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Posts posted by Dabom444

  1. Spitfire drew in for the Hug, Their hearts beating as one. They were now connected more than ever. She felt A slight feeling of Compassion flood into her mind. She had no idea weather or not it was her emotions or his, nor did she care. She hugged him closely for a few moments more. Carmus had asked The doc if there was anything else they should know.

    The doc looked at his notes, [colour=#FFA500]"Hmm.....none i can....think of.....Ah! Yes there is more here. During my studies of yout Two i have also found a faint Connection to another. I dont know who it could be but it seems that it is connected to that Time fellow in some way. It seems as though that this bond however connects her to a more....how do i say it.....Etheral pressence. I will be honest with you i delved deep into this because it intreagued me so. I saw a stallion, a etheral, evil looking one. I couldnt find anymore about it but i would imagine over time it will become more clear."[/colour] The doctor rambled. He chuckled, He flipped to the last page. [colour=#FFA500]"Oh....and about your bond together, it is changeing. More things might pop up as the bond grows stronger, i would watch for these they may be good or bad." [/colour]He said to them. He closed his notes. He held out his hoof to Carmus smiling [colour=#FFA500]"It was so Facinating working with you two! Thank you for the oppertunity. Now Spitfire take it easy with the drained Endurance, it will pass. I dont think though it shall effect Carmus since it came about before the bond But anything else past this will effect him. You speech should come back with time as well. Carmus make sure she doesnt do anything to rash in her current Condition. And dont worry i wont let Celestia know, That will be your job to do, tell her when you think its right." [/colour]The doctor said to them. Spitfire smiled and shook the doctor's hoof. He smiled back to her and turned to continue his own work.

    Spitfire Nudged Carmus, She smiled slightly at him. She felt slightly relieved that she was back but felt somewhat of a burden to Carmus now. She had to be very carefull now in what she could do. She tried to communicate with him (hooves no sign language. :) )

    She pointed for the door, She attempted to let Him know that they should see if Twilight got the beacon to work.

    Twilight had stood by quietly as Diety chatted with Liesha. She felt overburdened right now, all she wanted to do was sleep. She trotted to the beacon and hit the final stage. The beacon Flashed, it rumbled the ground below everypony as it Shot a beam up into the skies. The world shook with the power of a sonic rainboom as the Rainbow coloured harmony shield Streched across Cloudsdale, Ponyville and Canterlot. As it sealed it Flashed, the gem flickered and started to fund power to keep the shield going. Twilight looked it over and let out a large yawn. The beacon was finnished, The cities were safe.

    The Crowd had reletively dispersed, the raptors such as Horizon, Jet stream stood by the fountain. The mane 5 had all gone home just when Spitfire came back. Celestia and her sister stood nearby watching the shield above them bathe the land below in Rainbow light.

  2. Twilight listened to Diety as he spoke, She became on edge as he began to lose control. She charged a defensive spell and readied herself as he lunged at her. As he stopped she kept the spell trained on him. [colour=#800080]" I.....I had no idea Diety.....Im sorry. I had no idea that She had an apprentice before me. I found clues but i didnt know." [/colour]She said to him. She watched as Diety glared at her with intense hatred. The skies above them began to lighten as the dawn slowly came. [colour=#800080]"I dont know what i could do Diety. I could try to make things right but whats happened cant Be reversed. I didnt mean to Ruin you."[/colour]

    The doctor looked at the both of them. [colour=#FFA500]"I found Something Remarkable. I....I had looked into the spell that Time had casted upon Shimmer. How they are connected now on an emotional level. As well their heartbeats are intertwined. They However dont compare to this." [/colour]He said to them. He looked at the notes, [colour=#FFA500]"Further research into this Connection Has shown me Alot. And i mean alot." [/colour]He said to them. He trotted over to the Two of them. [colour=#FFA500]"Now see, Spitfire had technacally passed away. Her spirit Claimed by Caelum. Her soul essence that was keeping her alive then is gone. I found That......What is keeping her alive.....What is making it so that she is here......Is you Carmus."[/colour]He said to him. Spitfire raised an eyebrow, she was obviously confused. [colour=#FFA500]"Your Unique essence, your life essence that you were born with is gone Spitfire....You are connected to Carmus way more than you know. Your sharing a Lifebond. Your Pulse is exactly in tune, your breathing is quite close as well. If Carmus is injured in battle you will be too. I imagine that When you came back to the world of the living the ones in charge had done the deed." [/colour]He said to them.

    Spitfire couldnt believe what she was hearing. She felt her chest, her heartbeat pounding at a steady pace. She then felt Carmus's Chest with her other hoof. Her jaw Dropped, they were the same.

    [colour=#FFA500]"See Spitfire? I am telling you the truth. But now with this there is some problems. illness passes on to you when he gets sick. If he breaks a leg yours will as well......If he dies.....You die.....Vice Versa."[/colour]He said to her. Spitfire still couldnt believe it, They had run low on time, Did she leave Caelum to late? did her spirit actually become Fully etheral? Was her Etheral Spirit now only held in her body by Carmus's life force? She was only there because he was there? She looked at Carmus, She didnt know what to do.

  3. The doctor followed Carmus out into the Hall of the small infirmary, the magic spell he had just Casted Wearing in him. He rubbed his eyes [colour=#FFA500]"Well let me tell you. First she is ok, Her blood pressure, Heart rate and Other such vital readings are stable. She is however experiencing a pain that seems to be more than just Physical but spiritual. My guess its from going to Caelum and being well....dead for more than 15 minutes. Her Immune system had just rebooted and is fighting off any bacterial and viral that had assulted her on her passing. Her magical aroura is good and everything is fine....But that magical flow between you and her, i never encountered anything like that before. As well her Speech is gone, I believe that it is just a side effect but im not sure." [/colour]He said to him. He turned his gaze to the door [colour=#FFA500]"I just dont get it, where is that Energy coming from?" [/colour]He thought out loud. He got a sudden idea, he looked to Carmus. [colour=#FFA500]"Ive got a way to find out. Come with me." [/colour]He said to him. They entered the room, spitfire was sitting up now, she had a questioned look on her face, she looked very concerned as well. [colour=#FFA500]"Miss Spitfire, i see that your slowly getting better, I have one thing though that i must do first. See we found a magical flow between you and Carmus, Its irregular, unknown to me. it radiates alot of Unknown power as well. So to find out im going to cast a similar spell upon you both. Stand by eachother." [/colour]He said to her and Carmus. Spitfire nodded slowly, she got up and limped slowly to Carmus's side. [colour=#FFA500]"Alright thats good. Now hold still, it will cause the same effect as the spell i casted earlier but it will be more articulate." [/colour]He said to them. Spitfire looked to Carmus and back to the doctor.

