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Posts posted by Dabom444

  1. Silver Withdrew his question when he heard Fluttershy chatting away about the animal Shelter. He turned his gaze to her as she Squeed about it, She seemed to want everyone there to come. Yes it seemed like a great idea, but Silver never really saw himself having an animal of his own. He watched Steel take a folder full of fliers and walk away. Why did he do that? He should have talked to her more.

    He Heard the bell ring once more signaling the last 10 minutes of lunch.

    He got up and smiled to Scribble, [colour=#A9A9A9]"Sorry but i have to start getting ready for Gym. We will talk more later yes?" [/colour]He said to her.

    He turned to Fluttershy and walked over, He smiled to her and took a Flier. [colour=#A9A9A9]"This sounds like a fantastic idea Fluttershy. I will be sure to stop by and Help out. Maybe i could adopt an animal of my own. As well i will bring Some others if i can." [/colour]He said to her while holding the flier in hand. He placed the flier in his back pack before turning away. But before he walked away he turned his head slightly, [colour=#A9A9A9]"Just so you know............Steel likes you.....just FYI....." [/colour]He said in a more quiet tone before walking away.

    He was about to leave when he spotted a Pepsi machine. He tossed a quarter into it and recieved a can. He popped it open before continuing on. He drank it and let out a satisfied ahhh. The day was still young.

  2. Silverbolt nodded, [colour=#A9A9A9]"Nice to meet you....Im Silverbolt." [/colour]He said shaking her hand. He Looked back to Steel to see how things were going. As usual.....good..... He Turned back to Scribble, [colour=#A9A9A9]"So what are your intrests if you dont mind me asking." [/colour]He said to her with a warm smile.

  3. Silver Glanced over to Steel and winked slightly at his Angry remark. He Looked to see who sat next to him, it was One of the girls from earlier. She was eating a piece of what seemed to be coal. [colour=#A9A9A9]"Nothing....just listening in thats all." [/colour]He said in a quieter tone Trying not to have steel hear. He smiled to her, [colour=#A9A9A9]"Where is your friend?"[/colour]

  4. Silverbolt had finnished his meal and had nodded to Steel as he said that he and Deus should make up for their differences. He didnt realy intend to do so until later. He Watched Steel go and talk to fluttershy while The two girls from before Floundered about around the kitchen. He got up carrying his tray with him and Dumped the left overs into a trash can. He Turned around before running into someone. He let out a surprised oomph before falling to the ground. He rubbed his face and looked up. "Im so sorry.....are u ok?" The person asked. He noticed the person he had run into was Cloud Chaser from Biology. He nodded to her while still rubbing his chin. She laughed and helped him to his feet. " Are u sure?" She asked Him once again.

    [colour=#A9A9A9]"Yea im ok.....Thanks Cloud Chaser.....Sorry for that." [/colour]Silver bolt chuckled.

    Cloud Chaser smiled to him "Well ok if your sure.....So whats up?"

    [colour=#A9A9A9]"Nothing much really, just finnished eating and watching Steel talk to Fluttershy....thats about it." [/colour]Silverbolt replied.

    Cloud Chaser looked over to Steel and Fluttershy and nodded. " Maybe they will get to like eachother eh? Well anyways sorry about that. I gotta go talk to Flitter. Talk to you later!" She said as she walked away.

    Silverbolt felt butterflies float in his stomach. What was up with him today? He couldnt place it. He Looked to Steel and Fluttershy, he decided to Sit nearby and Listen for a few moments. He knew better than to Eavesdrop but he had nothing better to do.

    He Sat down at the far end of the table and began to listen in.

  5. ( I can no spell.....See!?)

    Silver looked to Steel as he was given the 20 dollars. He smiled at him once again, [colour=#A9A9A9]"Hey thanks man, I owe ya." [/colour]He said as he turned to go get another meal.

    Deus had Stood at the other end of the room he had been beaten and his pride was hurt. He didnt bother to look at anybody (Anypony). He kept his gaze low. Why did he turn out this way? Maybe Silver was right after all.

    He looked up to Steel when he Said no hard feelings and Handed him 50 dollars to buy a few more cards. He looked at Steel for a few moments then took the Money as a Good gesture. [colour=#0000FF]"Hey.....um thanks.....It wont totally replace the card but.....It will help.......Tell silver im sorry for me will you? Coach is waiting for me." [/colour]He said giving Him a bro fist. He turned and walked out of the cafeteria.

    Silver had returned to his seat. He sat down and began to eat the sloppy joe he had bought with the money Steel had given him. He Liked Steel, he was kinder than others. He Wiped his mouth with a napkin before Getting a look of A girl with Cyan skin and Rainbow hair. She was Kicking a soccerball along while tossing a football in the air. He watched her for a few moments, He smiled when she nodded to him. He looked back down at his food. Did he have a crush on her? He hadnt even seen her for more than 4 seconds and he already liked her. He brushed it off and continued to eat.

  6. (omg....this took off like wildfire. Serves me right for sleeping.)

