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Posts posted by brianblackberry

  1. I've tried it on my friend's touch screen laptop. It's not that bad.

    Its great... for Tablet PCs

    Problem is it isn't a good operating system design for full desktop PCs. In its desire to appeal to the typical consumer who uses the computer to basically surf the Web, play Facebook games, and share videos of their vacation and pictures of their pets, Microsoft decided to ignore people who use the computer for high powered applications and desire their OS to be straightforward versus pretty.

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  2. Braeburn worked to get free of his family - it never was as simple as just stepping aside with this lot. He smiled and nodded to Apple Cinnamon, "Glad Ah could help! 'Course everypony here is least a second cousin to each other far as Ah kin tell." He tried, again, to follow Caramel when Applejack gave him a nostalgic nudge. "Good golly, ah remember that! An' th' time wi' the tomatoes, too! Had t'spend th' rest of the week doin' chores for that one! One more reason Ah'll have t' take a peek later to see what lil' Abby has done to the ol' tree house." Braeburn laughed, "Good times, 'cept for cousin Mac here when we made him the buffalo and hogtied 'im for a while; Ah reckon he tossed each of us in the pond three times each fer leaving' him like that all afternoon!"

    Finally, he'd gotten aside - he thought - but Braeburn's high spirits were killed rather sharply, at Caramel's implications that his orchard was nothing but some money sucking boondoggle. Braeburn actually frowned and looked miffed. "Well now hold on-", but before he could even complete his first sentence, a familiar voice rang out from behind. "Mama?!" Of course Braeburn went from agitated to surprised, and then to embarrassed as his mother passionately defended his pride and joy. She was right, of course, but it was still a bit rattling to be defended by one's dam when one was a grown stallion. What did a pony have to do to get a private conversation round here? "Mama, ah kin-", he had the breath squeezed out of him by a vice-like hug. Still, she was his dam, and Braeburn hugged her back, smiling even with his bewilderment, "I've missed ya."

    Finally, though, he got away from the other ponies. "But ah kin handle mahself, don't ya'll go gangin' up on cousin Caramel here. She asked me, not y'all." He turned back to Caramel, his pride wounded and his back up. "Now, y'all should well know, cuz, we did take a hit that first year. Settin' up the farm, building' the house, and plantin' the trees, all cost a bushel of bits, and ah know we'll need a lot of bushels of apples t'pay it all back ... but that's t'be expected with *any* new farm. Now it's a new year, with th' new rail comin' through, an' the new investors buildin' up th' town, we're openin' up into all new markets where we kin sell for a greater profit than we were. Y'all kin go through Appleloosa t'get to th' Northwest markets, an' ah reckon that Las Pegasus would be ripe fer ya to harvest some bits from that low-hangin' branch. Ah guarantee Buffalo Run will make profit; an' we're gonna be out of th' red within five t' ten years, see if we don't! Never count out good ol' APPPPLELOOSA!"

  3. Perhaps I'm just biased because of years of reading and watching Shoujo series; it seems to be the unwritten rule of shoujo that if you have a child or teenaged character fall in love with somebody several years older it doesn't work out, especially when one of the two is a main character (the best such pairings can hope for is situations like Rika and her teacher in Cardcaptor Sakura where you never find out how it ends). In terms of pairing Rarity, for me it depends on wheither you pair her with a male or female character: if it's with a Female character then Applejack, if it's a male character then Fancy Pants

    The fact that is Shoujo that such relationships "as a rule" fail is one reason in my mind to see a well done ship where such a relationship succeeds. I like anime/manga, but one problem in both is there is too much similarity when it comes to major themes, and no one is willing to move out of the box so to speak. For example is perfect, they keep writing such relationships to fail because "its always done this way", so it never really changes which hurts the genre's creative, but this is just IMO and bucking the trends in my mind is seen as a positive.

  4. Cheerilee was rather frantic - there had to be water somewhere! She'd expected their gracious hosts to be upset at what just happened, so she was quite surprised when Apple Bumpkin decided to calm her down and comfort her. Cheerilee stared for a moment at the red maned Apple mare, then took a deep breath and found herself settling down thanks to her kindness. “I am awfully, awfully sorry about this! We'll make sure any damage is repaid!” then turned to her class with an anxious smile of concern on her lips, “You heard her, students, form a line back to the well pump by the garden! Let’s show our hosts we can do this, hurry now!”

    Unfortunately, Caramel didn’t take things so well - instead of collecting the buckets, she fainted! Cheerilee was stunned and felt a little numb and guilt-ridden before snapping out of it. She'd check on Caramel later. Fortunately, Sweetie Belle had found some buckets, herself, as if she were a regular fire pony! “Good work, Sweetie Belle! Quickly, everypony, form a line from Sweetie Belle to Miss Bumpkin, and pass the buckets along!"