    The doctor activated his magic, 2 beams of energy hit both Carmus and Spitfire. They rose into the air, their eyes flashing white and finnaly falling slightly limp. Their Cloudwalking Arouras formed around the both of them but the silver flow appeared again. The doctor moved the spell to a Gem nearby as so he could examine them as the spell continued.

    Spitfire's mind raced with flashes of her life, her fillyhood, her first day of Flight school, getting her cutie mark. Many more images flashed before her as the spell Flowed through every ounce of her being. It seemed only a few seconds before the spell cut off. She fell to the ground along with Carmus, Her muscles screamed at her as she landed. She looked up to the doctor who now had 3 stacks of notes.

    The doctor looked to them both [colour=#FFA500]"30 minutes was how long you were in there, Im just now finnishing up my findings and i might say its Astonishing what i have found!" [/colour]

  4. The doctor proceeds to examine Spitfire, He asks her many yes or no questions, through the entire process she is unable to speak. The doctor Tries to touch her but she Only squeaks in pain when he tries. He then preforms a Spell that lightly lifts her up. She looks around with slight fear as the spell holds her. Her eyes suddenly flash white and she goes limp. still suspended in the air the doctor continues to check her Magical Mentality. Her passive magic of cloud walking flows out from her and circles just above her. All seems well until she comes to. She Writhes slightly showing great pain in her eyes. Then she goes limp once more. She emmits a new magic, It is silver in colour, it oddly enough flows freely then it Shoots off twoards Carmus. The doctor watches the magic that connected the 2 of them. [colour=#FFA500]"What in the name of Celestia is this?"[/colour]The doctor asks himself. He activates his spell Further, it melds into the flow, Swirling around it until it Atones to it. A few moments go by before the doctor lowers Spitfire onto the bed. He writes down all of his findings. Then Looks to Carmus. Spitfire looks over at the doctor, obvious confusion showing on her face. [colour=#FFA500]"Carmus....i need to speak to you privately." [/colour]He says to him. He trots to the door and waits for him to follow.

    Twilight nodded as she watched Diety take hold of Time, [colour=#800080]"I know of him, well knew."[/colour]

  5. Spitfire felt Carmus pick her up, She heard him when he told her to take it slow. All she could do was nod to him and allow herself to be carried to the medical ward. She drifted slightly into unconciousness as She was taken. The whispers still deep in her mind, She lay her head on the back of Carmus's neck. When Carmus and the escort made it, a Doctor came up to them. He floated a clipboard infront of himself and looked it over, [colour=#FFA500]"Ah Spitfire am i right? Place her on this bed over there."[/colour] He said to Carmus as he directed him to a Bed near the exit.

  6. Spitfire leaned on Carmus as he helped her stand, 3 guards came to help them to a Infirmary or a Hospital. Spitfire felt her head spin as she took one step at a time, Her body had been situated to death after her spirit visited Caelum. A Medic ran into the building she nodded to Carmus then looked at Spitfire, She did a quick examination of her Extrimeties. She looked to carmus and gave the clear sign that she could walk with much needed help.

    Twilight stood by the Beacon, She watched Spitfire closely. Out of the blue her ear focused on Time, he was thinking to himself. She knew better than to eavesdrop but then she heard him say that he was an Alicorn. She whipped her Gaze right on him, She knew who he was speaking to right off the bat, Diety. She trotted over and gave him a light push,[colour=#800080] "We need to talk. Your thinking outloud you know. Now what is this about you being an Alicorn? I know you dont want to Hear my Insight on this matter but i am sure that your just a normal Unicorn. Well with Mpd (Multiple personality disorder)." [/colour]She said to Him.

    Spitfire took a few more steps but fell once again. She cried out slightly as the pain she felt was Intensified. The medic tried to help her to her hooves but to no Avail. Somepony was going to have to carry her.

  7. Flashbomb Followed light to the door, He trotted on the floor beneath him. He had enough of walking, He wanted to spread his wingd and soar. But the confined space and the fact that Light and Foggy couldnt Fly kept him from Diving off of the balcony.He stood by light waiting for Whirligig and Foggy to follow them. [colour=#0000FF]"This is gonna be fun." [/colour]He said to Light as he expressed his enthusiasum. He flapped his wings with excitement nearly lifting off of the floor below him. He smiled with glee.

  8. ( I had alot of time and thought put into that Post, My fingers hurt after it, Since im using a Chat pad on an xbox 360 contoller.)

    Spitfire Continued to breath heavily She Felt Terrible, Her lungs burned, her muscles ached. It only got Worse as her Soul essence came back to her from Caelum. She was lifted up with the help of Time and Carmus. The visions still burned into her head. She Closed her eyes and took a few steady breaths trying to calm herself. She heard time Ask about the burned World and all the Sayings that the Guardians and Sentinels had told her. She choked trying to speak but couldnt, She had lost the Ability to do so for the time Being. All she could do was nod to confirm that she did. She felt Carmus draw her close telling her that he was proud of her and To never scare him like that ever again. She hugged him, She still felt her Soul essence flowing into her. She faultered slightly and leaned on Carmus more.

    Celestia stepped forward placing a hoof on Carmus's Shoulder, [colour=#FFFF00]"She needs rest Captain, She has been through alot." [/colour]She said to him.She groaned just a bit as she stepped back, she was still sapped by the beacon.

    Twilight Watched quietly from the side. She Looked to the beacon, it was waiting for her to Unleash the shield. She decided to let it stand for a few more moments.