    Silverbolt had mostly stayed quiet during the whole class. He had written down several notes and had done the small assignment that Discord had given them. He had overheard alot of Chatter between A girl named Scribble and Winter. Then out of the blue Scribble had gone up and wrote a Equation. How in the world did she know that he did not know but it made his head hurt. After her dissmissal He Went back to his writing, he began to find himself drawing now on a seperate piece of paper. He had Drawn myth Creatures, he Drew a cyclops, Giant, And A Pegasus....... A pegasus. He held up the paper and examined it Closely, why did he feel a connection to the Creature? He watched the paper for a while Before their papers were called back to the front. He handed his paper up and rested his head on his hand. He listened as Scribble was dragged from the room by winter. He laughed slightly and the silliness. He looked to Steel who seemed red with embarrisment. He had some sort of crush on the girl with Pink hair. Fluttershy was it? Before he could ask the bell rang to which he cursed under his breath. He grabbed his backpack and put his Grey Hoodie with a Silver lightning bolt on. He grunted walking out of the room. His Class went better than he expected. He continued to walk down the hall until he Found himself In the Cafeteria. Their were a good ammount of people there, most were just Conversing. He looked around trying to find someone but all of his friends were off doing their own thing. He rolled his eyes, Alone again.

    He Walked through the chairs and tables till he got to the lunch line. He grabbed a tray, he tapped a steady rythym until he got to the front of the line. He put his tray on the slider and grabbed items as he went. Sloppy Joes seemed to be the meal of the day today. He smiled as he grabbed his food, he was starved. After awhile he walked to a table nestled somewhat in the middle and sat down. He began to eat, taking in the buzzing of the room around him. He wondered if he would be joined by someone until he heard footsteps.

    [colour=#0000FF]"So now your here in my seat." [/colour]Deus spoke to Silver as he placed his tray next to him.

    Silver kept to himself not even responding.

    [colour=#0000FF]"Uh.....Hello! Your in my seat! Buzz off." [/colour]Deus chimmed.

    Silver got up and turned to him.

    [colour=#A9A9A9]"Deus cut the bully act. Your no bully." [/colour]

    Deus grunted and looked around the room, A few people were looking. He had to keep a reputation up.

    He took Silverbolt's Plate of food and flipped it sending food crashing to the floor. A few people stopped listening and looked over.

    Silverbolt became slightly Annoyed again. [colour=#A9A9A9]"That was uncalled for, i was looking forward to eating that." [/colour]He said.

    [colour=#0000FF]"And what are you going to do about it?" [/colour]Deus mocked. He placed his hand of Silverbolt's shoulder.

    Silverbolt whipped his and sideways knocking his grip clean off with intense speed. Deus yelped slighly holding his hand. Silverbolt had taken some self defence courses and had Improved with his speed of his reflexes. He stepped forward looking at Deus. [colour=#A9A9A9]"Leave me alone Deus.....I didnt do anything to you......The past is done.....Go away." [/colour]He said.

    Deus gulped and looked around the room. Several were giggling, he had lost and he knew it. He swallowed his dammaged pride and ran off.

    Silverbolt sighed, he looked back to his ruined meal before picking it up. He sat it back on the table and sat back down. He leaned his hand on his Chin. His stomach growled.

  7. Silverbolt looked to Steel as he took matters into his own hands. He stopped and watched him confront Deus, He Mumbled under his breath.

    Deus Was Going through his things when He felt A strong grip on him. He looked over to see Steel staring straight At him. He Had Known Steel, and had Competed with him in sporting events. He never spoke to him though and was Surprised by the sudden Hostility. [colour=#0000FF]"I......I dont know.....He Is......well.......He ripped one of my prized possesions......back in 6th grade......" [/colour]He said with a stammer.

    Silverbolt listened to Deus as he Crumbled slightly under Steel's Grip. [colour=#A9A9A9]"In 6th Grade.....A baseball card......I didnt mean to and it wasnt that valuable anyway. You havent let it go yet Deus." [/colour]He said to him.

    Deus Knocked Steel's Grip from him quickly and looked to Silverbolt. [colour=#0000FF]"My father gave that to me man......Show some respect....." [/colour]He said to Silver.

    [colour=#A9A9A9]"I said i was sorry." [/colour]Silver said.

    Deus rolled his eyes, [colour=#0000FF]"Sorry isnt enough.......You tore it and it was the last thing i had of him." [/colour]He said to Silver, obviously hurt. He looked to Steel, [colour=#0000FF]"I would watch Who you pick to be your friends Steel. He isnt Trustworthy with anything. The card wasnt the only thing that i lost. I bet he took them just to get to me. Thats why i cant Get over it." [/colour]He said.

    Silver groaned [colour=#A9A9A9]"This again Deus? I didnt steal anything from you. You are so dissorginized, You lost them." [/colour]He said to him.

    Deus Growled slightly, [colour=#0000FF]"A Whole Book of Trading Instants and Other valuable Paper work does not just dissapear Dude. My dad was a Great salesperson and You knew that man! That book held some very valuable papers that could be worth thousands is gone. The last time i saw it was when you came over that night in 6th grade. You took them! Your dad never got along with mine and you did something." [/colour]He Accused him.

    The bell rang again signalling tardies

    Silver rolled his eyes, [colour=#A9A9A9]"Great we are late...... I dont know Deus, you Lost the book, i didnt take it. But you dont seem to believe me." [/colour]He said adjusting his back pack.

    Deus snorted, [colour=#0000FF]"Whatever man.....i still dont forgive or trust you.....i gotta go to class......" [/colour]He said bumping Steel out of the way and jogging off down the hall.

