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Posts posted by brianblackberry

  1. Cheerilee smiled at the increasingly excited foals as Abby’s present opening had begun, content on waiting her turn as she figured little Applebloom would no doubt get through them all soon enough. Besides, there was cider to be had, and Applejack promised that it would be a special blend for the adults, which suited Cheerilee just fine. She could really stand to relax a bit, and how better than with the most famous cider in Ponyville!

    The mulberry colored mare eagerly took a mug, then sat down to relax between Ingrid and Rarity. At least that way, if she did get woozy, there were a couple unicorns right there to help her, and it never hurt to get more social time in. She took a sip, and it was delicious! She couldn't even taste the tang of the alcohol. Cheerilee took one long draw, drinking the mug empty of its contents, but if there was meant to be any kick it must have been a foal’s kick. [colour=#800080]"It tastes great as usual, Applejack! However, ummm..."[/colour] Cheerilee didn't like to criticize, always cautious as she was used to dealing with fragile self-esteem of young ponies. [colour=#800080]"It seems a little ... mild. Delicious! But ... "[/colour]

    Figuring it would be good to change the subject, she turned back to Ingrid, speaking quickly to cover her awkwardness. [colour=#800080]"So, I never got to ask. Do you have a family back in Canterlot? Husband? Foals of your own?"[/colour]

  2. Carrot Fields felt really embaressed as he cleaned himself off, and Applebloom's constant laughing wasn't helping. He wanted to slink down a hole somewhere and die of shame, but Applejack's disarming and cheerful response definately made him feel more at ease. Maybe the situtaion wasn't a big deal after all. Carrot started to chuckle,[colour=#ff8c00] "Ach aye, Oi guess Oi'm a real klutz sometimes, heh, but aye, campin' soonds loch a roit stoatin idea!"[/colour] He didn't have much else to add, caught up in her wonderful smile.

    Her brother seemed to take this all in stride too, even ribbing his sister some. They sure were a lot like Purple and he, always bantering, but it was obvious even to the most casual of observer that they loved each other. [colour=#ff8c00]"We ne'er bin tae th' Whitetail, ay coorse e'en it in yer orchard woods be great. Oi've nae gain campin' fur fin since afair Oi was in th' REA, sae nae since Oi were a colt. Oi ken we bin busy wi' th' new farm tae think abit th' idea again until noo. Oi'll teel ye thocht, it was an adventure talkin' wee Purple alang back 'en, she'd gie intae everythin' a wee foal coods fin'!"[/colour]

    Like on cue though Purple had returned with her latest creation. It was time to impress. Sure, Zap Apples were legendary, and both he and Purple were pretty impressed, but Purple was the best cook he knew! No legends, perhaps, but more than enough delicious surprises that nopony could not love! Maybe that was just brotherly pride talking, but he sincerely believed it! [colour=#ff8c00]"Oi'm sure yoo'll come up wi' a guid nam fur them, ur perhaps uir guests will ance they gie them a try."[/colour]

    Carrot started to feel a bit more relaxed now. Perhaps the camping idea would be great. Even the talk of sports worked out well; oh wait, did he agree to grape wrestle with her?

  3. A soaking wet, flat maned Cheerilee entered the building where the juice was made. The cider making layout was pretty old fashioned but not entirely unexpected. At least it made it easy to divide up the foals - some could clean the apples, some could divide the good from the bad, the athletic ones could have a time in the wheel, and perhaps Bumpkin would allow a couple up there with her to smash them into juice. Cheerilee snickered at that last part, no doubt some of the foals would really enjoy stomping around like that, competing to see who could smash the most apples.

    Cheerilee's joy at the whole prospect was slightly dampened when their generous host asked to see her at the end of the field trip, [colour=#800080]ugh, the Mayor isn't going to be too pleased when I explain the school had to pay for an apple tree's worth of apples. [/colour] That had to be what she needed to talk about. Although Bumpkin seemed very forgiving about it all, Cheerilee still remembered how upset her sister was.

