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Posts posted by Shadowbolt0

  1. "I like, light rock and stuff like that. Nothing like, too heavy. What about you? What stuff you into Nova? and for the hook up, i remember this one time, some punk had this thing for Fluttershy over there" Rainbow points at her timid friend "One of the funniest, and saddist things i've ever seen"

  2. Lighting Lane looked out over Ponyville, her job was simple enough, get rid of the clouds entering from the Everfree forest. Sure, given the fact that she wasn't orginally Lightning Lane, and that her name was actually Cryie, she could have been worse off. Having survived the shield blast and inflitarting pony society, she had regretted her posistion in her former military. Lightning glanced into the town, where she saw something that made her slighlty cold.

    "Oh..you've got to be kidding me...Just when i put my old life behind me, after 10 years She shows up"

    Cryie watched at her queen walk in Ponyville

  3. "Wait just a second there Nova, you're a flight cadet? Like, as in the young Equestian military? And professional sword fencer!? That's Awesome!"

    Rainbow couldn't help but kinda be impressed. 'Ok, so he's just another awesome Pegasus, not as awesome as me, but still pretty cool'

    Rainbow slide her bag off her back, and in the seat next to Nova

  4. The pony overlooking the battle grabs his shotgun, before sprinting towards the battle. His A.I arguing with him

    "[colour=#ff0000]I do not believe this is the best course of action, we did, after all, hack a warship. I'm sure the UNSC won't be to happy...."[/colour]

    "Can it Allelujah, we're going in. Just make sure my shields are up"

  5. Name: Criye /Lightning Lane (When Disguised)

    Species: Changeling/ Pegasus (When Disguised)

    Appearance: Grey coat. Silver tail and mane. (When Disguised)

    Cutie Mark: A Lightning bolt coming out of a black cloud

    Story: Criye served in the Changeling military as a scout, nimble and fast. she was one of the changeling responible in helping the queen inflitrate Canterlot. After the magical shield, however, she found himself deep in the Everfree forest. She slowly made her way out, and disguised himself before entering Manehatten. It was there she became a weather pony, and was moved to Ponyville as an assistant. She has been living ther for several years (4 or so), stealing love only when her demand for it was high enough. She has had many years to look back on her actions, and is happy her old life is behind her.

  6. Rainbow looks at someone telling her..something, all Rainbow heard was explosion.

    Rainbow flapped her wings several times, entering the room and and then hovered above the ground, watching something that looks like a bubble slowly becoming bigger.

    She sees Pinkie and rolls her eyes slightly 'Oh course Pinkie wants something to explode on the first day'

  7. Outside school, a cyan blur was flying fast towards it

    "Of course i'm late for my first day, Rainbow Dash, you've got to stop sleeping in so late"

    Rainbow quickly made it to the school, checking her timetable and flying around the school until she finally found the science room.

    Rainbow smirks slightly, hearing someone inside yelling "Come on, come on, POP!"

    Rainbow glances inside, slighlt confused what was going to 'pop'

  8. Suddenly, without any warning from the radio, a barrage of archer missiles smashed into several positions on the ground, places with the highest flood concentration, completely destorying them.

    On a hill over looking the entire base, a single pony sat and watched the chaos, because keying his radio, getting his A.I to hack into the transmissions of the food soliders fighting the flood "Did you like the fireworks?"

  9. Name: Shadow-033(Call-sign: Hawk-eye. Pegasi)

    Age: 21

    Military League: Spartan-2

    Brief Back Story: A Spartan-2, taken from training to become a solo oppertive, working alone without O.N.I survaince or overwatch. Deadly at close range.

    What weapons the pony uses: Shogun, Knife (Elite energy sword if they're available) Pistol, Ma5 (assault rifle)

    Any thing i missed? : Never takes of armor. Armour is heaily moddified, painted black with tinges of red. A.I is called Allelujah, visual is a pony who's body is on fire. Shadow faviore line "The devil is real, and i am his messanger"

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