    Silver watched him go, [colour=#A9A9A9]"He never got over his Dad.....He was a Role model to him.......Well anyways lets get going....we are already late as it is....." [/colour]He said as he waited for the others.

  8. Silverbolt felt a hand on his shoulder, he turned his gaze to Whomever it was to see it was Steel. He smiled to him then sighed.

    [colour=#A9A9A9]"Deus is still caught in his own little world. He will get better. I dont know what his game is but its been going on forever. Never mind him though, How are you Steel? Going to Physics with Discord?" [/colour]He said to his friend. He looked over to see the two girls moving along with them. He raised his eyebrow at The one who was being dragged. [colour=#A9A9A9]"I see youve made some friends." [/colour]

  9. Silverbolt Walked down the hall of Canterlot high. He Had been doing so for the past 3 years and now it was his last. He Was a Shorter built young man with a spiked Silver Hairstyle. His Grey eyes looked around at the various students that had Gone about their Buissiness as usual. He Didnt mind Being Alone for the most part, he had made some friends here and there and Had gotten a good handhold as One of the fastest runners in his Class. He wasnt an athlete though and didnt Try out for to many sports during his Years there.

    He Looked at his watch, it was almost Time for Physics, he Didnt want to be late. He Continued to Walk down the hall, he took a left and ran into Someone. A Taller Person by the name of Deus. Silver didnt get along with Deus at all because he was such a Jerk at times.

    [colour=#0000FF]"Watch where your going Shrimp, Do that again and i will have to Throw you in a locker like freshman year." [/colour]Deus Threatened Silver as he turned around to face him.

    Silver sighed, He didnt have time for this. [colour=#A9A9A9]"Deus i Really have to be to class, step off the tough guy act will you? Your still mad about me Accedently Breaking your baseball card in the 6th grade? It wasnt worth much in the first place." [/colour]He responded.

    Deus Laughed a bit then Stopped. He hadnt really thought to much about it till now. He looked down at Silverbolt, the Greyish Skinned Man Stood looking up at him.

    Deus Sighed and rubbed his neck, His yellow hair getting in his eyes. It Was always getting in the way and Had grown down to His Athletic coat.

    [colour=#0000FF]"You know what Silverbolt, Give me a dollar and i will let you off with a warning eh?" [/colour]He said finnaly, He held out his hand.

    Silverbolt groaned and Rummaged through his jean pockets until he Recovered one of his dollars. He handed it to Deus slightly with Annoyance. [colour=#A9A9A9]"Guess i will never know when your gonna drop the whole " Im a bully" Act and Forgive me for such a little thing." [/colour]Silverbolt said rolling his eyes. He began to walk past Deus, whom of which turned around and watched him go.

    [colour=#0000FF]"Yea! Uh......Get going! I showed you!" [/colour]Deus called. Silverbolt turned the corner again. He let out a slight sigh. Deus wasnt to bright and quite frankly what did he have to gain from the bully act other than to mess with him?

    He Continued to walk watching the hall infront of him as He passed room after room. He wondered where some of his friends Were. Sunray was in Gym, Midnight Glow was hanging out by the Cafeteria, And Steel Soul was......Well he didnt know where he was half to time. He kept walking not paying any mind to anybody and was focused on his thoughts to Notice he walked past Steel and two girls, one of which was being dragged.

  10. Spitfire Glanced to Time and Diety. Diety Didnt Seem to pleased by Their choice. She felt slightly Saddened for him and Wished she could soothe Him but knew there was no way to possably calm him. She felt tears still strolling down her face as she looked at Everypony around her. [colour=#FFD700]"Thank you.....All of you......Im sorry for this choice but We have to try. If we dont we will All perish." [/colour]She said to them all. She felt herself choke up when Carmus Had given his final word. She looked down at his hooves, the stone glew brightly under them. She looked up to him and nodded. The world shook once again and the shield began to Burn away as the intense Blast overtook it. The world flashed a bright yellow as the heat flared into the area under the shield.

    [colour=#800080]"YOUR OUT OF TIME! DO WHAT YOU HAVE TO NOW!" [/colour]Twilight shouted. She jumped Inbetween the other ponies besides Spitfire and Carmus. She activated a defence shield around them to protect them for whatever was to come. She then charged her spell to shoot at the beacon. Awaiting Spitfire's go.

    Spitfire looked at the others as the temperatures rose, She began to feel Her Fur singe as it grew hotter and hotter. [colour=#FFD700]"Goodbye everypony." [/colour]She said. She looked to Carmus and Then to the stone, She Activated the rock and it Flashed bright blue. It then surged energy through Carmus and her. She felt A tingling Burn within her as They were Severed from The others. She felt her heart jump as it Took the shock of the dissconnection. She looked to Twilight and nodded.

    Twilight charged the spell and fired it. She held the shield up and let the beacon Activate. The spell hit it and it flashed Bright green. It began to Surge energy left and right then it Flashed again, This time bright red.

