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Posts posted by Shadowbolt0

  1. Dash looks over at Morning, almost shooting daggers out of her eyes "W-what did you just say? I was Your PLAYTHING!?!?"

    Rainbow grabs her bag and puts it on her back, before talking a step forwards and punching Morning hard in the stomach.

    She then throws the table in front of her out the way, leaving her notebook behind, and storms out of the room, pushing violently past anyone in her way. Once out, she flared her wings and took off, flying out of the school building, landing on the highest point of the school.

    It was there were she finally let it out, she cried.

  2. Rainbow glances over at Nova, only to see Morning was there to.

    'What is Morning doing here? And what's he whispering to Nova about?'

    Rainbow decides not to worry about it, probably Morning wanting to ask Nova about the cadets or something like that...

    Looking around the room, she see's the person who was obsessing over a book, and now it looks like a note, and he was blushing..at lot.

    'Well, looks like someone gave someone else a love letter, but with no name...i wonder who did that?'

    Rainbow's eyes almost immeditally shot to someone else, someone she didn't know. (PepperJack)

    Rainbow looked back and forth 'Well, problem solved i guess'

  3. Rainbow simply looks down at her book

    'He is right, if Luna catches me, or us. Pulling any of these off, we'll be toast...He is right, but that would mean all my stuff is wrong, and i hate being wrong...Well, i guess he did save me from Luna, so i owe him that much'

    "T-thank Nov's...I-i owe you one...."

    Rainbow turns a very bright shade of crimson during her thanks, and quickly turns away after doing so

  4. Rainnow glances over at Nova, and giggles slightly "Umm..Nov's? You're kinda, umm, drolling on your book"

    She continues drawing up advanced, hightly dangerious routes in the school area. She glances at Nova again, and couldn't help but blush slightly as she quickly checked his entire body out, before nodding to herself

    'Nova could be worse i guess, he's athletic and appreantly a good flier, very confident. I'll have to just wait and see'

  5. Dash walks into the maths class and sits at the seat at the very back next to the door, throwing her bag on her table and starts looking throught it, waiting for the rest of the class, and of course, Nova.

    Rainbow pulls out a notebook and starts drawing up some flight routines, mostly out of bordem

  6. Rainbow nodds and walks with Nova, mentally thinking the race over to herself

    'Ok, the biggest problem will be endurance, so...i'll have to have a huge start, maybe even try pull a sonic rainboow if things get too close...But that's dangerious, but so is my middle name..Still, he is kinda cute...'

    Rainbow blushes as she glances at Nova, trying to control her breathing

    "Don't worry about me Nov's, worry about yourself when i smash you and finish the race ahead of you"

  7. [colour=#FF0000]"Covering fire has started, chances of arriving at friendly location....84.67%. Chances of making it back to base with teammate, assuming flood ground forces find us...46.00%"[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]"Allelujah, this kind of information is NOt why i asked for an A.I, now tell me something i need to know!"[/colour]

    [colour=#FF0000]"It is believed that the flood didn't orginate from out galaxy"[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]"I hate you sooo much right now"[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Shadow continues his desent towards Devance[/colour]

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