    First things first, though, she had to resolve who had set the tree on fire. Now that the class was safety inside the dry building, she looked back at her class with a serious expression. [colour=#800080] "Students, before we can enjoy making ourselves some delicious apple juice, I need to know how that tree caught on fire. I am giving the guilty party a chance to come forward and pony up to causing it. I am sure it was an accident, but I need to know who and how before we can continue."[/colour]

  4. [colour=#CC99CC]Flitter[/colour]

    Oh, did Flitter have a story! Well, to her, at least. Maybe not much to the experienced weather ponies like her love, Cloudchaser, but she was excited to tell it anyway! [colour=#cc99cc]"It was amazing! There was this squall of clouds coming down between Ponyville and Cloudsdale and the group leader ... Uhh?" [/colour] Flitter tapped her hoof under her chin and concentrated but she couldn't remember the stallion's name. [colour=#cc99cc]"Uhh ... Well, I can't remember, but he told Silverspeed, Thunderlane, and I to push the line of clouds apart. That's when I lost track of you, 'though I'm sure you were taking care of some of the bigger storms! Annnyway, it took us hours even if it was just a small line of clouds, they were so black and windy, and kept shocking us! Poor Thunderlane, he kept getting pushed behind and Silverspeed and I had to keep grabbing him so he wouldn blow away, but we did it! We got them all!"[/colour] Flitter looked down for a moment as if embarrassed, [colour=#cc99cc]"buuuut by then we didn't know where we were. Thunderlane swore he knew which way to go but took off so fast I lost track of him in the rain."[/colour] Flitter rolled her eyes. [colour=#cc99cc]"I think Silverspeed managed to keep up with him, she is really fast ya know. So annnnyway, I flew around looking for anypony I could spot when I realized I was near Canterlot, so I flew down here to rest up under an eave or something, when I saw this place."[/colour] She gave Cloudchaser another great big hug, [colour=#cc99cc]"and I found you!"[/colour]

    Flitter smiled and waved to Dash, who seemed to be in cider heaven, and Soarin', and blushed slightly. Wonderbolts were just so hip and cool, she never knew anypony that dated one before. "[colour=#cc99cc]So Dash and he are ... dating?! Ooooooooo!"[/colour] Flitter whispered and giggled, trying not to be too loud as she leaned her head on Cloudchaser's shoulder, but she couldn't help but smile broadly as if she had knowledge of some great secret. [colour=#cc99cc]"So you gotta tell me, how awesome did you do?!"[/colour]

    [colour=#cc6699]Martini Paradise[/colour]

    Martini smiled as Wind Rider talked up the Wonderbolts. She knew the spiel all too well; Sunrise never stopped singing their praises, or at least never stopped talking about how that one Soarin' fella was just "so bodacious and dreamy." You didn't need to be a peagsus to know who they were, just about anypony who didn't live under a rock did. [colour=#cc6699]"I am sure they make all of you proud, but here is your chance to chat with them one on one."[/colour]

    Martini looked around for some lemon cake when she heard a call for more cider and pie. Things were suddenly getting busy, not that she minded. She just hoped she could keep up some nice conversations with the patrons - the main perk of the job.

    While Martini could find pie, pie, and more pie, in great variety, and one of them was lemon, but pie was all they seemed to have. Knives and mugs and plates floated around her as she simultaneously cut one slice each of apple and lemon pie and poured another frothy cider, the cloud of implements and food coming together before her to settle down onto the bar in a perfect landing formation she hoped would impress pegasus ponies. By the time she was done, the two stallions were already talking to the Wonderbolt mare, [colour=#cc6699]they do work fast, those two.[/colour] She smiled apologetically to Misty Morning.[colour=#cc6699] "Sorry, hon, we don't have any cake, but we've got some lemon meringue pie if you want. It's really good!"[/colour]

  5. Trixie, too, watched Lyra run off in the direction the townsponies were no doubt still fleeing at top speed down the shore, although she was likely watching a little more intensely then her companion was. Whooves mentioning Lyra was leaving though managed to turn her head though, [colour=#6699cc]"she's leaving? I uhh ... mean, well, I guess she is leaving! Just as well, we don't want anypony getting in the way when we reach the library!"[/colour] Trixie trotted proudly in the direction of the manavane, her eyes closed and head held high. Of course she looked stunning! Anypony would think so! Surely Lyra thought so, right? [colour=#6699cc]Why did she leave without saying goodbye?[/colour] Trixie's gait suddenly became a bit slower and her trot slowed as she came to the shoreline. She pondered that in silence; no need to let Whooves know what she was thinking.

    Trixie's introspection was broken by the sudden, rapidly becoming familiar noise of the Doctor's strange self-moving wagon that ran as if by magic, but controlled by an earth pony! She swore she was going to figure out how that thing worked, but wondered for a moment if he really knew how it actually functioned.