    Spitfire felt her Muscles tense as it began to Drain her. She gritted her teeth as the immence pain Surged through her. She leaned on Carmus for a moment before struggling to Stand on her own. She looked to Carmus through Slightly blurred Vision. [colour=#FFD700]"Carmus.....I want you to Never forget.....That i Love you.....And our Children.....You were the best decisions i have ever made in my entire.......life." [/colour]She said through tough breathing. Then she felt the Beacon Spear them both with An Incredible Burst of energy. She Cried out in pain as it Drained her even more. Her Muscles gave out and she Collapsed to her knees. Her Heart rate soared, she felt all the pain that She and Carmus shared. She Looked to him once more. Her vision now red and Blurred. She couldnt breath anymore, Visions of Their lives together rolling through her mind. The time they met at the Academy, Him proposing to her, Their wedding and the Happiness she felt when Everypony cheered, Her Training to become a Raptor and how Carmus helped her through it all. Then her visions flashed to When they stayed at Sweet apple acres, They lay on the grass cloud Watching. She had pointed several out that looked like flowers and other such things. That day was one of the best she had with him, Just the 2 of them together. She looked up to him and Landed a final kiss, she held it until her Muscles surged again. She hugged Carmus as her Last drops of Life Fell from her. She Cried out one more time before she fell to the ground on her side.[colour=#FFD700] "I love you......" [/colour] She watched Carmus for a few more moments before her eyes closed forever.

    The beacon Rumbled as it Finnished Carmus and Spitfire off. It Began to Glow a gold colour. Twilight shot another spell that deactivated the draining effect. The beacon Rumbled and shot a gold beam up into the skies above. The Shield began to grow in power as the Life essence bolstered it. Time would only tell if it worked.

  11. (Ok im gonna end it, One more post then it will be the last one. Stick with me for one last ending pwease! :( )

    Spitfire Ran through the Streets as it all came apart. Ponies Screamed in utter fear as their once proud city fell, Years of Reconstruction lost to the blasts. Spitfire dodged left and right as pieces of buildings fell. She felt a Flash of Flame hit her singing her fur and Mane. She kept running through the pain. She Saw a few Raptors helping a group of Civillians along to evac raptor transports. The entered and began to take off when debris hit it. It spun around and exploaded not far from where it landed. She cursed and kept running.

    The beacon was in sight now. It flashed and flared as it struggled to Keep itself powered. And noneother than Twilight Sparkle was there trying to fix it all. She turned around, desperate tears rolled from her face. [colour=#800080]"I cant do anything! Its all In shambles! I should have done more!" [/colour]She cried. Spitfire ran up to her panting hard, she was beaten up but still able to move. She loked around for Time but didnt see him anywhere. [colour=#FFD700]"[/colour][colour=#FFD700]What are we to do Twilight!? We cant let it all Be for nothing!" [/colour]She shouted. Twilight shook her head, she turned around facing the failing beacon yet again. She casted spell after spell on it with no Results. She began to hyperventilate. [colour=#800080]"I DONT KNOW OK!? WE ARE ALL GOING.......I CANT DO ANYTHING!" [/colour]She shouted. Spitfire's mind raced as she tried to think. She thought that there could have been a better solution than what she had in the back of her mind. She thought there would be more ponies to bolster the shield, something to help it so it would hold it all back. She turned to Carmus, [colour=#FFD700]"Carmus.....I just dont know what to do now......All i can think of is Life." [/colour]She said to him. Twilight looked to her with her frantic tears pouring from her. The building shook again as another blast from Xelon Glassed the world around them. The Shield deactivated for a moment Burning them with Emmense heat before it Flared back on. It wouldnt hold. [colour=#800080]"Your not saying....." [/colour]She said to her. Spitfire looked to her with a Unhopefull look. [colour=#FFD700]"There is no other way. Life brought the shield up, it will bolster it to Protect us all." [/colour]She said.


    Spitfire began to cry now. [colour=#FFD700]"I know that Twilight! But if we dont try we all die anyway! Two thirds of the pony population is gone by now! Everything around us is gone Twilight! The gryphons, the Dimond dogs, the hydras, Everything is gone besides this small area under the shield! WE HAVE TO TRY!" [/colour]She shouted. The world rocked again as a large tower smashed the ground nearby them. The shield flashed as its last power surge took hold. [colour=#800080]"Fine........I cant stop you...." [/colour]She said.

    Spitfire kept her gaze for a few moments. [colour=#FFD700]"How much life force will it need to Keep up?" [/colour]She asked.

    [colour=#800080]"With all of it.......2......" [/colour]Twilight mumbled.

    Just then the room grew bright. An etheral pony Apeared out of thin air. Spitfire looked to it with shock, What was it doing here? Before she could ask it spoke in a faint tone. [colour=#A9A9A9]"Do not be alarmed, i bear a message from The guardians of Caelum.....The halls grow heavy with many souls, the world burns around you. This is a large Sacrifice that you are willing to take. I bring you one item.....a stone that will split your soul essence from Time, Shimmer, and The Demon." [/colour]He said as he held the rock out. it Glew brightly, Spitfire took it and held onto it. She looked up to the Etheral pony again. [colour=#A9A9A9]"Make your choice, For there is no turning back after it has been made." [/colour]It said before it faded away.

    Spitfire looked to Carmus, the world shook again. Xelon had finnaly fully errupted, the blast was coming in. [colour=#FFD700]"Carmus....i dont want to ask you to do this if you dont want to...... its your Life essence.....Our children.....Vel....Flash.....I just dont know.....Its your choice....." [/colour]She said to him. She looked at him for a few moments. She awaited his responce.