    Cheerilee smiled proudly to Apple Bloom, impressed with how well her class was already coming together, “you’re a chip right off the ol’ Apple block, Applebloom!” She gave the tree a mental sizing up as picked up the first bucket, steadied it with one hoof, and then heaved it up towards the branches, dampening the lower branches before the fire could spread. It wasn’t a great shot, but with Bumpkin and Zecora making up the slack, it would be out in no time.. Hopefully.

  5. Wedding between two ponies we have ever met: lots of fun

    Dating between two ponies we know: terrible idea.

    The most amazing things this series has going for it is the complete focus on platonic friendships.

    It would be improved by removing spike's infatuation and the hearts and hooves episode.

    Spike's childlike unrequited love doesn't bug me, it reminds me of the days of elementary school where we had stupid kid like crushes, or the pre-teen crush on some big teen celebrity. Of course he could be in love for other "more dragon" reasons; instead of wanting a romantic relationship, he could see Rarity as an "object of great beauty" like the most valuable gem, as dragons have that innate desire to collect and horde beautiful things, and that is how this base desire manifests itself in Spike.

    No doubt that is over thinking it too, but make a good story.

    As for Hearts and Hooves Day, I love that episode, at least for all the humorous and crazy expressions that were used; you can tell the artists had a field day there. Even if Cheerilee and Mac became a couple, that wouldn't bug me because how is that much different than the Cakes? It wouldn't be teen angst, they're adults. I am fine with background or secondary characters being together for story, but doing it for the mane six would fundamentally alter the show's premise. In that sense I strongly suspect they will never be shipped in show.

  6. Braeburn nodded and gave a flirtatious smile, “ah reckon ah'll visit yer fine bistro regularly, Miss Caramel, and we kin trade stories about comets and ghost lanterns, over some of yer fine cookin'!" He placed his Stetson back on his mane and turned to lead his date out.

    At that moment an unfamiliar pony stepped forward, Braeburn was glad to shake their hoof. He loved meeting folks who were new to Appleloosa! He seized the hoof in both hands and shook it energetically in the good ol' Apple family manner. "Well, howdy there, Straight Arrow! Ah’m sure glad t' meet y'all and yer friend! Y'all new here to AAAAAAAPPLELOOSA!? We sure do like newcomers to our fair town! Enjoying the hoedown?! It’s one of our favorite past times! So either of you fine stallions meet any lovely dance partners yet? Or ... are you each other’s partners?” He didn’t want to assume anything, after all, “well, either case, be sure to get one final dance off with somepony that catches yer eye afore the night is done!”

  7. Martini smiled at the white stallion unicorn and his generosity. As much as she wanted to, she couldn’t give drinks for free to all the pegasai, but it seems he could! "Why, that's so very sweet of you, hon; I’ll get yours for you right away!” Martini trotted to the center of the bar as she floated a tumbler glass over to her and scooped out a bit of ice, then gave the shelf behind her a good kick. A faint telekinetic nudge made it seem that she’d kicked the shelf in just the perfect way to knock the rum down, where she caught it on one forehoof and sent it spinning. The tumbler glass floated in so that the spinning bottle came to a stop with the slender metal spout inside the tumbler, spilling the strong drink over the clear cubes and coloring them amber. The coke required a more gentle touch, and she contented herself with cracking open the brown Colt Cola bottle with one sharp strike against the counter, making it foam over into the glass, followed up by the dark fizzy drink mixing with the amber booze. She set the tumbler down on a small, square bar napkin, tucked in a swizzle stick, and slid it across the bar to the stallion along with a bright smile.

    Martini returned her attention to the brown pegasus who was sounding much better after his tall glass of water. She floated a jug of ice water over to refill his glass. “This is Ponyland! It isn’t well-known outside of REA circles - it's a bar that caters to all the local military ponies and guards and their dates. The owners, though, they like to put a hoof out to any group of ponies though will risk themselves for the sake of Equestria. That's why we're open - so all you brave weather pegasus ponies can have someplace to go and relax, dry off your weary wings. I'm glad you managed to brave through and find us!" She gave a bright, warm smile - making the customers feel welcome and liked was all part of the job.

  8. Carrot Fields was attentive to Applejack's explanation – aside from her wonderful twang of an accent, she was his guest! For some inexplicable reason “symbol of fertility” stuck with him through it all, making his cheeks pinken. Ultimately, he could just smile shyly and nod, “Well, true, they are all sorts of colors, but orange is the prettiest.” Oh, Luna, that sounded pretty lame as a response, no wonder she decided to call him “buddy.”