    Trixie trotted toward the cart when Whooves finally answered her inquiry about the location of the next clue, or perhaps the library itself. [colour=#6699cc]"Out there? What do you mean, out there? There is nothing out there but ocean!" [/colour] Trixie looked toward the ocean, squinting her eyes in hopes of spotting an island or an outcropping, but nothing but endless blue all the way to the horizon. She turned back, gesturing with her forehoof toward the sea, [colour=#6699cc]"Ocean! You can see the ocean, right? Are you sure that thing isn't broken again?! We don't even have a boat!"[/colour]

  6. Carrot Fields smiled proudly as his sister spoke of their homeland, their sports, and the bagpipes; he even had a bit of a blush as Purple praised his athletic skills at the annual highland games back in Fet Loch. [colour=#ff8c00] "Ach ... there a roit plenty lot of great caber buckers an' runners back home. Oi jes' enjoy th' competition, gettin' tae represent th' Carrots versus... well, a lot of other Carrots, really, but ye get th' idea!"[/colour] He was a bit shy about his achievements personally, even keeping the ribbons he won tucked away in a drawer in his workshop, but he wasn't so much so that he didn't enjoy how much it made his sister proud.

    Carrot scooped up one of the mini muffins and tossed it in his mouth, enjoying the little bite-sized taste of deliciousness. [colour=#ff8c00]"Aye, they taste as good as they look Purple, ye always make old recipes taste even better!" [/colour] Her next idea was what really perked his ears, though. [colour=#ff8c00]"Aye, absolutely! Why dinnae ye play us a merry tune or two, Purple?"[/colour] Carrot smiled broadly; sure, she wasn't all that good at the bagpipes, but she was still far better than he was! [colour=#ff8c00]"Ye're in fer a real treat Dawn; there is nothing like the bagpipes! Now what is this about Stalliongrad? Oi was stationed there fer several months back when Oi was in th' REA. Are ye from there?"[/colour]

  7. Trixie was well prepared to get some much needed rest now that the Doctor had his contraption mostly together. She was used to sleeping in a wagon after all, calm or stormy - the drops of rain outside usually soothed her to sleep. Her eyes grew tired just thinking about it, and she gave a large, uncaring yawn, just as some tan colored pegasus loudly popped in! [colour=#6699cc]"Wha ... Who are you, who intru-?!"[/colour]

    While she was annoyed at being interrupted, she was delighted to find a fan! A proper fan, out here in the middle of nowhere! She *liked* fans! They were so eager, and usually heaped on the praise! [colour=#6699cc]"Of course I am, my enthus-"[/colour] Trixie stopped mid-sentence with a horrified look on her face when the pegasus got right up to Trixie and started to sniff at her neck, [colour=#6699cc]"excuse me!!! The Great and Powerful Trixie likes her personal space!"[/colour] Sure, she was famous, and attractive, mares wanted to be her *and* be with her, but it would be nice if the pegasus introduced herself first before getting personal.

    The odd pony appeared to be completely oblivious to any social graces and had the attention span of a gnat, already focusing on the Doctor. Trixie did smirk at the declaration the brown earth pony was her "helper", but confused that he declared they were just companions traveling together. Trixie didn't like the implications of that! Like she would just hook up and travel with some eccentric goofball stallion like a couple vagabonds! It might be ... well ... kinda true, but still! It was part of the business![colour=#6699cc] "Hmph! We are not merely traveling together, we are on a great adventure of mystery and magic, to seek a grimoire of great power!"[/colour] Trixie smiled proudly; she wasn't worried, why would some pegasus care about a book only a unicorn could use?

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  8. Braeburn felt great! Any excuse for physical outdoor activity was a good one, and although he didn't have that much personal experience with herding, he was more than willing to try; fortunately he wasn't alone as Pink Lady took up the other side of the mob of pigs and between the two of them were forcing to group of swine into a manageable group moving in the same general direction. [colour=#daa520]"Yeeeeehaaaaa Pink Lady! Ah reckon we have these critters jes' about corralled!! keep 'em runnin' in the same direction and ah'll get ahead of 'em!" [/colour]

    Braeburn galloped a bit faster to get in front of the pack, ready to forcing them to turn back towards the pen, when he suddenly heard Applejack call out to the porkers that there was food for them. The pigs turned around, ignoring the two ponies trying to corral them to high-tail it back towards the pen. [colour=#daa520] "Well ah'll be! And here ah was all ready t'be a pig rustler!"[/colour] He was a little disappointed - he hadn't really gotten to show off - but at least the minor "crisis" was over. [colour=#daa520]"Well, Ah reckon the piglets have the right idea, Pink Lady, perhaps after a bucking' contest or two, we'll get our own vittles."[/colour] He still had his plan to challenge mac after Pink Lady was done, figuring to watch first to get a good idea how well Mac could do. Then he'd be able to lure him over for Apple Bumpkin.