  12. Spitfire felt Carmus pick her up. She leaned slightly on him supporting him at the same time. The shield above flashed left and right as it faultered more and more.[colour=#FFD700] "Y.....yea.....Kinda does huh?" [/colour]She responded to Carmus She heard Time spinner yell from a long distance away. (Gonna say the beacon is in Canterlot ya?) Due to the connection between them all had grown stronger she could hear time if he shouted hard enough.

    Spitfire flapped her wings flying up to the City. She landed looking around at the destroyed Metotropolis in Dissbelief. Large debris rained from the Towers above. She glanced to Carmus and ran forward through the Crumbling passageways. they were not far now.

  13. Spitfire let her tears fall from her, she had gotten to know him so well. The Kids had considered him part of the family, they had all gone to dinner a few times, they had So many memories. He was a great friend to her. The world Shook again as the Flames Scrapped at the Shield. She peered back to Carmus as his hoof landed on her shoulder. She stared at him for a few moments before Letting more tears fall. She nodded to him when they said they needed to go. She let out a shakey sigh before she closed Horizon's eyes. [colour=#FFD700]"G....Goodbye.....Horizon...." [/colour]She said in a sad tone. She got up trotting to the edge, Rocks and debris fell through the shield. They plummeted down burning as they went. They struck the ground making a artillery like sound. She Watched as her world Fell apart. [colour=#FFD700]"Lets go. Cant waste anymore time." [/colour]She spoke. They took off from the land, Flying past falling Boulders and Explostions. She shot downwards to The Beacon Core. She needed to think of something to Stop all of this.

    Just then a weight hit her in the back. She cried out as she plummeted to the ground below. She hit the ground with a loud Thump. She rolled on the ground Gritting her teeth. She Struggled to her hooves looking to see what hit her. A Large Piece of What seemed to Be a tower had Grazed her. It lay not far away, it was larger than She. She looked off in the distance. Canterlot was in flames. The exact image she saw when she was ressurected. Towers fell, It seemed like history was repeating itself. She Felt pain in her right Front Foreleg. She looked to see it Sprained. Carmus was going to feel that as well. She looked up to Him [colour=#FFD700]"I think im alright! We need to Go" [/colour]She yelled. She started at a limping pace to the beacon.

  14. The Building Rocked hard As a large typhoon of sound and noise overtook it. Spitfire Tumbled slightly at the sudden shock. She got to her hooves, the end was here. She didnt know what to do, what to say. She whipped her gaze to Horizon, [colour=#FFD700]"WE NEED TO MOVE!" [/colour]She shouted to Carmus and Horizon.

    Horizon nodded and ran to the door. Spitfire followed close behind hoping Carmus would follow. The door opened and the guard whom guarded Her children ran in [colour=#ADD8E6]"Commander Spitfire! The world is being torn apart!" [/colour]He shouted. Spitfire nodded [colour=#FFD700]"As though i didnt know! Listen to me, I need you to find a safe place for Vel and Flash! Find a bunker or shelter! Anything at all!" [/colour]She commanded.

    She looked to Vel and Flash, She knew they would object 100 percent to this. She knelt down, [colour=#FFD700]"You two Will be fine i promise, Whatever happens, stay with the guard. Dont leave his side do you understand? We will be back for you i promise!" [/colour]She said to Them. She hugged them both, [colour=#FFD700]"You two make me so proud, you make us so proud. We couldnt ask for better children in the world. I need you to be brave, Dont look back and keep running with the guard. I love you." [/colour]She said to them as she released Them. She had tears rolling down her cheeks. She Smiled to them before nodding to The guard. The guard saluted and led Vel and Flash away.

    Spitfire watched them before she ran after Horizon. They rounded the corner and burst out of the exit. The Skies were red with fire and smoke. The shield Crackled and popped under the extreme heat, and it wasnt the main Blast. The Rocks from mt Xelon Fell against the shield, each hit Caused the shield to shake and flare. It wouldnt hold long.

    Spitfire heard over the comms around the base, The world around the shield was dissapearing. Yells of help cried over the radio frequencies as Xelon Erupted. One by one the coms went dark, Spitfire grunted at the losses they were sustaining. Evac raptors flew into the shield badly damaged from the Outside land. One of such Exploaded losing its main engine. It fell Into the grounds below.

    Horizon nudged Spitfire, [colour=#008000]"Lets get a move on! We need to Get to the Beacon! Time might be there along with shimmer!" [/colour]He shouted as he ran for The edge of the landing strip. The world rocked again as more torrents took hold.

    Then a loud Screeching noise screamed through the air. Spitfire covered her ears trying to shield them. She opened her eyes to see A large rock had torn through the shield. She Saw it plummet straight for them. She Shot off into Carmus to get them out of the way. The rock hit the land mass causing it To Shift and crumble. They rolled on the ground, everything flashed white for a few moments before Spitfire's Gaze regained. She gazed around to See the land that the Academy once stood on was Cut down to little more than a small island. She looked to see Horizon laying a short distance away. Spitfire Cried out in dismay As she ran to the Raptor. [colour=#FFD700]"Oh my stars! Horizon!" [/colour]She Cried. She rolled him onto his back, He looked up at her. He was in poor shape. Spitfire tried to Do something, anything. She looked helplessly at her friend as he looked back up at her. [colour=#008000]"G.....Ge.....Get to the beacon....Save......." [/colour]He choked. His gaze lulled off and stared into the burning skies above. Spitfire Cried out in Sadness. Horizon was gone.

