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Posts posted by Silentium

  1. I just finished watching it. It was better than expected, though I can't say that I love it. It felt more like a longer version of any of the first two episodes in any season than an actual movie.

    There was a lot of opportunity for awkward situations to happen, but luckily it was kept to a minimum.

    I can say that the human models started to grow on me when the film progressed.

    Overall, I liked it, though it's not anything special.

  2. Hello. Your friendly neighborhood Helpstaffer here. You have a really interesting pony there living among the forest. However your mentioning the ability for plants to restore magic is not accepted as we have no indication from the show how alchemy works and whether plants have any magical properties. You will also need to eliminte the reference to seeing an old talking tree as there are no trees like that in Equestria.

    Instead of finding the tree, you can say that perhaps he began to experiment with plants and found that his destiny lay with his seeking of medicinal properties with the plants.

    Alrighty, thanks for the critique Lux. I altered my application.

    First, I redid the cutie mark story. It still involves a big tree, but there is no magic.

    Secondly, Oaken's interest of plants starts off as an interest, turns into a hobby, then turns out a cutie mark, which is his destiny.

    Thirdly, the part about restoring the unicorn's energy has been completely removed. It has been replaced with a smaller example involving Canterlot's gardens instead.

    Fourthly, alchemy has been removed. It is somewhat replaced with "primitive medicine." Magic has been completely removed.

    Fifthly, Oaken decides to use his botany skill for medical purposes at college.

    There are also many other smaller changes throughout the application, but those five are the more major things.

  3. For this case, I'll take a third, unproclaimed option: reference. It's a look-a-like pony that only existed within the nightmares of Rarity. It's more of a reference to the character than the actual character herself. So because of that, I wouldn't consider it a cross-over. I also wouldn't consider her canonical either, because I don't consider the pony to be the actual Mabel.

    (AKA, not canon/cross-over because it's reference, unless if I'm missing something.)

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  4. Roleplay Type: Mane RP

    Name: Oaken Heart

    Sex: Male

    Age: Stallion

    Species: Earth pony

    Eye colour: Purple

    Coat: Dark Green

    Mane/Tail: Both purple. The mane is of a sizeable length, although combed to appear straight. The tail, by contrast, is small, but is too combed.

    Physique: Slightly taller than average for a male pony, but maintains an average buff.

    Residence: Canterlot

    Occupation: Botanist – Studies plants and their properties. Often does so for medical purposes.

    Cutie Mark: A tree with vines draping around it.

    Oaken was out traversing the forest on a fall afternoon, sometime before the twilight. He yearned to spruce things up a bit, so he decided to take a different path than from one he would usually take. However, this yielded the unfortunate consequence of being lost. It wasn't long before the moon took its rightful place in the night time sky. Consumed in panic, Oaken Heart raced across the forest aimlessly, only to bump into a tree. It was a large one, and undoubtedly the largest of the ones surrounding it. Parts of the base was covered in poison ivy, and Oaken avoided those sections. Oaken received some scrapes and cuts as a result of running into the tree. Luckily, at plant that excreted an oil that soothed pain was common within the forest. All Oaken had to do was take a few steps, pluck a leaf or two, and rub it in the areas needed. Oaken then layed on the grass to rest for a moment. But when he did this, he noticed the hight of the tree. He remembered reading up on a tree that was tall and was native to Equestria. It was then that he planned to climb to tree to see where Canterlot was. Again, remembering what he read up on the tree, he knew that the branches of the tree were sturdy enough to climb upon. It took more work than he would've liked, but he managed to reach the top and spot Canterlot. It was here that he received his cutie mark. Although this event wasn't flashy, it did show the significance of Oaken's hobby for plants. It was at this point that Oaken would pursue plants as his actual occupation.

    History: Oaken Heart was born in the majestic city of Canterlot. Born into an average family, or at least average in Canterlot terms, he was the oldest of the children. Two sisters would follow afterwards. In this average Canterlot family, the father's side carried a special renown, this being that Oaken's father's side was renown for harboring researchers. Maybe not always the ones providing breakthroughs, but definitely provide aid in various programs regardless of significance. The mother's side was know for being... sub-average. Often not as fancy, but more energetic. Only those who forcibly held grudges, or those who placed fanciness on a pedestal and a top priority, could hate one of them after spending time, because they were often some of the best ponies to socialize with.

    Oaken Heart was less lively than his family expected. At an early age, it was obvious that he would be the less sociable and fun of the three offspring. Although he could easily have a splendid time with his peers, he would only hang on to a few dear close friends. Otherwise, everything else went on a normal path.

