rainbow felt herself blushing heavily, but it was the last of her concerns. The biggest, and only concern to her is what Nova had just said to her, how he'd stay with her no matter what.

    'So, this is how my friends feel when i'm around? Loyalty is staying by those you trust, no matter what they go through...You'll be right next to them, like Nova is right now'

    "T-thank you Nova....i..i-i would like it, if you'd be there...for me..w-when i need you....."

    Rainbow tightened the grip of her hug, pulling herself closer to Nova as her tears slowly start to subside.

    'He's more than i could have hoped for, and i'm lucky to have met him.....'

    "H-hey? Nova? I'd love to come to that party thing tonight, with you..."

  8. Rainbow felt Nova hug her, and looked deeply into his emerald eyes.

    'He...He knows, that i'm hurt, that i'm crying, and....he doesn't think less of me?'

    She unwrapped herself and hugged Nova back, her head resting against his shoulder as the tears continued to fall.


  9. Dash glanced up, seeing Nova sitting next to her and someone else kneeling on the roof not far behind him.

    Rainbow covered her eyes with her had, trying to hide the fact she had been crying from both of them, mostly Nova.

    'He can't see me like this, he'll think i'm soft...Not as awesome as i claim i am'

    "I-I'm fine..." She brings her legs up and wraps her arms around them, becoming similar to a ball in shape

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