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Posts posted by Silentium

  1. Alright, made the changes.

    The purple text is replaced with black.

    The phrase "people's pony" was more on long the lines of extrovert/sociable. The line was supposed to state that he wasn't really sociable. I removed the phrase and replaced it with "...would not be a very sociable, outgoing pony..."

    The electrocution is replaced with "...and gave a good shock to Tekton."

    All that needs to be done by your standards is post the picture.

    Upload them to tinypic or another carrying site, then click on the "image" icon on your OP during an edit. Then simply copy the URL and it'll appear on it's own :)

    Alright thanks, I'll get to uploading the picture.

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  2. Roleplay Type: World of Equestria

    Name: Technica Tekton

    Sex: Male

    Age: Early Stallion

    Species: Earth Pony

    Eye colour: Grey with a pinch of red

    Coat: Greyish-red

    Mane/Tail: Grey

    Physique: Smaller than average in height for males. Fairly thin/lithe.

    Residence: Apploosa

    Occupation: Civil engineer.

    Cutie Mark: Lighting and cloud making an "x" shape. On top, a horizonal hammer in the middle.

    Picture of Cutie Mark:


    Picture of Technica Tekton:


    History: Technica Tekton was born in Corralwood Corral. Technica Tekton was born into a family with building and engineering practically in their blood. Technica Tekton has very little memories of his birthplace, because his family moved out only a year after he was born. The only reason he was given for the departure, when he was older, was that his parents needed jobs, and Corralwood Corral didn't provide any for them. His family moved to Canterlot.

    Technica Tekton had a quiet early childhood. The fillies and foals didn't seem to take note of him when they saw him. His parents really didn't have much of a feel for him either. Maybe because they were to busy, or Technica Tekton didn't embrace his heritage of builders and engineers, at least not in his early life. During this time, he would usually read books to himself. Easier to read books, of course.

    Later in his childhood, Technica Tekton had a knack for the new electricity that was going around. It fascinated him to ponder what this new technology could bring about. He used his reading abilities to read about electricity, and eventually building and engineering. This is when Technica Tekton officially got into his heritage. This is also important because he is the first in his family to embrace electricity. While this was going on, he was receiving troubles at school. Few friends and being mocked for not being prestigious enough at the Canterlot grade schools was troublesome. Although he would not be a very sociable, outgoing pony, he always sought out the good in ponies before going through the process of distrust and hate. In fact, that was the way he received his few friends. Sometimes, he would use this approach to find builders for his projects because he himself is an awful builder, although he would use it later on in life.

    In his early teen hood, Tekton finally started a real bond with his father and mother. They would construct tree houses, various wooden toys, and other unique creations. Unfortunately, Tekton wasn't the best builder. Tree houses would often have a crooked feel, if not collapse in on itself, and various toys would not be as mobile as the ones his mother or father would make. He could, however, more easily design and implement electricity into devices. On one such day, Tekton decided to make a device to speed up the process of putting in screws. He worked out the plans for a few hours in the yard. When he was completed, he almost immediately began construction of the new device. When that was completed, he attempted to use the device. Unfortunately, the device broke when he turned it on, and gave a good shock to Tekton. Some of the parts flew off and managed to bruise Tekton. Amist the debri and injuries, Tekton's father walked to him and only pointed at Tekton's rump. And behold, Tekton finally received his cutie mark!

    During his late teenhood and early adulthood, Tekton attended college at Canterlot for engineering and electrical engineering. He is currently residing at Appleoosa, helping to spread the western frontier. However, he will travel often help construction projects in other places of Equestria.

    Character Summary: Technica Tekton is a peaceful pony. He'll always find a peaceful route before resorting to more drastic measures. He also isn't too extreme in many areas. For example, Tekton isn't the one to get too messy or be too outdoorsy if not needed, but also won't be extremely clean or fancy. Tekton is also a practical guy. He won't go out of his way to preform tasks that seem unnecessary or that can't be completed. An example, he won't use unnecessary etiquette when dining out, as in, hold the cup a certain way, eat a certain way, but he also won't be a pig while eating.

    Technica is also more of an introvert. He won't go out of his way to make friends for the sake of making some, and can be awkward around people.

    Technica has no real phobias, although he is somewhat timid. For example, he may not have a fear of diamond dogs all of the time, but will fear them if they threaten the workers of a project.

    Techinca despises a few things: overly eccentric beings, stupid beings, or just arrogant beings. His schooling at Canterlot as shown him that everything doesn't appear to be what they are. The more fancy and privileged ponies could easily fail at simple tasks, but still bloat about how they are superior just because of their etiquette.

    Tekton also really likes using opportunity. If there is anything that can help out, and doesn't require something that infringes on basic moral code to get it, he may just attempt to get it. He feels that one day, this will really land him some huge success. However, him being an introvert usually restricts this.