    Oaken would become more detached from his peers the later his childhood went on. Even worse, some of his closer friends left one way or another. Increasing loneliness had a toll, and Oaken eventually removed himself completely. With his extreme act causing an absence of friends, Oaken would often travel into the forests, mountains, and gardens in and surrounding Canterlot. He would accomplish this often, and either alone or with some family. In his adventures out of town, he would occasionally catch poison ivy. Annoyed with the recurrence, he researched what plant may be causing it in order to avoid it. This would, so to say, be the seeds of interests for his love of plants. Eventually, Oaken would start to lightly study plants in order to make primitive cures and to avoid various dangerous plants. This plant interest only started out as a simple interest to improve his adventures in the forest. However, the more he researched, the more it grew on him. Eventually, he could start naming a few of the plants and note some of their properties. This included wild and cultivated plants. It eventually became a loved hobby, so to say. It even grew further, as one faithful event granted him his cutie mark. It was here that Oaken knew that is love of plants was his destiny.

    In his “tween” session of his life, Oaken Heart started to make a few new friends, and close ones. Rejecting his normal practice of isolation, Oaken's mother side started to grow a little inside him. In his tween/teen phase of his life, he would become more bold and sociable. Maybe a little more so than he would like, because he would often make stupid decisions and do things before thinking. On Oaken's occupation side of his life during this time, he would become more sophisticated with his knowledge. Knowing more plants and what they do, he could more easily name plants, use some for various purposes, and avoid the hazardous ones. This could commonly be seen. On one occasion, he and a friend was wandering though the gardens of Canterlot. However, his friend tripped and scraped his knee. Oaken managed to spot a plant that would ease the pain, an applied it to the injuries on his friend. Also during trips in either the gardens or the forest, he could usually manage to tell what a plant was, and usually so upon request.

    In Oaken's younger adult life, he would attend college to major in botany. But while in college, he also dabbled in making primitive medicine with plants. It was only a month into this that he realized what to do with his knowledge of plants: study them for medical purposes. Although he had a love and well developed knowledge of plants, he didn't really have any real purpose for this knowledge prior to college.

    Currently, Oaken is a researcher at Canterlot, helping studying plants for medical reasons. Having only being out of college for a few years, he's one of the more inexperienced researchers in Canterlot. On occasion, he may still attempt to make a sort of primitive medicine for certain symptoms.

    Character Summary: Oaken Heart is usually a peaceful pony and will lightly keep to himself, but isn't afraid to meet new ponies. Random bursts of energy may occur depending on the situation, but this will often lead to recklessness.

    Oaken is also good at making critical decisions at times and is intelligent, though these may “deteriorate” depending on the situation.

    Oaken Heart can be quite bold. Although this is seldom a factor in everyday life, it will lead to some quick-made decisions that may warrant unwanted results.

    There are many things that may get on Oaken's nerves, but there is no one or few pet peeves, and any of the stimuli will only chip slowly away. However, if there is enough stimuli, Oaken will become angry, and this will be hard to calm down. In addition, he will lose some of his capacity to make critical decisions.

    Oaken may attempt to whip-up a primitive medicine once in a while. It won't be as good as actual medicine, but it's better than nothing. This is especially the case if you're nowhere near any medicine.

    Oaken Heart also quite fond of trees, but this trait it rarely seen. He will usually be more protective and conservative with trees than with other plants. This is mainly because of the event resulting in him receiving his cutie mark. To a lesser extent, trees are downright awe inspiring to him, so even if the event didn't occur, trees would hold a slightly higher place in his heart when compared to other plants.

  5. We will adapt though, the main curse are going to be our friends and families and advanced technology, particularly the internet.

    Well, with all of the magic going around (and all of the books to read), I wouldn't see how no internet would be that bad. It would pretty much be family and friends that would be the man point holding you back. But if relations like those are sub-par, that would be a different story.

    but ponies though ????

    Based on my previous post, this would have effectively zero factor.

    what if it was twilight sparkle that was welcoming you at the entrance of the portal, what if she was the one that created it with all her crazy science experiments..

    I would definitely be more inclined to enter the portal then.

  6. I dunno if I could even get through the portal. Me being analytical, the gate would be removed from existence before I would've even started to think about entering it. I mean, the gate just appears! How would we know if the civilians would just open their arms towards us? Heck, I was typing up about 12 sentences starting to cast doubt on the premise just because I didn't read the OP completely. Most of my questions were answered in the later portion of the post; I only read the first half.

