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Posts posted by Shadowbolt0

  1. After many minutes of not wanting to move, the Faunus crawled out of bed and shimmied across the floor, eventually reaching the shower. Even as the water washed over her, the girl had her eyes closed and she slipped in and out of being aware. One thing was for certain, this cat, was not a morning cat.

    After nearly slipping over due to power-napping, the girl dressed herself up in her usual colour, black, before looking around and finding it. Her shield that she'd asked Grim to drop off. It wasn't anything too special, a kiteshield  that didn't weight much, was pretty damn tough and could block almost anything that was thrown at her. It was coloured white and red, the colours of the Fang, but lacked any symbol of the wolves head, but had the 3 scratch marks painted across it. She tested out the shield, swinging it several times and found it just like before. Of course, she put it under her bed, and opted to simply have one of her blades strapped to her back as she exited the room.


    However, she didn't go to the lunch room like everyone else. No, she headed straight for Ospins office. She wanted answers, and he would give them to her one way or another. General 'stick up his backside' Iron-whatever had answers, and Midnight had questions...And she'd bear them out of him if she had to. Nothing would stop her from getting the answers she wanted, not anymore.

  2. Despite the RUDENESS that was inflicted upon her, a certain Faunus refused to budge from her bed. Once the door was slammed, she stole back her blankets and returned to the curled up mess that was a tired, grumpy cat. She knew that it was unlikely she'd be allowed to sleep once again, but, that didn't mean she had to walk around. When she DID get up, she'd head straight to the office of Ospin. Sure, the general guy said after classes, but she wouldn't fit into his prettily drawn timetable of flowers and sunshine..No, she was a Faunus, and could do Whatever she wanted to do!....

    Right as soon as she felt like getting out of bed, which wasn't now.

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  3. Contrastly to her fellow defender, Midnight had slept like a gem. The style of mission she'd just taken was nothing strange for the girl, in reality it was rather common for her, so after seeing it as nothing more then a physically strenuous night, she'd slept just fine.

    Of course, that sleep was rudely interrupted by the slamming of a door, causing the Faunus ride up and glare out at the bathroom door. She didn't know who it was, but she suspected Andrea, as usual. Being grumpy, the Faunus refused to leave her warm bed, curling up and trying to get back to sleep, or at the last, a cat nap.

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  4. Midnight, after the encounter with the General, had waited outside, explained to Tehengu what happened, walked back with him, then crashed into her bed, curled up, and sleep asleep. As usual as Slash and Tehengu awoke, the Faunus was still worlds deep embraced by sleep, tossing over only a few times and occasionally making an odd murmuring noise each time she did. 

  5. 12 hours ago, SymphonicFire said:

    I wonder why Slash would want to be in a relationship which will definitely be an abusive one

    I don't wanna ruinthe mood, but trust me when I say this.

    It seems all fine and dandy, and the second you escape and look back, you ask yourself why?

    My personal was different, but like, all my friends knew it yet I was ignorant to it. Like, maybe he just doesn't realize it yet.

  6. 'Well, he's not changed. Still a man with a stick up his ass' Midnight would have spoken out loud, but she wasn't certain about confronting her former enemy, after all, the enemy of my enemy, could be a friend. Although, if she was honest, she wouldn't hold her breath. As he left, she found herself confused. Not escorting her out, not even checking to see if SHE was the infiltrator and simply faking to being on his side. So much for the general, he didn't even stay to make sure they'd leave. Placing her sword away, she shook her head.


    "General Ironwood" the Faunus snorted "As clueless as I remember him being" she took a deep breath. Whoever that was, they weren't part of the Fang. Was this attack arranged by Roman...? If so, what for? There was much she didn't know, and she didn't like not knowing...

  7. While Midnight did see the bombs that Andrea unleashed, she Wasn't prepared for the infiltrator to use them against her. The explosion caught the Faunus completely off-guard, shielding her eyes as the explosion threw her backwards into a wall. It hurt, but the Faunus had suffered worse, and forced herself to her feet.

    Snatching up the blade that she'd been forced to drop during the explosion, she would have started searching for Andrea, when someone else walked into the room. And her heart stopped for a mere moment.

    Of course she recognized him. General Ironwood. How could she not, after all, the times she'd heard reports of the General were always the same. 'Lapdog of the Schene family', and that was putting it kindly. She'd never come face-to-face with the general before, although a snide comment she'd left behind after raiding an Atlas train years ago came to mind. Nothing specific, just a bunch of bodies and the words 'Faunus have teeth and claws, don't test us again'. Her biggest question bloomed. What was HE doing here?


    Out of nothing but raw instinct, she aimed her blade at him, standing several metres away. "Andr, stay behind me" she informed her teammate, firing a glare at the general "Either you're here to help the spy, or you're here to check on your security, in which I can already tell you they failed at their job" she informed him bluntly.


  8. While the attack of her opponent was unusual, there was a problem for the infiltrator. Midnight could see the crystals, she could see the path they would take, and therefore dodging them would be no issue for a warrior of her skill! Leaping forwards and dodging out of the original projectile lines, flipping her body to the right of them, reached her blade forwards to strike the left side of her opponent. One hit was what she needed, once blood had been spilled, she could take her.

    In the back of her mind, she wondered what Andrea was doing, but, she had, faith. No, faith wasn't the right word, but Andrea wouldn't betray her, that she knew, and could take satisfaction in that if nothing else.

  9. So their infiltrator made herself known? The mask was an issue, without a face Midnight wouldn't be able to recognise her. But hopefully they caught her before she did whatever it was she was planning. But she did know one thing. This wasn't the doing of the Fang. Was this women working for Torch, or another faction? Without asking she couldn't be sure, yet those were answers beyond her reach. Thankfully, what wasn't beyond her reach was the ability to beat them into a pulp!

    Raising her sword off the ground, she paused for a mere second, wondering if she could try get information out of them talking, before opting against it. Time for words was over, now, time for the Faunus to set out on her mission.


    Midnight charged forwards, leading with her blade aiming right for her opponents limbs. Close range was her domain, no one would take that away from her!

  10. Was she proud of what she did to her parents? Not fully. It wasn’t entirely their fault, But, they were the problems of the entire system, not just the game they played. And they paid for it…Oh they paid for it. Midnight would have snapped at Andrea, but she doubted the Human would understand her plight. Would understand what she had done to survive, and, she realized, she didn’t care for Andreas judgement. Let her do what she wanted, the Faunus would continue down her path regardless.

    She watched Andrea throw in the flash bomb, and covered her eyes, although the sound nearly disabled the Faunus. Armed with her blade, she walked forwards, dragging the tip of her blade against the ground to try and intimidate her opponent. She looked around, but couldn’t see it. And sniffed, but the flash bomb had distorted the smell. No, she’d have to do this manually. She walked straight forwards, not trying to cover herself. She would find this person, and she’d hack them to pieces!

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