  9. Spitfire smiled one last time to his friends as Time activated the spell. The world around her flashed a bright white and then It all faded to black [colour=#0000FF]"Fair well Spitfire." [/colour]Flashbomb's voice echoed in her head. The world felt light and airless to her. She followed Time through the Darkness, She tried to follow to the Best of her Ability but Faultered. She Tumbled through the darkness, she saw Time Dissapear before her as he went on [colour=#ffd700]"Time! Wait!" [/colour]Spitfire Cried as he left. The world Changed again, She hit the ground with a Thud and a oomph. She looked up dazed vision had clouded her senses. She saw Canterlot Ablaze, Towers Falling Raptors, Guards and alike laying defeated on the ground. She stood up slowly and heard a loud Explosion. She whipped around to See Velocity, his Armor destroyed, His mask smoking and popping. He was using his Ability to hold somepony, A demon of sorts. Not far off she saw The mane 5 Casting the spell. She gasped as she saw Twilight with a rock glowing bright pink. (Element of Kindness) She ran forward calling out to Velocity. She neared him but he faultered and fell to the ground below. She Cried out his name but heard Shimmer's Voice cry above hers. She stopped and watched as Shimmer ran to her fallen brother. Spitfire felt deep regret, She watched As shimmer Cried over Velocity. The world slowed down around them all, shimmer had looked up, Pure anger and Dispair in her eyes. She looked Straight at Spitfire as though she were really there. Shimmer held Spitfire's Gaze. Spitfire Swallowed the lump in her throat as tears strolled down her face, [colour=#FFD700]"Im so sorry Shimmer.....I....I dont know what i couldve done." [/colour]She said to her. Shimmer Kept Her gaze for a few more moments. She stood up staring at her for what seemed like a century. The demon behind her escaped his barrier A large explosion errupted behind Shimmer blowing her mane around. Spitfire watched as she activated her mask, She had slipped it on and turned to face the monster. She let out a battle cry and charged Straight into the Flames. Spitfire Watched her go, not knowing what was to come of her. She looked down at Velocity and watched his eyes close peacefully. His spirit Essence rising from him and into Caelum. [colour=#A9A9A9]"A true warrior dies many times.....Cowards only die once." [/colour]A rumbling Voice sounded nearby. Spitfire turned around and the world Shifted again. Shimmer was in trouble, She looked upon her with total helplessness. She stepped forward once more to help but once again was cut off by another. Flashbomb had run in And pryed Shimmer from the Rubble. She watched as he looked around for help. When none came he looked down to Shimmer. Spitfire watched as he made his own Sacrifice to save her. He fell to the ground Crying out in pain. She watched time Run in and finnish the job. Spitfire looked to Flashbomb whom coincidently was looking at her. She shed a few more tears as he passed on. She felt so Useless, so fragile that anything that touched her would make her Crumble. A few more events rushed in front of her, Angel snapp being buried in rubble, Lyria being Corrupted by the darkness, The redemption of the Changelings. [colour=#A9A9A9]"In the ashes and ruin of war many are lost. Things may seem hopeless, Forlorn. But with time, Life begins anew. Civilization rebounds and Harmony is restored."[/colour] The voice rumbled again. Spitfire saw the world around her bend again. She saw a medic team, A grizzled Grey Pegasus headed them all. He was giving orders for the medics to load the wounded and take them to Safety. [colour=#A9A9A9]"Although there is Inevitable odds, there are a few who stand to help others for the greater good. Be it Medical aid, "[/colour] The world shifted again Showing Liesha [colour=#A9A9A9]"Redemption." [/colour]The world shifted again showing Velocity, Flashbomb and the raptors, as well as guards standing strong. [colour=#A9A9A9]"Or sacrifice." [/colour]The voice said to her. She felt herself fall again. She landed on her hooves, the area around her rumbled, Flames spewed from out of nowhere. A dark red pony with a long black mane stood looking away from her. He turned his burning Gaze upon her. She flinched slightly, [colour=#B22222]"Are you afraid of me too? Are you here to brand me a villan? I couldnt help myself, i tried to save everypony. The darkness had other plans, they manipulated me, used me. They corrupted my senses and blinded me to what they were really doing. I regret everything and now it is to late for me. Dont let it happen to you."[/colour]The pegasus spoke. (ThunderSwift) For one more time the world shook, Spitfire felt herself thrown through the void. She hit a wall and cried out slightly. She landed on all four hooves. [colour=#A9A9A9]"Harmony only lasts so long, Without pain, without destruvtion to Clense the world, it will fall into Turmoil." [/colour]The voice spoke to her one more time. A silvery Pegasus with Silver laiden armor stepped out infront of her. His eyes glew brightly at her [colour=#A9A9A9]"The Sentinels have strove to bring peace to the world, We are spread thin now. Soon our names will be forgotten, We leave you this message as so you can pass it on." [/colour]The pony said to her. He began to fade now.[colour=#A9A9A9] " Stay on the path of light and strive to keep the peace, no matter how brief. Carry our legacy to the others. Help Shimmer as well as everypony along the way. Dont let your vision be clouded by evil. Farewell Spitfire." [/colour]He spoke to her. He dissapeared and spitfire felt herself freefall again into Oblivion.

    In the real world everypony looked to Time, nopony knew weather or not he actually succeeded. After a few moments they thought the worst.

    Spitfire let out a Gasp, She coughed very hard. She rolled onto her side and continued to sputter. She struggled to gain her breath as She lay there. The crowd Smiled brightly as she returned to the land of the living. Horizon laughed, [colour=#008000]"By the stars you did it!!" [/colour]He shouted. Rainbow dash let go of Soarin and ran next to Horizon, She looked down at spitfire, Tears of Joy streammed from her face. [colour=#00FFFF]"Oh my Gosh! She is alive! She is alive!" [/colour]She squeed. Twilight watched from the back of the crowd, she felt so much guilt.

