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Everything posted by kingpat04

  1. Hey, i'm new here as well, and we have some similar interests, so I figured i'd say hi. Maybe we could end up roleplaying or something later, once I figure out how to use the application system. By the way, if you figure it out and wouldn't mind telling me how to use it, it would be appreciated. And welcome to the site, from someone who joined yesterday.
  2. I do plan to do some RP, but I am having trouble figuring out how to use the RP application thing.
  3. It's the song "Unicorn Raps Faster." It's not the kind of music that I usualy listen to but bronies seem to make everything better you know? So ya...
  4. I believe that it was yelling at cats.
  5. About Myself: Well, I like art and videogames, and I spend to much time on the internet, if you can count that as a hobby. How I found Canterlot.com: It was mentioned by a brony musician that I listen to on Youtube. How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: There was a video on the pbsideachannel on Youtube, that showed all of the brony fan culture, and I thought it was something that I wanted to be a part of, and I was right. My favourite main cast pony/s: Fluttershy I'm looking to meet other fans of the show on here, cause everyone that I know in person, and the internet, seems to dislike, or not be interested. And lately, i've become, what I would call a little obsessed with the show and it's fan culture. So I would realy love to have some people to discuss, or just nerd out about the show with.
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