  9. [colour=#800080]Cheerilee[/colour]

    Cheerilee wasn't surprised that Granny Smith didn't put two and two together - content on letting Haywire's supposed innocence stand; as long as she actually helped clean up and did whatever the Apple matriarch needed. Pinkie, on the other hoof was much harder to deal with; Cheerilee had no hold there given the weird pink pony was an adult, but she hoped Pinkie would do to right thing instead of becoming instantly distracted, as distant a hope as that was.

    At least Applebloom took it all in stride, not even losing a beat. Some foals are spoiled, but certainly not this one, even if she was a bit impatient about presents. Cheerilee smiled warmly as Abby opened Nursery Rhyme's, it was both adorable and personal. The schoolmare was fairly confident in her own gift to Applebloom, and more than happy to be patient about waiting her turn, but she got distracted when Ingrid spoke about the "special cider." [colour=#800080]"Well, I can certainly give it a taste test, just be sure to have a large mug for me to test with!"[/colour] She laughed; if it was anything like her previous cider experiences she already knew how much she would love it ... and how much she'd be testing!

    [colour=#ff8c00]Carrot Fields[/colour]

    Carrot Fields ran back to the wagon, disappointed that with all the distractions - and not a bit of help from any of them! He'd really hoped to get help from the unicorn, Rarity, and not just because she was pretty stunning, even with the food splattered on her. A bit of unicorn magic would have been handy. His disappointment turned to shock upon seeing the precarious situation his sister was in! Carrot quickly ran up to shoo the butterfly away from Purple's nose. [colour=#ff8c00]"Ach, sorry 'bout this, sis! 'ere were fallin' bales, an' fallin' ponies, an' flyin' pies, an' Oi cannae find anypony tae hie up th' wagon!" [/colour] He grabbed the bowl of carrot-ranch dip carefully with his forehooves and placed it softly on the ground - it looked like the biggest mess-maker, and he knew he'd never hear the end of it if that got all over his fine kilt.

    He quickly ran around to the part of the wagon being steadied by his sister's hind leg, and lifted it with his own to the point that the top of the wagon was level, relieving her of the burden. [colour=#ff8c00]"Better hie this food inside roit quick! All th' food jes went flyin' through th' air! Now's the time tae save the day wi' yer tasty snacks!"[/colour] He was sure Purple wasn't too happy with him at the moment, but at least he could hold the wagon up while she went back and forth getting the food out and set up.

  10. Although it wasn't really Martini's turn yet; I wanted to get Flitter in the RP and Martini has to keep care of the customers anyway.

    Soarin', you are up next :)


    Flitter wasn’t a weather pony by trade, she rarely manipulated more than individual clouds, and the most ambitious she usually got with those was to water her dam’s garden. But really, it was every pegasus' duty to help in the big stuff. It took everypony. It wasn't a law or anything, but it just was. A pegasus did their duty by the weather, when they were needed. Besides, she didn’t relish the idea of Cloudchaser up there risking herself without her.

    Flitter did remarkably well - or at least, she surprised herself for how well she did, for somepony who didn’t do this for a living. She did her share of helping push some of the storm clouds, direct the rain and so forth, but lost track of Cloudchaser early on; confident her fillyfriend would do well but naturally worried for her. The night wore on and the pegasus ponies gained the upper hoof, but Flitter ended up far away from home - but it was hard not to recognize Canterlot. At least she knew where she was. She searched for a place to relax, and to rest, at least until the rains let up, and there was one open establishment: Ponyland. [colour=#cc99cc]As good of a place as any.[/colour]

    Flitter trotted in, her normally wavy light blue-green mane was low and straight from the drenching water. She was lacking the bow that usually decorated her hair - left at home for fear of losing it in the storms. She looked about, vision momentarily blurred due to the sudden light, [colour=#cc99cc]"h-hi, I figure you all were open; I hope you don't mind me staying for a bit, if that is alright that is.” [/colour]