  10. Spitfire nodded to time, She looked to Flash and Velocity. She smiled brightly at the both of them. [colour=#FFD700]"Bye Guys, this is the last time i will see you i suppose, Until it is truely my time. I will send everyone your regards." [/colour]She said to them with tears leaving her. Flashbomb Smiled back at her, [colour=#0000FF]"It never truely is goodbye, We will miss you all Spitfire. We wont be able to visit you any further due to the Guardians Dissaproval. But we will always watch over you all. You may not know it but we will be right there with you, always and forever." [/colour]Flashbomb said to her. He thought of something. He trotted over to a rock patch, he grabbed a stone with Blue runic lines on it. He tossed it to Spitfire whom caught it with a puzzled look. Flashbomb laughed, [colour=#0000FF]"Its a Soul Stone, it will light up when we are near so you know that we truely are there, Blue For me and Red for Velocity. If your lucky enough it will Allow Very quiet Whispers for you to hear to happen. Who knows you might be able to hear us." [/colour]He said to Her. Spitfire smiled at the stone as it Glew, She looked up to the two of them. [colour=#FFD700]"Th....Thank you Flash, Thank you Velocity. Rest in peace." [/colour]She said to them through Choked Words. Flashbomb Nodded, He stood at Attention and Saluted her, [colour=#0000FF]"Till we meet again miss Fire." [/colour]He said to her.

  11. (Caelum)

    Flashbomb stood by as Solstice and Equinox spoke with Time. He always kept his head down when they had come by as was his place but he had become friends with them none the less. He was confused as to what they would do to help Time. The skies flashed once again and grew really bright and Vivid, their time was now so miniscule now. Now Caelum was Going to extract her soul Essence and add it to the Spirit pool, Once this would be done there would be no way of pulling it out.

    Spitfire looked to Solstice and Equinox, She smiled at the both of them. She opened her mouth to speak but felt herself being Tugged. Her emotions, thoughts, her very being was being pulled. She saw a blue energy rushing from her and began to spiral upward to Celestia knows where. [colour=#FFD700]"Flash..." [/colour]Spitfire said slightly out of Breath as the energy was being pulled. Flashbomb looked at her, [colour=#0000FF]"Everything is alright Spitfire! Keep calm, Equinox and Solstice will see to it that you will make it!"[/colour] He shouted. The Caelum Continued to drain her and take the Essence into the spirit Pool. Mere Seconds were left.

  12. (Caelum)

    Spitfire looked at time, she felt her heart jump slightly when he said he could bring her back to life. She smiled slightly at him and nodded. She looked back to her friends. She trotted over to Flash and gave him a hug, [colour=#FFD700]"Im so sorry Flash, We will see eachother sometime." [/colour]She said to him. She gave Velocity a hug as well. He Eyes began to go full etheral, she only had 2 minutes tops now. She smiled as she hugged Velocity [colour=#FFD700]"Stay strong Big guy, You were one of the best Guards i have ever known. Keep Flash in line will ya?" [/colour]She said in a friendly tone. Flashbomb chuckled [colour=#0000FF]"He can only try." [/colour]He Responded to her. Spitfire Stepped back, She let out a large sigh. She looked around one more time at the large fields, the fog and the Very huge Hall. The sentinels stood watching them still. She Looked to time just as her eyes became Etheral and the last Strand of Life force was fading away. [colour=#FFD700]"Lets go." [/colour]She said. 30 seconds left now. She looked to Flash and Velocity, She smiled and gave a quick farewell nod.

  13. (Caelum)

    Flashbomb watched as Spitfire was almost etheral, her last ounces of Life energy fading. He accepted defeat as he watched her almost gone. [colour=#0000FF]"I was so sure though.....I thought they would find a way." [/colour]He said to her. He was just about to Take her to the hall to Get her comfortable for the afterlife.

    The skies shook with a slight rumble, this brought Flashbomb's attention upward. He hadnt ever in all his days here had ever experienced this. The skies cracked like thunder as it shook. Spitfire watched the skies as well [colour=#FFD700]"Whats going on?" [/colour]She asked fear apparent in her eyes. Flashbomb shook his head, he had no clue. Suddenly A flash came from not far away from them. Flash shielded his eyes from the light until it subsided. [colour=#A9A9A9]"Hello everybody." [/colour]He heard a familiar voice. He focused his blurred vision to see That Time had entered the Caelum.

    He saw that a purple aroura burned around him, He looked around at all of them, he seemed somewhat happy. Flashbomb couldnt help but smile. His etheral wings flapped slightly. [colour=#0000FF]"Hey there Time. Long time no see!"[/colour] He greeted his friend. Spitfire looked over to time, Her body fully etheral except her eyes. [colour=#FFD700]"Time? Is that you?" [/colour]She asked. She ran over to him smiling[colour=#FFD700] "What are you doing here? Where is Carmus?" [/colour]She asked him. The fog around them began to form thicker, the skies above began to glow with vibrant colours. Flashbomb Grunted, Spitfire only had mere minutes now.

    (Real world)

    Twilight watched Time preform the spell. She sighed and hoped he knew exactly what he was doing. Everypony continued to watch vigilantly as Time used his magic.

    Spitfire's body floated slightly off of the floor, She was shrouded in Time's spell.

  14. ( Caelum )

    Flashbomb stood watching the sentinels at the hall. He never was one of them, but since he served next to Velocity and Shimmer he had been given the position of an Observer. He was able to watch But not interfere with the Mortal world. He had been able to communicate with Lyria only under Dawn's spell but the Guardians had put A stop to that, He let out a sigh, He was more of a scout he had no say in what was to be done.

    [colour=#FFD700]"I can feel myself slipping away..... I dont think that they will be fast enough Vel." [/colour]She admitted to him. Flashbomb looked back to her and Stepped forward, [colour=#0000FF]"Spitfire, Im sure you will pull Through. You have much more to live for. Ive said this to Lyria, and i still believe that everypony must push on until the final moments." [/colour]He said to her He placed a hoof on her, She was now Etheral up to her neck now. She felt herself fading, all feeling of pain had begun to fade. She Still doubted that she would make it. [colour=#FFD700]"Flash.....I dont know....Im honestly scared out of my mind." [/colour]She said to him. He smiled [colour=#0000FF]"Its ok Spitfire.....its ok." [/colour]He assured her. He backed away smiling at her, He glanced up at the skies, Everytime Somepony passed it would light up the brightest of colours. They were starting to do this which still put Flash off ease.

    (Living world)

    Twilight Casted her final spell on the Beacon, It had Finnaly begun to Activate. She nodded and sighed, Her job was done. She glanced back to see Liesha, Carmus as well as time Preparing to revive Spitfire.

