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About Crescent

  • Birthday August 13

RP Characters

  • Main Character
    Crescent Evermore

Profile Information

  • Interests
    I'd gladly take myself as anything and anyone: trying new things is always fun!

    Favourite wordwork: "Aivengo"; "Astounding Stories"; Pathfinder Tales:"Death's Heretic", "City of the Fallen Sky"; "The Lord of the Ring" novels; "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies"; "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter"; "The Metamorphosis"; "La Ciudad y los Perros"; "Atlas Shrugged"; "Animal Farm"; "1984"; "Bel Canto"; "A Clockwork Orange"... *Urgent gasp for air* ... and some others!

    Favourite movies: "Master and Commander", "The Fifth Element", "Judge Dredd", "A Clockwork Orange", "Tonari no Totoro".

    Favourite games: "Starcraft", "Sim City", "L.A. Noire", "The Journey", "Minecraft", "Ragnarok Battle" and a card game or two!

    Music: Avant Garde (Diablo Swing Orchestra) and hundreds of others (can't seem to stop adding songs and genres each day)!

    Things I'm always doing:
    Trying to meet nice people, looking for new songs to sing and listen to, books to read and stories to live.

    Things to know about me:
    I cherish my little sister (if I do happen to say something rude about siblings, I guarantee it's not me who's speaking).
    I love being criticised! (It makes us stronger, doesn't it?)

    Things I'm absurdly bad at: Historical trivia, drawing (yet I love it!), tennis and other embaressing things I politely refuse to share. :D

    Oh, if by any chance you like to swim, tell me!
    Charmed to meet thee!
  • Location
    Over the hills!
  • Gender

Role Play Information

  • RP Ready

Crescent's Achievements

C-Mark Crusader

C-Mark Crusader (3/9)



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