  15. Spitfire trotted with Carmus down the hall. She kept silent as they neared Horizon. When they finnaly reached him she spoke.

    [colour=#FFD700]"Whats the matter Horizon? Why the message?" [/colour]She asked with a tilt of her head.

    Horizon turned to her from a large map that glew faintly. The map showed all of Equestria. The bubble around the 3 cities, Aquillis and what seemed to be a large black cloud around the bubble. He sighed. [colour=#00FF00]"Its not good. The Crimson company is behind all of this." [/colour]He said to them. He brought a file from a cabinet beneath the table. He opened it showing the contents to Them. [colour=#00FF00]"It seems their motives have all been achieved. The eruption of Mt Froth was just a cover. We recovered this intel from a crimson band whom strayed to far from Aquillis." [/colour]He said to them.

    Spitfire looked at the papers, she Read much of the writing then looked up to Horizon. [colour=#FFD700]"What do you mean cover? They were wiped from the planet with the eruption." [/colour]She said to Horizon. She now was feeling fear boil inside her.

    [colour=#00FF00]"Well yes....But its what they had planned. Remember the battle of Canterlot 5 odd years ago?" [/colour]Horizon asked.

    Spitfire felt her gut sink. The battle that claimed Flashbomb, Velocity, Argon and so many others. She nodded keeping her gaze on him.

    [colour=#00FF00]"Well......When the peace agreements and alliances with the gryphons took place the group had been formed as a rebellion against it. They had set up shop in Aquillis covered by the soot and Siesemec activity. They hadnt just been preforming Sabotage to our Country but something darker. The darkness hadnt been all eradicated with the elements of harmony. Well they were but not some relics of theirs. When Thunder Swift was obliterated Pieces of Armor, goggles whatever the shadow bolts had, Had been thrown across the land. The Rebels were indoctronated by these when they found them. Causing them to Become the Crimson Company. They.....Well they were tasked by the Darkness to do one final favour for them. To make Equestria fall, They had been tasked to Reactivate Mt Xelon." [/colour]Horizon Explained.

    Spitfire couldnt believe her ears. The Darkness had still lingered, and had taken control of the rebels. They must have seen the Darkness as A prophet. [colour=#FFD700]"Mt Xelon is the most dangerous and Destructive Volcano known to pony kind. Its been inactive for billions of years. There is no way the could awaken it." [/colour]She said to Him.

    Horizon nodded, [colour=#00FF00]"Well they have......Mt Froth was a mistake but a Reliable mistake. Their trifling with Mt Xelon had casued the first eruption Destroying themselves. It though had provided enough distraction for Mt Xelon to Gain power. Its going to Go off soon, and i mean soon. We hadnt seen it due to the Immigration of so many inside of the Shield. It will obliterate everything." [/colour]Horizon said to them.

    Spitfire shook her head, [colour=#FFD700]"No.....This cant be right. The shield would hold...." [/colour]She said in dissbelief.

    [colour=#00FF00]"No it wont Commander! It will fall, it cant take this much of a blast!" [/colour]He said to her. [colour=#00FF00]"We are out of time, the end is coming. Their is no escaping it. If we forsaw it we could have tried to endure with Bunkers and shelters but now it is too late. Ponykind, Griffons, Diamond dogs, Everything will be wiped. The world will fall into a Ice age so quick that any survivors will freeze. We, if we do have one or 2 survivors would be thrown back to the Dark ages. The Darkness had an ace in the hole, to destroy everything it couldnt have." [/colour]He said to her.

    Spitfire began to tear up, Everything was for nothing? The losses, The rebuilding, Thier hard work and all of it to be taken away? Just like that? What of her Family?" [colour=#FFD700]"No.....No....No! it cant end like this! We worked so hard! And now.....Oh my stars......" [/colour]She mumbled as tears left her. [colour=#FFD700]"There has to be a way......Something! We cant just accept our fate! We need to do something!" [/colour]She said.

    Horizon shook his head more, [colour=#00FF00]"There is nothing Spitfire! Dont you think i tried!? What could we possably do to save just a few? What is it Spitfire!?" [/colour]He demanded.

    Spitfire kept quiet for a few moments before she spoke quietly, [colour=#FFD700]"The shield, What if we Bolstered it?" [/colour]She said.

    Horizon looked at her with confusion and dispair, [colour=#00FF00]"What in blazed do you mean? " [/colour]He asked her.

    Spitfire looked to Carmus then to Horizon, [colour=#FFD700]"As the name implies......Bolster the shield somehow." [/colour]She said.

    Horizon finnaly got what she meant. [colour=#00FF00]"No way spitfire! We cant risk the lives of other ponies! That beacon nearly killed you as well as the others!" [/colour]

    [colour=#FFD700]"Well its a shot! We would all just dissapear if we dont do anything! There is a small hope there! Why not try?" [/colour]She asked. She looked to Carmus trying to gain some support.

    Outside the guard stayed with Flash and Vel, he smiled to them. [colour=#ADD8E6]"Why yes i am. its a tough job to do. Your Mother and Father are very thourough when it comes to Guards. I still enjoy serving under them." [/colour]He said.