    Spitfire lay quietly on her back. Her eyes peacefully shut.

    Horizon stood by with Jet stream and a few other Raptors. He watched silently as they preformed their spell.

    Rainbow dash held onto Soarin, tears still streaming down her face.

    ( i still imagine the Im proud song still going)

  15. (Sall good Saronyx reply when u can. :3 )

    (2day has been my free day off work so i got alot of time.)

    Spitfire looked as her breath did materialize into life energy, but she noticed that with each breath less energy formed. [colour=#FFD700]"Carmus....Yea.... I didnt even get to say goodbye." [/colour]She said sadly.She knew what she was getting into when she stepped forward but wasnt all that prepared. [colour=#FFD700]"It will be a great Story Velocity, That is if they find a way to bring me back. I figure through this about did it." [/colour]She said sadly. The skies above her were Swirling Around, it was Gorgeous to her. [colour=#0000FF]"Dont worry Spitfire....They will find a way....Im sure of it." [/colour]Flashbomb said to her. His expression changed though when he saw her hooves beginning to Fade into Etheral context. [colour=#0000FF]"Oh no......" [/colour]He said. He looked to Velocity with a concerned look. She was passing away slowly, Soon there would be no turning back and she would Join them. Flash didnt like any of this at all. He didnt want Spitfire to join them, not yet. [colour=#0000FF]"Velocity, her time is trickling away." [/colour]He said to his friend. The fog around them Had begun to thin away. More ponies were seen exiting the Halls. Spitfire sighed[colour=#FFD700] " Guess my time is at its end." [/colour]She said accepting defeat. Flashbomb looked to Spitfire with a uneasy tone. [colour=#0000FF]"Spitfire....Dont give up hope. There is still a chance."[/colour] He said to her trying to bring her already faultering Morale. More of her began to fade. She kept her eyes closed, Sadness painted across her face as she felt herself Slipping away.

    (Real world)

    Horizon felt Spitfire's Foreleg, it was growing Colder and colder as the bodyheat left her. He felt utterly helpless to help her.[colour=#008000] "Whatever you are going to do it better be fast." [/colour]He said quietly.

    Twilight continued to work on the beacon, she applied more spells to it to keep it Working.

  16. Twilight looked back At Time, She had great regret in her eyes [colour=#800080]"Time, there is no way to get those. Fluttershy is gone, As for your pocket watch i honestly have no clue as to where it is. Its your keepsake." [/colour]She said to him. She glanced down to Spitfire, in her eyes she was gone. She felt deep sorrow come over her. She glanced back to the Beacon as it hummed, the spell she had casted had finnaly streched over the beacon. She shook her head [colour=#800080]"I wish there was something i could do Carmus....I really do......I messed up again......She is Gone because of me......Blame only me not anypony else if you must....." [/colour]The beacon began to rumble and flash. She casted another spell upon it and it subsided. It hummed once more waiting for her to finnish her work.

    Celestia stepped forward weakly she looked down at Spitfire with sadness, she hated seeing her ponies passing away. She closed her eyes [colour=#FFFF00]"Spitfire was a strong mare, she believed in the well being of others, Strove to Lead them and always made other ponies laugh. She will recieve a hero's burial. Like The others from so long ago." [/colour]She said quietly.

    Horizon looked up to Celestia [colour=#008000]"Your Highness! There is still a chance! She could be saved by Time! Let him try!" [/colour]He said to her.

    Celestia sighed and closed her eyes, her mind was plauged by Thoughts.

  17. (Continue mass effect 3 im proud of you extended. its like the etheral world's theme :) )

    Flashbomb looked to Velocity as he landed. He smiled to him and nodded to Spitfire to take his Advice. She took a deep breath, she held it for a few moments before she let it go. Her breath matierializing into energy and dispersing. [colour=#0000FF]"Your still breathing life energy, this is good." [/colour]He said to her. She nodded and calmed herself. She looked to Velocity, [colour=#FFD700]"Hey Vel......." [/colour]She said to him. She smiled to him, [colour=#FFD700]"Y...yea....A shield to protect Ponyville, Canterlot and Cloudsdale from the Darkness so it may never return. It took Life energy from everypony, Twilight thought it wouldnt kill anypony. I....I saw others....Falling. i didnt want them to go. So i made a choice to try and save them....." [/colour]She said to him. Flashbomb chuckled [colour=#0000FF]"Youve got a heart of Gold Spitfire." [/colour]He said to her.

    (Back in the real world)

    Horizon felt himself drop a few tears, He got up and slowly limped over to Carmus. The crowd all formed around them in a circle. Rainbow dash looked to Soarin and trotted over. They all looked down at Spitfire as Carmus held her close. Her eyes were closed, she seemed so peacefull.

    Twilight got up slowly, Celestia tried to calm her but she brushed her off. She trotted to the beacon. It glowed many colours as it spiraled in place. She watched it as it hummed Softly, [colour=#800080]"Whats the price for harmony?" [/colour]She said quietly. She continued to watch the crystal. [colour=#800080]"You were right Time.....I was a fool.....I caused another death." [/colour]She said to him solemnly. The crystal continued to glow . Twilight took off her Tiara and let it fall to the ground with a faint ting. She watched the crystal for longer and longer. [colour=#800080]"I dont deserve to be a princess. I never have.......I tried so hard......We lost so many.....I couldnt help Fluttershy when she was in deep depression for the death Of her husband. I watched over Lyria to make sure she would be ok.....But she was taken by the Darkness! I could have stopped it! Hearts and hooves day was no different. I just sat by and watched as it all crumbled. The battle of the skies....I should have watched Thunder Swift more. His spirit would have been saved and this would have never happened!! We wouldnt have had to fight him and the darkness ever. I should have done so much more!! Flash....Velocity......All gone." [/colour]She whimpered. She Recalled every single Event that had led up to this. [colour=#800080]"I guess.....its the price to Pay for Peace.....Nothing is free." [/colour]She whispered. She let a few tears fall. Her aching muscles bothered her but she didnt Care anymore. She closed her eyes, she went deep in thought then looked up to the Crystal. [colour=#800080]"All of it.....For harmony...." [/colour]She said as she Let her horn glow. She shot a spell at the crystal. it Glew blue again and began to hum louder. She stepped back and waited for the results.