    And even if I did have time to critically analyse the situation, I would have a laborious task of actually entering it (that's if I decide to go). I would have to miss out on seeing the few relatives and family members that I love, and miss all of the future opportunities and possibilities. Plus, again, how would I know if the population were to love me? I would be assuming the worst. I would be thinking more about the xenophobia and possible out-lash that I may face, rather than thinking about how utopian it is. Basically, it would be my future on earth versus being an actual alien on another planet.

  7. Well, I think we are both thinking of different bands here, unless you mis-typed. I said Helloween, with an E. You said Halloween, like the holiday. I think there is a band called Halloween (well, there must be a band called that by now), though I've never listened to it.

    I meant to say Helloween. My brain says to type in Halloween because I always forget that one subtle difference.

  8. [colour=#daa520]“Help the nice pony with the medical supplies,”[/colour] Acclaim replied, waving a hoof at the clerk. [colour=#daa520] “I can break some of this beach furniture to make a splint, but I need fresh gauze to secure it. Unwrap some of that and have it ready for me.”[/colour]

    "Yes sir," Tekton stated in reply.

    Although he didn't know he was given both tasks, he went up to the store clerk, the pony who was dealing with the medical supplies. "Hey," he inquired, "do you need any help with the medical supplies?" He paused for a brief moment. "And uh, is there any sturdy fabric or gauze of some type in this shop?"

    [colour=#FF0000]'Just my luck.'[/colour] Razor thought, biting down on the edge of the table, claws carving across the top. He was not going to scream. He wouldn't. And when it was finally all done, and his wing was set he felt ready to just pass out.

    [colour=#FF0000]"I hate krakens."[/colour] He said simply. Next vacation he would go up north. Snow ought to keep anything with tentacles from his leisure time.

    Tekton wanted to say something uplifting, an optimistic statement. However, he felt that it would only be intrusive, and decided not to speak. Tekton only gave a quick glance, a brief moment of suspension from aiding the other ponies.

  9. Power metal just isn't my thing. Well I'm not sure what you mean by "big Death Metal" but they are one of the more well known bands.

    My mistake, I was exactly saying that they were big in the Death Metal scene.

    Isis being compared to Katatonia, that's not something that I hear everyday, though yeah ISIS videos are definitely kind of weird. The thing that I find cool about that video is that it isn't CGI they're using something that's called FerroFluid, kind of cool to know that it's all live footage. Also I've listened to a bit of Katatonia, I don't mind them, not a personal favorite though they seem to be alright.

    Well that song reminded me of Katatonia, not that they are very similar.

    Katatonia also isn't one of my most favorite, but there are a few songs that I like.

    And that is an interesting fact about the music video. I never knew the name of the fluid, but I knew of it before.

  10. I hate to tell ya but, I really dislike power metal. The only exception is Keeper of the Seven Keys pt.1 but I don't even listen to it that much. I'm not a fan of the vocals, the guitar is okay I guess, I dislike the overall "happy" sound of it.

    Anyways, I'll post something that I would normally listen to.

    Quite understandable. Sometimes I too dislike some of the power metal songs because they're too happy.

    And Morbid Angel, I know that they are big Death Metal. But again, I can't say that I'm a fan.

    I figured that you wouldn't like the Norma Jean stuff, so I dropped that Alcest song there, cause I'm that generous, and I figured that you'd like them. You like ISIS bro? They're another favorite band of mine.

    Well, I quickly skimmed over the video. I sort of like it, and I thought that the video was a little odd. Reminds me of the band Katatonia (I listen to a few of their songs), but this song specifically.

  11. Well at least I have an idea of what you're going at, the reason why I like Metalcore/Mathcore is because well....in my really young years I listened to a lot of Pop Punk, which had lead me over to Post-Punk and Hardcore Punk when I was older, so it would make sense that I'd move onto Metalcore/Mathcore when I was getting into the heavier stuff since that stuff has a bit of a background influence from Punk, so basically it's just the sound that I've been used to all my life. As for Black Metal, I have no idea how I got into that stuff, I guess I just listened to it and surprisingly liked the sound of it. Sludge Metal kind of has a background from Hardcore vocals so that's kind of how I was able to get into that stuff, and the same thing goes for Post-Metal.

    Personally, I started liking metal when my family got Guitar Hero 2. At that time, I was much younger. A year or so later, my brother introduced me to Kamelot. This introduced me to the other forms of metal, and made me see that metal just wasn't all about death. Although my curiosity in metal died out for sometime, I stumbled upon Rhapsody, one of the greater known power metal bands. From then, I just browsed similar songs in youtube if they were in the suggestions. Overtime, I would find all of the main metal that I like, including Viking, Pagan, Black, Power, etcetera. Most of the music that I like was the music that I was exposed to was during my "journies" in the youtube suggestions. Some music, such as Progressive and Melodic Death, were introduced to me by family and friends.