    Before she could get a direct answer, her eyes cleared and she soon looked in shock at what she saw; one ... No, two Wonderbolts! Sooooo awwwwesome! Wasn’t that Dash too? What luck and.. [colour=#cc99cc]"Cloudchaser![/colour]" Flitter was suddenly both ecstatic and relieved, and galloped right up to the light purple pegasus without even thinking to what she may have been doing and gave her a huge, and very wet, hug with her forehooves, [colour=#cc99cc]“you’re alright! Isototallymissedyou!”[/colour]

    [colour=#CC6699]Martini Paradise[/colour]

    Martini Paradise smiled at the trio as she set down their order, stopping for a second to turn to the rainbow maned pegasus and whisper in a soft voice, [colour=#cc6699]“I think the two stallions at the bar are fans of yours.”[/colour] She gave a playful wink, letting the blue pegasus decide on her own what that meant..

    Returning to behind the bar Martini walked by Wind Rider and smiled, [colour=#cc6699]“Well, a Sonic Rainboom, eh? I’ll have to ask my daughter about that one, she is all about sports, and athletics, and Wonderbolts; it sounds impressive, though.”[/colour] Martini had no clue, really, she was just sure that it sounded colorful. No doubt Sunrise would “correct” her on how undeniably “cool” it was.

    Martini was about to say more when the lone pegasus in the corner spoke up with a rather large order. Martini had been wondering if the yellow mare was going to ask for anything or say anything, as Acclaim had been very quiet up till now. Maybe she was ready to open up a little.[colour=#cc6699] “Coming right up hon!”[/colour]

    She started off sliding a fourth slice of pie over to Acclaim, then took out a shot glass and set it down on the bar with a loud thump. The smokey bottle of Talonopolis bourbon floated down and landed on her upturned hoof, and she tapped it to give it a proper spin, the long spout of the bottle tapping down onto the shot glass so the amber liquid could spill down into the shot glass. The shot glass was followed by a mug, floated over to the ale keg, where she tipped the tap with her hoof, spilling out the frothy beverage down the side of the glass, then the last few inches right down the center, making a night foaming head. The ale and the shot glass went down on either side of the plate of pie.

    She looked up when she finished to see who her newest customers were - and her eyes widened a little to see another Wonderbolt! Oh, Sunrise would be giddy if she were here! And she was going to be so jealous when Martini told her. Martini smiled warmly to the new guest, [colour=#cc6699]"let me see what I can find! It’s great to have another Wonderbolt in our little establishment,”[/colour] she motioned her forhoof in the direction of Soarin’, [colour=#cc6699]“welcome to Ponyland!”[/colour] Martini floated over a tall glass of water filled with ice cubes as she planted a lemon slice right over the edge before going in the back to see if she could scrounge up some lemon cake.

  11. Trixie was certainly glad to be back at the shore, finally, finally in hopes of perhaps actually finding the library now. Not that she didn't enjoy all the danger and excitement to some degree, especially when she got to play the part of the beautiful heroine, rescuing ponies from the monstrous menace of the Clockwork, but she felt her life was put in danger enough for one day, thank you very much!

    Trixie lifted a small, fancy golden colored gear from the sands, a piece of one of the defeated clockwork, a souvenir for herself in case anypony doubted her brave, brave story. Shaking the gear loose of any remaining sand with her horn, she looked up and saw Whooves finally taking those readings he talked at length about. Trixie hmphed, "[colour=#6699CC]about time he got around to it!"[/colour] She started walking up towards where the eccentric brown earth pony was, noticing the lovely mint unicorn was already by him - oh, Celestia, she was cute. Still, Trixie felt shocked and a bit incredulous about being left out on being asked to help gather the townfolk. Not that she would relish such a mundane request, but she was the Great and Powerful Trixie! Certainly she was needed ... Right?

    Trixie walked up to the pair, passing by so close to Lyra as to practically brush her as she smiled; that smile though turned to a frown when she got to Whooves, [colour=#6699CC]"and what am I supposed to do, just stand here and look ... well, stunning?"[/colour]

  12. Basically every natural phenomenon that can be labeled a disaster because it affects something, even if it is indirect. And it incurs chaos as well.