  18. The room had grown silent, Many of the ponies had all turned their pained attentions to Spitfire, Carmus, Time and shimmer. They watched in fear of what had happened to her. The room stayed silent as Nopony said anything.

    Spitfire lay completely silent her Vitals were gone. It seemed that she was dead, No breaths, no heartbeat.

    Horizon had tried his best to struggle to his hooves, he felt a hoof of Another raptor on his shoulder, [colour=#A9A9A9]"Sir she is gone, should i get a body bag?" [/colour]The soldier asked. Horizon looked back to him, [colour=#008000]"Dont ever say that unless we know she is gone!" [/colour]He yelled at him. He felt slightly bad for the Pony but he had gone frantic. He struggled to his hooves and slowly tried to move forward, his legs buckling below him. He gritted his teeth, he looked up at the group and Prayed that she was ok. [colour=#008000]"Darn it Spitfire! Your stronger than this! Wake up! Please Wake up!" [/colour]He shouted. The events played out like when Flashbomb passed. Everything grew quiet as Carmus held Spitfire.

    Twilight watched from where she knelt with tears in her eyes, She had caused a death of the Wonderbolt Captain. She couldnt bear to watch.


    It was dark, no sounds were heard, no heat nor cold. Just pitch black nothingness. Spitfire stood Staring into the dark void, She looked around Carefully with much fear. She heard whispers now echoing around her. [colour=#FFD700]"H......Hello?......Carmus?......Time?......Shimmer?" [/colour]She whimpered. Her ears were laying flat against her head now. She stepped forward, when her hoof met the darkness below a large door opened infront of her.

    (Insert im proud of you extended.)

    Everything around her flashed and opened up into a large Shrouded area. So much fog that you could cut it with a knife. She peered around once again, She spotted a small group of Ponies standing together Lyria, And 2 Others. They were to faded for her to see. [colour=#FFD700]"Lyria! Lyria?" [/colour]She called out to her but no responce was given. She watched as Lyria Cried and held onto them both. [colour=#800080]"I cant go on guys....I just cant." [/colour]She heard Lyria say, it was so quiet though she could hardly make it out. She looked more closely at the 2, her heart dropped with sadness. It was Velocity and Flashbomb, When they gave their goodbyes to Lyria. She remembered when they appeared to them in the graveyard.

    The world bended around her again. She was now in what seemed to be ponyville. Many Buildings seemed to be Destroyed, Remenants of what used to be. She heard sobs echoing behind her. She looked over to See the Cmc minus one, the pegasus. They trotted away slowly as they cried. She also heard other sobs and hoofsteps. There were many Ponies trotting back from canterlot, it was the day of the funeral. She held back tears as she watched the ponies trot past her. She tried to speak to them but to no avail. She allowed tears to fall from her cheeks.

    The world Fluctuated and melded again. Now it was a great Hall, she stood outside looking up at the Towering building in awe. What Or who could have built this place? The fog continued to linger around her and the hall. She peered around trying to place herself when she heard Something behind her. She looked to see a Etheral guard, [colour=#FF8C00]"Hello there, Come to Gaze upon the mighty hall of the stars?" [/colour]The guard spoke. Spitfire stood looking at the guard with Confusion. He laughed [colour=#FF8C00]"Its alright now Young one, your safe here." [/colour]He said to her. He looked over to another area as a few more etherals Appeared. He nodded to her and trotted off to join them. Spitfire watched him go, Was she truely dead? Was this the hall of Calcelum? (Misspell i know) She trotted forward twoards the hall. She hit a barrier with a oomph. She rubbed her nose of the sharp pain that came soon after. She put out a hoof and felt it hit a barrier, an invisible barrier. What in the name of Celestia was going on here?

    She heard laughter nearby behind her. She whipped around to see nopony. [colour=#0000FF]"Hello there Spitfire, Didnt think i would be seeing you here." [/colour]She heard a voice say to her. She looked around Frantically trying to pinpoint the source of the voice. A form began to Develop infront of her. It was a pegasus, a blue pegasus. (Flashbomb likes to make appearences i guess sowwy) She looked at him as he became familiar to her. She smiled at him [colour=#FFD700]"Flashbomb.....Its been forever since we last spoke." [/colour]She said to him in a friendly tone. Flashbomb smiled at her, [colour=#0000ff]"It has hasnt it."[/colour] He said to her. Spitfire looked at him, she chuckled and nodded. Flashbomb tilted his head [colour=#0000FF]"So what brings you here huh?" [/colour]He asks her. She looks back to the hall [colour=#FFD700]"Where is Velocity?" [/colour]She asked him. She looked back. Flashbomb Shrugged, [colour=#0000FF]"Off doing buissiness as usual i guess. I dunno, he usualy just hangs out but i dont know where he is now." [/colour]He admitted. Spitfire looked at him for a few more moments before he repeated his question. She sighed[colour=#ffd700] "Twilight made a beacon with the other Princesses that they claimed that would protect us from the Darkness. It needed a charge, a power source.....Life energy. Someponies faultered so i took the brunt of it. And here i am......Am i dead?" [/colour]She asked him. Flashbomb shook his head [colour=#0000FF]"You couldnt enter the hall so no. in in Limbo at the moment Spitfire. Between Physical and Etheral." [/colour]He said to her. Spitfire stared at him with slight fear. He smiled [colour=#0000FF]"Dont worry Spit, it all happens to somepony at one point or another." [/colour]He said to her. Spitfire nodded trying to Calm her nerves.

  19. Spitfire looked to Time as he spoke to something that he called Diety. She had no idea what in the world a Diety was but that was the least of her worries.

    The gem flared and began to glow insanely bright. Twilight stood 30 feet away watching as it cycled. [colour=#800080]"Stand strong everypony! Stand 30 feet away!" [/colour]She shouted over the humming. The gem in the beacon flashed once again then the spell came about.