    My overall music taste is more focused on diversity. I will have a lot of bands playing in a genre of music, lots of metal sub-genres, but all bands will only have an album or two.

    Originally when I first found Black Metal, I didn't like it much. However, it's been several years since, and I'm now a fan of it, albeit not as hardcore as most other fans.

    From what I heard of Norma Jean, I can't say I like them. However, I'm digging the Alcest.

    And for that one Kamelot song that really kicked off my interest in metal:


    Here's the Rhapsody song (it's long) that really kicked off my love for metal:


    Holy crud, the nostalgia of the day that I found this long song...

  12. Bro, Carcass invented melodic death metal.

    According to Wikipedia and About.com (http://heavymetal.ab...etalprofile.htm), Carcass was one of the few bands who attributed to the sub-genre's formation, not the main one.

    Not my type, though I'll be open minded

    So that's a no?

    They don't attempt to be hardcore, they just are influenced by it or cross the two together, there's a difference, though I don't seem to get your point on the whole "it's not taking itself seriously" thing, though I can get why you wouldn't like it for the sound of that type of stuff.

    As I said before, it's hard to explain. I can like one genre of metal, like one band who plays that type of metal, but not another who plays the same thing. There is a common connection, but it's hard to express in words.

    I say serious because that's what comes to mind when I try to think of words. I could mean serious as by either tone, originality, or even something completely different.

    And I never objectively stated that it's not taking itself seriously, only that I felt like that it wasn't. The people who are making the music are (or at least I would assume) very serious while making and playing the music. Again, it's me unable to put the reason why I don't like a particular song into coherent words. Heck, I know of I few songs that I like that are similar in style (or even apart of the same genre), but for some reason this song doesn't stick out. In other words, play style probably isn't playing that much of a role in the factoring (or it is, but I'm just underestimating it).

  13. Eh, I guess you could say that. I tend to listen to genres that are more hardcore based, though somehow I was able to get into Black Metal, especially Depressive Black, Atmospheric BM is alright depending on the band.

    Well at least you recognize some of them, though you don't even know my favorite Metal band, CONVERGE

    I doubt that you'd be fan of them, though I might as well leave a song by them anyways.

    As I stated earlier in the thread, I do like Black Metal, and Atmospheric and Epic are my favorite sub-genres of Black Metal. Some of the bands that I recognized were because I stumbled on them while finding some Black Metal bands to listen to.

    Honestly, I don't aim for metal bands that are attempting to be hardcore. I can't find words to put it, but the best way (and most general) is that I like metal that is more on the serious side/takes itself seriously. The metalcore/grindcore stuff usually doesn't appeal to me in that regard, as I feel that it's just not really being serious.

    And you guessed correct. Based on that song, I can't say that I'm a fan of Converge.

    I know many people who aren't very fond of death metal. :cry::wail:

    I'll post some Carcass, AKA the great and mighty Carcass.

    I do like some melodic death metal, but otherwise it's not my cup of tea.

    I can't say that I would be a fan of Carcass, although I do see the good quality from it.

    Also, could I interest you two in some Folk/Viking metal?

  14. Death and Opeth are both great death metal bands to start off with, I'd recommend Death's album The Sound of Perseverance and Opeth's Blackwater Park.

    Ironically I already listened to that Death album. Can't say that I'm much of a fan. But then again, I'm not that much of a death metal fan either. I only recently found out how big they were.

    And I'll check out that Opeth album sometime.

  15. Bro, I love Metal, I like mostly Metalcore (Though I never did like Melodic Metalcore), Grindcore, Black Metal, Post-Metal, and Sludge/Doom Metal. My personal favorite

    It seems that you're into the more darker side of metal.

    Can't really say that I'm a fan of Metalcore, Grindcore, or Sludge/Doom Metal, but I am into black metal fan myself.

    Some bands include Drudkh, Immortal, Bathory, Wodensthrone, and Darkforest.

    From your list, I recognize Austere, Pelican, Darkthrone, and Woods of Desolation. The others, not so much.

    I love metal, it's my favorite genre of music.

    Some my favorite bands are Carcass, Death, Opeth, Electric Wizard and Eyehategod.

    I'm not much of a death metal fan, although I hear that Death is a classic.

    I've also been hearing that Opeth is good too. Maybe I should check them out sometime.

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