    I wouldn't call every natural phenomenon a disaster because natural phenomenon is constant. Rain is natural phenomenon but certainly isn't always a disaster, the fact we get energy in the form of sunlight that allows our ecosystem to even exist is a natural phenomenon; it isn't artificial nor supernatural.

    The issue with Discord is that he disrupts the natural order of things. His chaos is ill-timed, he breaks the laws of nature and causes the world to work in a way that otherwise could never do so without the direct and continuous effect of his magic.

  13. The easiest way to get emeralds really is to grow five tons of wheat and then sell it to villagers. See also: selling paper and charcoal to villagers. I've gotten something like 20 stacks of emeralds that way.

    You can look at the map of the server, pick an unexplored area, and go there. But remember you don't need mountains - you need extreme hills.

    I've finished adding Trottingham to the nether roadway. I found, supposedly, 'Talonopolis', but there's just a bunch of digging that happened there - no building of cities that I can see. Did I miss anything?

    Is there anyplace else that needs adding to the transportation system?

    Fleur's New Town, there is an above railroad to it from Ponyville over by Dash's place/

    I would skip Talonopolis; I don't think it ever got off the ground.

  14. Question: are there any mountain regions on the server that have been generated recently enough that they'll have minable emeralds? If not, I have no intentions of generating new map chunks just to find them since I know MC servers tend to frown on that sort of thing.

    I have never attempted to look yet, you can also trade for emeralds with villages.

  15. [colour=#800080]Cheerilee[/colour]

    Cheerilee smiled brightly - she had guessed right about Ingrid's foalhood, but it wasn't difficult; how would one become a counselor to a school full of gifted young magic users if one wasn't such themselves? But the hay bales across the floor rather prevented Cheerilee from talking shop with the fellow instructor. Cheerilee's face became far more serious looking, [colour=#800080]"Oh, I have a pretty good idea exactly how this happened."[/colour] Cheerilee turned around to Haywire with a flat, disappointed expression,[colour=#800080] "isn't that right, Miss Haywire? And I am sure whomever caused this mess has been taught to own up to their mistakes and certainly would volunteer to clean it up and, say, also help our hosts serve their guests for the rest of the evening. Either that or having to explain it all to Granny Smith; what do you think, Miss Haywire?"[/colour]

    As Cheerilee waited for an answer, a flurry of food flew past her with a small amount landing right on her; she took it in stride. She taught foals, after all - what was a mess other than a daily occurrence? She wiped some cake off of her cheek with her forehoof, blinked once, then looked back at the destroyed main food table. She sighed as she saw Pinkie sitting there.[colour=#800080] "Well, Miss Haywire, I think some hay bale spilling pony has her work cut out for her ... but might have an assistant."[/colour]

    [colour=#FF8C00]Carrot Fields[/colour]

    Carrot was feeling stretched a little thin - everything seemed so chaotic around him. A cute pink pony had cried for help from the rafters - but no time to react, as she crashed to the food table below. She seemed OK ... and he wanted to help her ... and Rarity needed help again ... and for some reason, he couldn't help but think that Purple was going to get on his case if he'd gotten *any* of that food on his nice clean kilt ... Purple! The wagon! And as he turned to leave, there was Applejack!

    He stopped short with a smile and a blush, [colour=#ff8c00]"Oh! Hi Applejack, right bonnie tae-"[/colour] Carrot stopped short, a bit more stung by the comment this time around. Last thing he wanted was for her to think how was a weirdo. [colour=#ff8c00]"It's a kilt!"[/colour] he called after her,[colour=#ff8c00] "It's nae a costume! Stallions in Fet Loch wear 'em fer special occasions!" [/colour]Carrot let out a soft groan, and looked over to Rarity with a bit of pain in his eyes. At least she hadn't gone running off after making fun of his clothes. [colour=#ff8c00] "Dinnae anypony roun' here wear sommat nice once in a while?" [/colour]he asked dejectedly. Aw, man, and she was all covered in food again. His first thought was to grab her and drop her into the apple bobbing tank but probably wouldn't be too appreciated.. by anypony.

    At least they'd be able to help replace the snacks, with all the food Purple had brou- [colour=#ff8c00]"ACH! Ah'll help in a moment, but me sis needs me, her wagon ah food has a busted wheel!" [/colour]He turned back to the door and hurried outside - help or not, he couldn't delay anymore, he just had to hope somepony could help - and if not, well he'd just have to kiss goodbye one clean dress-kilt.

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