    It hit everypony in the room like wildfire, Spitfire felt instant discomfort Hit her like a brick. She cluched onto Carmus In fear of loosing him somehow. Her muscles began to Fatigue, her Breath was cut short as it sucked the life straight from her. Everypony even the princesses were being Drained. [colour=#800080]"Hold Fast! It will need a substantial amount of Charge to Fuel the harmony shield!....Dont Loose hope!"[/colour] Twilight yelled. The discomfort overbearing her.

    Rainbow dash had begun feeling The Discomfort intensify, she stood closely to Soarin as she was drained as well.

    Spitfire felt the Discomfort fade and what took hold was worse, Pain. She felt her body screaming at her to run as the Adrenaline kicked in. She stood gritting her teeth still holding onto Carmus. The gem had gotten to a third full at this point Drawing energy from everypony in the room. It was horrible to withstand this but it was for a greater good. The crowd stood holding the Spell true.

    Spitfire felt her muscles begin to sting, it wasnt bad at first but began to intensify. She felt everything. [colour=#008000]"This is to stave the Darkness Everypony!.....No more struggles....Just keep it up!" [/colour]She heard Horizon yell. She didnt want to continue but she knew that this was a chance at Harmony, for the evils to be pushed away.

    Soon though she felt her Muscles begin to Give. She looked through one eye to see ponies faultering. She groaned and began to feel light headedness take over. She held Carmus Closer to herself as she began to fear for them all. [colour=#FFD700]"Carmus....I...I dont want to lose you...."[/colour] She said to him through breaths. The gem had reached 2/3 point. But now many had begun to fall The spell draining them more. Rainbow dash saw as they did it Drew more energy out of them. They wouldnt make it. Spitfire took note of this too, Something had to be done, Somepony had to Step in.

    Twilight had begun to Faulter as did the other Royals. The gem flared again as it drew the needed energy in. 7/8 full almost there.

    The gem had took so much that now many had begun to fall as well. Rainbow dash Tried to step forward to take more of the brunt but she fell to her knees like so many others. [colour=#00FFFF]"Darn....It!....." [/colour]She growled as the gem took more from her. She heard a hoofstep and opened one of her eyes, through blurry vision she saw somepony moving forward Twoards the crystal. Spitfire.

    Spitfire had seen what was happening she had let go of Carmus and began to move closer to the beacon. It took note and began to drain Alot from her. She felt Every moment of it, she slowly made her way closer until she was 15 feet away, the gem directed most of the Drain on her. [colour=#00FFFF]"S....Spitfire! Step.....Back!" [/colour]Rainbow dash pleaded. Spitfire couldnt hear her, the spell had taken mostly all of her senses except sight. Her vision a massive blur. She felt her last drops of energy being taken from her. Her body completly numb now.

    The gem Flared one last time before it broke the spell from the crowd. Many were down on the floor in utter Exhaustion and pain. Horizon whom was on the floor had his eyes closed throughout the whole ordeal chuckled slightly [colour=#008000]"We......We d....did it everypony! We....." [/colour]He spoke but was cut off when he looked up to see spitfire much more Closer to the gem than anypony else. [colour=#008000]"S....Spitfire....." [/colour]He coughed.

    Spitfire stood stareing at the beacon. It glowed a faint Rainbow colour. She stared at it in utter amazement, it had stopped rumbling and had become so peacefull. Her ears rang, the rest of herself Was completely numb. She couldnt feel anything at all anymore. All she saw, all she knew was that the gem was fully charged. She smiled faintly at its beauty, She felt herself slip and fell to the floor She hit the ground silent. [colour=#00FFFF]"SPITFIRE!!"[/colour] Rainbow dash cried.

  20. Twilight Finnaly let out a sigh Her explainations of the gem Had exhausted her. She looked at Time with slight anger, she was frustrated. She looked to the other Royals about her [colour=#800080]"Alright i will activate the gem, When i do everypony stand 30 feet away, no more no less." [/colour]She Quoted her Directions to everypony. Everypony nodded and awaited for her to start.

    Twilight stepped Forward, her horn had begun to glow. The Beacon shook once again which put everypony on edge. She Trotted a litle closer until the magic Arched to the gem. It glew a bright blue and flashed. She jumped back and stood 30 feet away waiting for the spell to register.

  21. Twilight let out a sigh when Shimmer attempted to Calm Time. She looked to Carmus when he brought up his question, [colour=#800080]"Yes it is the same technology as The masks Carmus, Dawn wasnt able to perfect it and sadly neither was i. It....It will need quite a bit of Life energy, I found out that if it attached to one or just a few Ponies that it would Drain them till they were no more, I didnt test it i just read about it. Then i found that if a large enough mass of Ponies came together and Let the gem drain them all evenly nopony would be seriously harmed. It would gain all the power it would need. As long as no pony draws to close to it, it will Evenly take what it needs. If though somepony got to close it would focus on them and Sap them to nothingness."[/colour]She explained. She took a breath [colour=#800080]"It should only need one Charge to power the barrier, But if it needs another charge it wont need it for over 50 years." [/colour]She said to them.

    Spitfire continued to look up at her, her emotions and questions were pulsing through her mind. [colour=#FFD700]"So what now? I hope you are a hundred percent sure." [/colour]She said to her. Rainbow dash nodded in Agreement [colour=#00FFFF]"Twilight are you sure?" [/colour]She asked her.

    Twilight Nodded [colour=#800080]" It will work i know it will."[/colour]She said to them all.

    Spitfire sighed, She gave a look to Carmus the Fear in her eyes was quite visable. [colour=#FFD700]"Carmus....What if we loose somepony in the process, i couldnt live with myself knowing that We could have prevented it. What about those with weaker endurance? What if one faulters? But if we dont then we Might have the Darkness return and we will lose so many more." [/colour]

  22. Twilight Felt a sudden Burst of Anger [colour=#800080]"Im a fool? Your no better than anypony in here Time! I know your complete and utter Distrust and mislike for me but That doesnt Dictate Name calling! And if you dont see that The elements only Waver off the Evil that Subdues this land! And since Fluttershy is gone We barely had it in us to Send the darkness away Time!" [/colour](Since i forgot that Flutters was Lyria's mum and she had passed away which i sincerly appologise.) She stamped her hoof down. [colour=#800080]"And why should you trust me Time? Because i have done noting but put myself on the line! I gave it my all trying to help everypony and all you do, You time! Is disrespect me and only see my flaws! Im not perfect! I try ok? I consolidated Celestia, Luna, Leisha and Dawn before she Passed! I studied these gems for a lifetime or more! I know that it will work! All it asks is for a small price! It wont Kill anypony, it will take an even amount of energy from everypony! It needs this energy to work or We could risk Another war time! You need to see that i am trying to help you all! That we are trying to help you all!" [/colour]She shouted.