    The rumble of the skies took his attention to the barrier. The smoke and ash had begun to build up again. [colour=#ADD8E6]"What in the name of Celestia is happening out there?" [/colour]He pondered. Frantic cries came from the Refugee Area near the Academy. The guard glanced over to hear a few words. [colour=#A9A9A9]"The end is here! Xelon is going to blow! All is lost!" [/colour]One shouted. Chaos began to ensue as the Raptors tried to maintain control. Shouts errupted from the Com on the guard. The three cities were amass with Confussion as well as Panic. The Reffugees were planting the seeds of Turmoil. Suddenly the world shook, The coms went wild as the shouts of Military Yelled out that Rocks were raining from the skies above. That the Ash was unbearable. Then they went dark.

    The guard turned to Flash and Vel. [colour=#ADD8E6]"We need to get you to your parents ASAP!" [/colour]He shouted. He hearded the two to the building where Spitfire and Carmus had went. The world shook again as Xelon Began its final stage.

  16. (The wonderbolt show is gonna need soarin.)

    Spitfire smiled and giggled slightly to Carmus, she nodded to him then let her gaze fall on her sons. [colour=#FFD700]"I think that the show is going to be spectacular. They always are." [/colour]She said to them. She Heard hoofsteps running their way. She glanced over her shoulder to see a raptor running to them. She turned and saluted back to him when he saluted her. He handed her a Note and ran back to his post. She looked to her family and then back to the note. She excused herself a moment as she read it. "Meet me in the Academy military wing, Something has happened." Horizon

    Spitfire looked slightly puzzled, she then looked to Carmus. [colour=#FFD700][That cant be good Honey, Horizon wants us to meet with him. Something is going on.] [/colour]She thought to him. The kids seemed confused, She smiled to them [colour=#FFD700]"Its just work buissiness, it will get sorted out." [/colour]She said to them reassuringly. She glanced to a Raptor guard nearby, [colour=#FFD700]"Soldier! I have a task for you, I need you to watch Flash and Vel until Carmus and I get back. We need to clear something up real fast." [/colour]She said to the soldier whom saluted in responce as he came near. She looked to Carmus and motioned for the building. [colour=#FFD700]"We will be back soon, then we can go to the arial show." [/colour]She said to her sons. She trotted over giving them a hug. She released and smiled. She trotted to the building and stopped just a small ways away from Carmus waiting for him.

  17. Spitfire heard the flap of wings, she allowed her gaze to look up to see her family landing. She smiled brightly at all of them, They were the thing that she always looked forward to. She returned the nuzzle to Carmus, she hugged Flash and Vel with a laugh.

    Flash asked about a tale that Carmus had told them about how she and Carmus met. She nodded [colour=#FFD700]"Yes its exactly all true, We saved eachother that day." [/colour]She replied to them. [colour=#FFD700]"Your dad is a hero." [/colour]She said to them. She Glanced to Carmus as he took note of the memorial behind her and the barrier that shielded them from the horrors outside. She listened to Carmus's question Both telepathically and Physically. [colour=#FFD700]"They will learn about the rest of it soon." [/colour]She said as she looked to The stones around her sons necks. [colour=#FFD700][i.....i dont know....they are getting more and more frequent. I think it has to do with the connection between us all and the connection to Caelum. Im still tethered as i believe you are.] [/colour]She thought to her husband. She looked to her sons again, [colour=#FFD700]"I hope you had fun eating lunch together. Sorry i couldnt come, somepony needs to watch over everything around here eh? If not they would throw a party or something." [/colour]She said to them. [colour=#FFD700][Your a wonderfull father Carmus.] [/colour]She thought to him quickly. She laughed, [colour=#FFD700]"I heard that the wonderbolts were going to be preforming tonight.....Bummer we cant see them.....Guess we better just slouch around and...." [/colour]She said as she fished out 4 tickets from her pocket on her uniform. She kept her gaze away for a few moments before letting her gaze fall upon them again with a snicker. [colour=#FFD700]"Oh what are these? They just magically appeared out of nowhere!" [/colour]She said to them. She knew how much they wanted to see a Wonderbolt show and how she hadnt been able to find time for all of them to go at once. [colour=#FFD700][i moved some things around...thought we could deserve a treat."] [/colour]She thought.

  18. Spitfire continued to dwell in the past, She let her memory flash with multiple images about that cruel unforgiving night. She Closed her eyes and looked away to try to let it fade. She saw many Millitary personel Moving What seemed to be immagrants. Things must be getting really bad outside the barrier.

    She trotted to the display case that held momentos like Armor pieces, weapons, Com pieces, And Flashbomb's and Velocity's masks. She smiled slightly and placed her hoof on the glass. Warheros.....thats what everypony who gave their lives were. She thought of Her children. They knew only a little of what happened that night. They didnt know about where they got their names from. She felt guilty for not telling them, but they were young and didnt need to be burdened by such memories. Not yet.

    She backed away and looked back to the barrier, it was holding true. It glew with a vibrant rainbow colour, It portrayed an illusion of a clear sky. But she knew that the world outside was in chaos, Ash falling from the skies from mt froth. Ponies turning to crime to make up for their lost lives. Such evil wasnt allowed in the dome, If somepony with intent to Harm entered the barrier, It would either Taze them into submission or Cause them to leave due to Outside Intervention. She felt that evil was taking hold of the land outside, how long could they keep this up? She remembered the easy life of being just the wonderbolt captain. Watching others become wonderbolts, Flashbomb, Angel snapp, Lyria, Gadget, Marble, Lightning dust. All gone in one way or another. She Yawned loudly, she was quite tired. She waited for Carmus to Return with The kids. She needed to see them and get her mind cleared.

