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Everything posted by Dabom444

  1. Flashbomb smiled back at her. They continued dancing.
  2. Flashbomb And Apple jack danced, Flashbomb looked up and saw that everypony was Having a great time. He held Applejack close as they danced. "Happy Hearts and hooves day Applejack." he said to her. They continued to dance.
  3. Flashbomb and the other Cadets exited the barracks and headed down the hall. "Sorry for cutting you off Marble, I fel sorry for her too. I know what its like to lose your parents, It will take her time to get over it." He smiled confidently at his friend. "Im sure she will be fine." They exited the building. It was warmer than yesterday and the breeze had died down. The cadets flew off to different areas. Flashbomb flew up and over to the end of the runway. He placed his shovel in the snow and started to push it down the runway. It eventually got harder as he went, He pushed the large pile of snow harder. "This is why i hate snow." He quoted to Marble as he pushed.
  4. Flashbomb And Applejack began to dance.He found out that dancing wasnt very hard. And it was pretty fun. He smiled at Applejack as they danced.
  5. Flashbomb heard Hoofsteps outside the barracks. "Showtime." He saId to himself. He slipped on his unifrom and nudged Marble. "Last chance to get up." He said to him. Angel snap entered the barracks.
  6. Flashbomb felt his wings regain their composure. "Yea im just peachy." He replied to his friend. he walked to the window and saw that Angel and several other staff were clearing the skies. "That looks like he is having alot of fun." He chuckled. He streched and looked at Marble. "Get up dude." He nudged Him. He grumbled in response. Flashbomb trotted to his bag and put his headphones on and turned on some music. He sat by the window and watched Angel snapp struggle to smash a ice cloud. Flashbomb chuckled as he watched him.
  7. (you to pal) Flashbomb offered out his hoof to Applejack. They trotted to the town hall. They entered the hall and looked at all of the decorations. Flashbomb glanced to Applejack "Care to dance?" He asked her.
  8. Flashbomb woke up and rubbed his eyes. He yawned very heavily. He slepped for 12 hours. "Ugh man." He whispered as he yawned. He got up off the bed and tried to land but he landed on his face. "OOF!" He rubbed his head. "What in the name of Celestia?" He stood up. He couldnt feel his wings. They were asleep and haging from his sides. He shook himself. His wings stung as the blood flodded back into them.
  9. Flashbomb nodded. "You think so i thought i loked funny cause i dont really do formal things like this." He chuckled.
  10. Flashbomb Was stareing in amazement about how beautiful She was He then realized that he was gawking. "You look Amazing. You.....your the most beautifull mare i have ever seen." he complimented her. She was blushing profusely as he complimented her. He Nuzzled her, and smiled. (sorry bout the late response and the font size.)
  11. Flashbomb walked up to Applejack and Smiled at her. "Y.....you look beautiful." He complimented her.
  12. Flashbomb stood up and saw it was getting late. He trotted to the barracks and hopped up on his bed. "i hope Lyria will be ok tommarrow." he thought. He decided to miss Dinner and sleep through it all so that they could train tommarow. He drifted off to sleep.
  13. Flashbomb looked around at all of the ponies around him. They all looked great in there suits and dresses. He watched as they began to move into the town hall. Flashbomb decided to Trot to Sweet Apple Acres to see if Applejack was ready. He turned around and started to Move when he spotted her walking twoards him. His jaw dropped.
  14. Flashbomb opened his eyes and glanced over to town hall he looked up at the moon in he sky "The party will start any moment now." He thought to himself. He stood up and flew down ot the ground.
  15. Flashbomb bowed farewell to Cadence as she left he sat on the cloud and looked over ponyville. It was quiet in the small town.He breathed in the cool air and decided to Hang out there until the dance started. He looked down and saw Lovinity and another pony talk. He watched as they hugged. He remembered the song that Twilight had sung at the royal wedding. He sang a little verse from it. "Love's in bloom." He smiled warmly as the breeze blew through his mane. (gnight guys)
  16. Flashbomb stared at lighting dust till she was out of view. He looked down and felt guilt for not knowing. He heard Marble say he didnt know either. He shed a tear for lyria. "I...i wish i knew earlier." He whispred. He remembered when he lost his parents along time ago. And now Lyria lost her last one. He looked up to the mare barracks. "That poor mare." He whispered.
  17. Flashbomb noded to the town hall "Its at the town hall i think princess. I think that it will be starting here in awhile." He looked down and chuckled. "Im taking Applejack to the dance and im kinda nervous. I dont know how to dance to well." He looked up at cadence. "I guess she could teach me at the dance." He chuckled.
  18. (lol Cadence can read minds) He smiled at The Princess he bowed to her. She was Royalty and he was just a Stallion so he had to show respect. He sat back and sighed. "Not every Day i can speak to royalty." He chuckled. He was nervous and watched his step this was the first time he spoke to a Princess, He hadnt even spoken to Princess Celestia. He didnt want to step on the wrong tile. "So how is the crystal Empire? I heard its a beautiful place." He said to her.
  19. "The names Flashbomb Pleasure to meet you." He already knew her from the wedding. He had some dark memories of that day. But he shook them off and smiled. "Hows shining Armor?" He asked her after they finnished shaking hooves.
  20. Lightning dust looked over her shoulder and shook her head. "Nothing sir." she trotted on.
  21. Flashbomb sat there on a cloud and watched cadence give lovinity the element of love. They discussed a couple of things and then lovinity left. He watched her go, then he looked up at Discord "What in the name of Celestia is that?" He thought to himself. He nodded to Cadence And smiled "Hello princess, what a lovely day were having." He chuckled. He wiped his suit dry. He wondered how Applejack was. He looked over the clouds to Sweet Apple Acres. (Darn it Discord your to fast)
  22. Lightning dust was outraged She slammed her hooves on the table. "That poor mare just had everything she held dear talken from her! How dare you think that i did anything to her! I tried to comfort her! She lost her parents!" She got up and snorted at him She started to trot out of the mess hall. "You stallions are all the same! you cant get it through your thick skulls!" She stormed off. Flashbomb watched Angel trot off. He was still trying to piece everything together when he heard lightning dust yelling at marble. He watched hr in bewilderment as she raged. She stormed off. "She just lost her parents?" He said to marble. He sat down with dissbelief. He looked over to marble and patted him on the back. He then stared after Lightning dust as she stormed away.
  23. Flashbomb Walked outside. it was showering lightly. "Huh why is it raining? Shouldnt some pegasus get on that?" He said. He then saw a filly run by with tears flowing from her eyes. He was concerned and decided to folow her. His suit should be fine, it was justlight rain. He unfolded is wings and flew up and then followed her.
  24. Lightning dust watched as lyria ran out of the room. She had tears running down her cheeks. She trotted slowly back to the table and sat down. Flashbomb was confused. He looked at marble and back to lightning dust. "What in equestria happened to her?" He was left in the dark, he was the only one who didnt know anything. He looked concerned beyond belief.
  25. Lightning dust looked down at the table and wanted to say something. she didnt want to get in trouble for eavesdropping but she wanted to tell her. "I....I eavesdropped on your conversation. And i saw the letter you recieved." She felt Angel's gaze on her. "im...Im so sorry for your loss. I ..I couldnt imagine what you are going through." She stood up and trotted overto her. She hugged her. She began to tear up. " I dont know what its like to lose your parents. Im so sorry." She choked out. she felt bad for her. Flashbomb trotted to the barracks door and opened it. "Man sitting around all day is so boring." He trotted to the mess hall to see if her friends were still there. He saw lightning dust huging lyria and she was crying."Now whats this about?" He said to himself.
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