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Posts posted by Dabom444

  1. Shield using girl raised an eyebrow at his movement and chuckled.

    " alright here we go."

    With unbelievable speed she picked up her shield and slammed it on the ground in front of her. This sent a large rivet of ice blasting out of the ground in spikes. The dust infused attack shook the ground. I made a beeline straight for him in an attempt to make him jump up into the air or move to the side so she could attack again.

    Sent from my A521L using Tapatalk

    Sent from my A521L using Tapatalk

  2. The girl smiled back at her opponent. "Diamond is a very nice name kind of ironic though because I'll break you like a board."

    She smiled and shrugged "just kidding may the best fighter win."

    It was then that her shield appeared the massive tower shield that was taller than she was. the sculpture of a bull frothed ice fog.

    Holding it to the side deactivated her semblance. Unseen to the eye several layers of shield covered her body.

    Sent from my A521L using Tapatalk

  3. Aisha watched the battle unfold. The white fang were trying to fight a battle that she was sure they couldn't win. Not that she doubted her fellow Faunus, it was just they were fighting against much stronger foes than themselves.

    She opened her bag and reached inside. Finding a mask made of pure white silk and placing it on herself before switching her hoodie to thet of a black color. She zipped it up and threw the bag over the edge of the building to hide her normal clothes.

    Now that she was disguised she took out her shield and turned it on. The massive beast of a wall shield unfirled and hit the ceiling with a hard thud.

    She placed fire dust inside of it. Changing its element and laying it down on the ground where she stood. She even switched the bull to a normal flat shield with a click of a few buttons so she could be a inconspicuous as possable.

    Aisha walked to the edge of the building and gauged her targets. Once she found her allies she activated the shield. The metal glowed in a large glyph and fired off a massive round of fire artillery down at her foes. The fireball arced and then burst into several dozen smaller dust rounds as they hit the battlefield in many small blasts.

    Upon firing she didn't even check to see if she hit. Instead she grabbed her shield and leapt to another roof before running and repositioning.

    Ejecting one canister of fire dust she sighed. "Hate this element so much. Gotta be as anonymous as possable though I suppose." She sighed as she loads another fire canister and stands to gauge her targets again.

  4. Aisha watched the situation evolve. Torchwick had his companions surrounding one of the one girl as she held him hostage. She glanced to Silver as she formed a spear. She had no objection to his move until he put it away and said he was sorry.

    "Sorry? For what?" She asked before she was pushed off the building!! She squeaked and grit her teeth before she landed on something. She watched him with a growl.

    "You pushed me off a building!? Why not say, Aisha! Hop off the building?" She squeaked as they flew off. When she landed on the building she growled. "Pick me up, throw me off buildings. Fantastic." She huffed.

    She walked to the edge of the building and watched the scenes down below. She crouched and narrowed her eyes. Waiting for what was to happen next.

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