    As she waited she contemplated her bond with him, Shimmer, Diety, and time. She had felt that over time the bond grew so emmence that they could see eachother's dreams, See what they could see, and even control one another for a short time. She knew she was only alive due to a spell, and the Caelum. Without it she wouldnt be there, to raise a family and to command an army.

    All of these thoughts had burdened her. She needed to clear her mind. She leaned on the statue of Velocity and Flashbomb. She looked at the barrier and continued to wait for Carmus and them.

  19. Silver Looked to Sky with a Concerned look For a moment, he looked back at the pool, it continued to Bubble. He looked to Silt now when he said that he was standing in some of it and not to worry. Silver felt his hooves Ache, He nodded and slowly put his right hoof into the liquid. It stung really badly which made him squeak a bit. But soon the pain subsided as A flood of warmpth coursed through his hoof. He felt it quite reassuring, He placed his whole leg in. [colour=#A9A9A9]"Guess it must be the frostbite reacting to the Water." [/colour]He said as he felt how deep the water was. He Placed his other front hoof in, then his hind left and then his hind right legs in. He felt the same result. Massive pain then the soothing wampth. He felt his body begin to warm up with the effects of the leaves. He lowered himself in until he was up to his neck. He took a breath and dipped his head below the surface. With The sound of water rushing around and in his ears. His body felt itself becoming Relaxed.....and renewed. The stinging in his hooves dissapeared completely. Suddenly energy flashed through him as did his need to breathe. He unfolded his wings under the surface and pushed off of the bottom He shot up into the air spinning around feeling himself 100 percent healthy. He flew in the air in a loop. The water fell off of him and now he was dry. He smiled down at them and laughed. [colour=#A9A9A9]"Guys that stuff was great! I dont feel any pain anymore! And now i have so much energy i feel like i can Lift Canterlot itself!" [/colour]He shouted to them. He did a few more loops and rolls until he decended to the forest floor. He smiled at his friends in anticipation for their next task.


    The air was cool in Equestria, Birds chirped, Bunnies hopped along their way. Peace had stood dominant for the past 3 years. The shield above the 3 settlements stood vigil, holding out all evils that attempted to cause harm. Although the land below the shield had been harmonious, the land outside of the shield had Hardships. The Crimson Company had assulted several times, the land marred by battles and scuttles that had taken place. Every time though the favour was for the Raptors. The company had suffered Tremendous losses and had receeded back to Aquillis. Nopony Knew what Drove them to such Hatred and such perservierence to throw themselves at the shield in an attempt to Destroy it all, Only to be driven back again and again. The Wonderbolt Academy Had now become A much stronger and vigil defending branch of the Raptors. Rainbow dash, Soarin and the others on the flight team continued to Preform shows, But now had become more militarised. (bad spelling) The Crimson company vanished not 2 weeks ago when a large erruption from Mt Froth had shook Aquillis. The affects had Spread to Equestria, Ash fell every now and again. Boulders lay in fields and in Small villages. The shield protected all below it, Keeping them safe from the outside world. The land lay in turmoil around it but regrowth would run its course.....Like it always had.

    The airstrip near the Academy Was breezy and cool. The Sun shone through the shield above, Shedding light down onto the hard Surface. The Memorial had stood as it always had. Moss grew on the statues as well as the name wall. Its once Shining material faded. The rock sunbleached and cracks adorned them.

    Ponies Walked back and forth down the Airstrip not paying attention to the Ghosts of the past. Many had so much to do and in so little time. Supplies came through the shield and to The Airstrip for Examination and proccessing. The Raptors had changed when Jet stream stepped down and allowed Spitfire and Carmus to Take his place. Regulations became more thurough, Production increased. But Management of Outside affairs suffered. Many questioned The Commander's Choice of Allowing Spitfire to Step up to power from just a sargent. Some rioted, some kept quiet. But in the end Carmus had settled the problems. Nopony Knew how or why they both got the promotion. How they were so In Sync with eachother, They seemed to be in connection to others as well as an outworldly Presence that gave them intence Strength. They had both raised a family together 1 year ago, they had 2. (Gonna go with our idea.)

    Flash and Vel. They Had grown rather quickly and had Suceeded in making their parents proud in more ways than one. Although their parents are now Military leaders, they had always had time for them. Today was one of those days where The foals came to see Their mother and father work.

    Spitfire stood watching the Memorial, She stayed silent as she recalled the events so long ago. Flash and Vel had gone off with Carmus to Lunch. She Loved Him so much, he was a great father as well as a Leader. She saw so much in him that she didnt see in others. She sighed ruffling her feathers as the breeze made her shiver. She looked over the names on the memorial over and over again. The list was huge, It still amazed her how Many they had lost. She Noticed that she always dwelled in the Past, She couldnt ge the image of the Academy Burning to the ground. She Watched the memorial waiting for Carmus to return with Flash and Vel.

    (Sorry for controlling Carmus, Just had to set the setting. You can describe the foals looks if you like!)

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