    Celestia put a hoof on her shoulder and calmed her. She looked at time [colour=#FFFF00]"She is telling the truth, She works hard for us all. Now isnt the time for Conflict."[/colour]

  23. Twilight looked around the crowd She was loosing their favour.

    [colour=#800080]"Now Everypony listen! It is perfectly 100 Percent safe! It has been reviewed and checked multiple times. It wont hurt anypony whatsover!" [/colour]She announced to everypony. The beacon shook once again and subsided.

    [colour=#00FFFF]"It seems to me its about to Blow Twi!" [/colour]Rainbow dash called.

    Twilight shook her head [colour=#800080]"Its Stable Rainbow! How many times do i have to say it?" [/colour]She shouted to her friend. The crowd murmered again this time a little more Anxiously.

    Celestia stepped forward. [colour=#FFFF00]"Everypony Please, Twilight Is a reliable pony. She wouldnt put any of you in harms way!" [/colour]She said to them all. [colour=#006400]"What about that time She used that doll of hers to put everypony under a spell so she could fix it huh?"[/colour]One bystander shouted. Celestia looked to him [colour=#FFFF00]"That was just a slight mistake! She has grown in knowlege! She just wants to help everypony." [/colour]She assured him.

    Spitfire Stepped forward with a raised eyebrow [colour=#FFD700]"And whats the catch for this Protection? There is one i can tell."[/colour] She questioned them.

    Celestia got a look on her face that put Spitfire off ease. Celestia looked back to Twilight with a concerned spark. Spitfire felt frantic, [colour=#FFD700]"Well then What is it!?" [/colour]She demanded.

    Celestia closed her eyes and turned back to the crowd. Twilight stepped up next to her. [colour=#800080]"The catch.......Well.....Like the Crystal in the crystal empire it will protect us from evils that Wish to hurt us. But unlike It......The crystal in the empire Feeds off of the love and enjoyment of the Ponies around it causing no withdraws whatsoever."[/colour] She said.

    [colour=#FFD700]"What are you getting at?" [/colour]Spitfire demanded.

    Twilight looked to her [colour=#800080]"This gem.....Its so powerfull....Able to hold anything and destroy any evil with the shield it provides....it requires something to keep it going."[/colour]She said to her.

    Spitfire stepped back as it rumbled again. [colour=#FFD700]"W.....what....."[/colour]She studdered.

    Twilight sighed [colour=#800080]"Life force....."[/colour]She said to them. The crowd started to Frantically chatter among themselves. fear pulsed through spitfire.

    Horizon stepped forward. [colour=#008000]"Now hold on! It does need lifefoce yes...it would completly drain just a few ponies if they were alone! But with the size of the crowd it will evenly take what it needs without anypony falling! It will only cause slight harm! Sacrifices need to be made to keep the evil away! Its either this or risk another war!"[/colour]He shouted.

    Spitfire glared at him [colour=#FFD700]"You said it wouldnt hurt anypony! Are you telling me you gave us food and got our hopes up just so you could sap us for this Beacon!? You dont even know if it will work!!"[/colour]

  24. Spitfire stared at the beacon for a few more moments, She held Carmus's hoof tightly each time it emmited a pulse. Celestia had appeared along with luna, Leisha, And Twilight. She looked down upon the crowd with vigil eyes. The ground shook again which brought her attention to it. She watched it for a few moments before she spoke.

    [colour=#FFD700]"Citizens of Equestria, Do not be alarmed by the large manifold before you. It is perfectly safe i, we can assure you. [/colour]She announced to them. Several others formed below her. Horizon, Jet stream, and a few other Raptors. [colour=#FFD700]"This device, this beacon is The beacon of Harmony. It has been in the making ever since The battle of the skies at the Academy so long ago." [/colour]She said to them all. [colour=#FFD700]"It was an idea as well as a project of Dawn's Sadly she couldnt finnish it. But with the help of Princess Twilight, Leisha, Luna and myself As well as many Of the Military scientists it is now in its final stages."[/colour]She said.

    Twilight stepped forward and nodded to The princess. The Machine rumbled yet again shaking the whole building. [colour=#800080]"Thank you Princess Celestia, And thank you all for coming. Now as you can see the beacon is not yet finnished but it soon will be. Dawn had Designed everything about it, Down to the articulate Detail. It harnesses the powers of the Elements of Harmony It then dissalutes it And Disperses it in ultrasubsonic frequencies."[/colour]

    Spitfire raised an eyebrow, [colour=#FFD700]"I dont have a single clue what that means." [/colour]She whispered to Carmus, Dumbfounded by the very large vocabulary.

    Twilight continued, [colour=#800080]"The Large gem you see in the middle is an Archaleum Serpentus stone, Very, very Rare. It has the power capacity to Hold, Charge and Resulitify Any magical power within its Shell. In order to Keep it from well.....Exploading in on itself we needed a rare mineral metal to House it. Luna provided us with Shade Strife Mentalum. It Restores and checks the power waves to keep it from destroying itself. The rumbles you feel are the Gem trying to do so." [/colour]

    Rainbow dash stepped up [colour=#00FFFF]"So your telling us that you brought a Dangerous Artifact into Canterlot that in any moment could hurt somepony?"[/colour]She called up to Her friend.

    Twilight shook her head[colour=#800080]"No not at all Rainbow! We wouldnt bring in something like that unless we knew it was controlled, Its in a stable stasis right now." [/colour]She reassured her.

    ponies in the crowd began to murmer and talk amongst eachother. Many of them didnt like it.

    Spitfire looked to Carmus[colour=#FFD700] "Carmus....I hope Jet stream and Horizon know what they got us into."[/colour]

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