    Tekton also more easily solves problems than other ponies. Not puzzles, but things such as "how can we achieve X without going overboard on Y?" Sometimes he'll make his own unique devices in order to help solve a problem.

  3. The problem with my elder brother, however, is that I found out that he was a brony when he was a senior in high school. He's now in college. When he's not off at college, he's locked up in his own room. In other words, I don't really can share my experiences with him.

    On another note you probably shouldn't be too gloomy on the subject. Nothing much will change if you don't tell your loved ones that you are a brony.

  4. You know, you don't have to tell people that you are a brony.

    In some cases, its actually preferred to do so. I mean, some people actually may discriminate against you for your "bronyhood."

    However, if really insist, I wouldn't flat out tell them. You may want to poke a few hints at first. If they ask you about it, tell the truth. You also don't want to push the brony topic after you've revealed it, because then you'll just create an atmosphere of awkwardness and annoyance.

    In my personal experience, my younger brother found out that I was a brony after I said a few brony quotes such as "10 seconds flat."

    Unfortunately, my stupid brother told my mother and other siblings that I was a brony, all out of rage.

    Very fortunate for me, my family, with the exception of a few odd glances, was accepting of it. And more so, my eldest brother admitted that he was a brony too.

    I did the same with two of my closest friends. Now one of them is a brony, but the other is a hater, and had been even before I'd confessed.

    I don't bring up my bronydom much to my friends because then the hater will just get angry, and any good mood will dissipate.

    My point, it's probably not going to be that bad, or it will be worse than considered, depending on the people you are going to admit do. Just make sure that your friend's and family are of the accepting type, or at least the type who can tolerate things, before you confess. And don't flat out tell your loved ones. Hint at it first.

  5. The Kirin or Qilin (as for the mythos thing, the type of sea serpent Steven Magnet is is definitely based on chinese dragons so eastern material isn't out of the question) is an eastern thing. What you said is a catch all, but every kirin doesnt have all of those traitss, depending on what era the depictions are from. Jin Dynasty is dragon and any equine. While Qing has the kirin with all the things you mention. In Korea the kirin has went from deer/ horse/ ox/ but have shifted to be almost completely dragon horses. And japan does it all. Where as some Kirin are Draco-felines. But any creature born as a hybrid of two animals would traditionally be a false qilin since qilin are their own species and are one of the 4 heavenly beasts.

    Ah yes, Steven Magnet. I forgot about him.

    Well now that I'm more aware of eastern mythology in MLP, and a more in depth description of the kirin, the idea of Spike and Rarity making children is more viable.

  6. Well, I read through the posts. I think that I should give my two cents on this situation.

    I don't think that Spike and Rarity can have children. Biologically, they're completely different species. In the real world, only animals that are of the same species or genus may have children. I doubt that dragons and ponies would be of the same genius.

    Although some have mentioned that the children could be kirin, I personally don't think that such a thing could occur. Kirin (at least if I got my data correct) is a creature in Chinese mythos noted to have features of dragons, ox, deer, horses, fish, lions, etcetera etcetera. The show is known to have more western mythology and some ideas of its own, such as timberwolves. That means that kirin probably wouldn't exist in the lore of MLP: FiM, because kirin is more of an eastern thing. Another thing to note is that a dragon and a pony can only produce offspring with the characteristics of dragons and ponies. Spike and Rarity's children, if they had any, would lack the features of a kirin and thus not be a kirin. What I'm more saying with this point is that if Spike and Rarity could have a child, a kirin wouldn't be one of them.

  7. Hi, welcome to Canterlot. :)

    May I inquire who brought you to the site?

    I don't remember the person's name. I do remember hearing about it a long time ago, and that the person was stating that he/she was an admin on this site.

    It was basically some average internet post I saw while browsing pony stuff.

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  8. About Myself: Salutations everyone. I heard about this cite and decided to check it out. From what I skimmed through, it looks good.

    I do have some prior role playing experience. Hopefully it will suit me well.

    I call myself Silentium (which is apparently the latin word for silence) because I myself am more on the quiet sitde. Not much of a people's person. On top of that, I'm also calm and peaceful. I also consider myself more of a practical guy, as in, I usually do things with good reason. Some of my hobbies are just games, but it's mostly watching internet videos. I plan on doing more than just that.

    How I found Canterlot.com: Through people noting about the cite.

    How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I remember reading some sort of article about bronies during the time the brony fandom was just starting out. I checked out the show out of curiosity. And what do you know, I was hooked almost immediately.

    My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Miss Rarity,Twilight Sparkle
    Hopefully your experience with me and my experience with you will be a pleasant one!

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