    Fortunately, the sandwiches with the Zap Apple jam occupied everypony with its amazing taste while Carrot gathered his thoughts. I need to stop trying so hard to impress. Just act natural, that is what my dam always said. Then again, his sire always said to never act like himself cause who'd care about a dumbtail like him? He watched politely as everypony else took their turn, glad that the mix of carrots, apples, and jam was working out so well; even Purple was excited by the flavor. His own sandwich was much more sloppy, with carrot sticks and apple slices just mushed into the jam on one slice with extra jam on the other - lumpy and overflowing when he finally put the two slices together. Jam oozed from the side when he finally took a bite. He stopped and looked down at the sandwich in amazement. It tasted like what he imagined a rainbow would taste like! Light and sweet and with all sorts of different flavors!

    Things were going great and the main course wasn't even out yet. Big Mac mentioned having the Carrots visit as guests, which made Carrot smile until Purple had to interject her own ideas into it. He blushed, but instead of shushing her he kept smiling, “well ... Oi … winnae mean tae impose. Only if th' lass wanted to ... Umm, annnyway. Sports! Are any of ye intae sports?!“

  9. May I remind you that she's an insect? I highly doubt that she even feels love. She is just a parasite who looks for a host to, well...

    Think "Aliens" man.

    Well to be honest we don't actually know that, for one she isn't six legged like any insect if you want to get technical (and also shaped like a mammalian horse). Much more likely she is a chimera that doesn't match any animal Class or Phylum exactly in the real world.

    Of course real world insects have no emotions or feelings because they all have simple nervous systems that only allow them to instinctively respond to external stimuli. Now if you have one that has a complex cerebral cortex with human level ability to reason and be self-aware and who knows what it would be like in its views.

    We are not truly aware of how a Changling even feeds, they don't appear to consume organic matter, but emotional energy, which again would have them defy conventional animal classification.

    Also xenomorphs are aliens not insects; the best you can state is that they are insectoid like in their nature. :P

  10. Worst for me, is RumbleLane. Why would you draw that?

    I also hate...







    Chrysalis- Anybody

    And SoarinPie. No, not Soarin' with Pinkie Pie, Soarin' with actual bucking pie.

    Pretty neutral on the Chrysalis one, I guess it depends on how it is written. Mac and Caramel doesn't really bug me at all because I don't view them as related in canon, but the rest of those, yeah they can go die in a fire.

  11. Martini Paradise was starting to get really frustrated - not only were they finding the Baron, now she seemed to actually be lost - lost in a library! Only young foals or the very elderly should be lost in a library, but here she was, and her pride wouldn't let her call for help. C'mon Martini, this is just a library, not some giant hedge maze, I am sure there is an order to this.

    The hairs of her coat stood on end and her eyes widened. There was something there with her. The glow of Martini's horn brightened, bathing the corridor in a warm green glow as she tried to see what it was. The pink mare looked back and forth down each end of the aisle, but could see only walls of books and the dim lights of candles on the square stone pillars between shelves. The shivery feeling didn't go away, though. What had that been?

    As she strained her senses, she realized she could hear a voice ahead, somepony repeating, "you're not supposed to be here!" The librarians? Guards? Was Brazil up there? She was determined to find out, and more importantly, find that Baron!

    The unicorn mare turned the corner and found herself upon two other unicorns she didn't recognized, dressed in librarian's robes. Probably who had snuck past her moments ago! "You! Where is the Baron!! He came though here and I need you to tell me where he is!" In her anger Martini pulled out a thick book with her magic and brandished it! "You better let me know or I'll bonk you with ... The Guide to Passionate Romance from the Perspective of the Ancient Pony World, forward by Dr. Brazil Nut?!?" Martini blushed, smiled faintly, and put it back. gotta read that later. She pulled another book, one on biology, "now tell me where he is or I'll have to get ... serious!"

  12. Braeburn smiled to Big Mac. "Well, howdy, Big Mac! Bout time y'all came over an' socialized with us ponies! Apple Cinnamon here was jus' askin' me bout family an' whatnot." He turned back to Apple Cinnamon and gave her a bright smile, “Well, Ah reckon Ah'd have t' say that it's mah fault much as anypony's. All Ah kin do is try t'make it mah personal goal t'know everypony ah kin in good ol’ AAAAAAPPLELOOSA!“ Of course, trouble of being an orchard farmer, even in a community as close knit as Appleloosa, was that he got so busy for so long working his orchard all by his lonesome. “I most likely seen your orchard, walked past each and every one in AAAAPPLELOOSA! Haven’t always had th' chance t' talk with the owners, though; reckon Ah walked by yours. Y'all know how it is, always work to do.”

    As he shifted subjects to family relations, Braeburn brightened up considerably. If there was something he prided himself on almost as much as farming, or horseshoes, it was genealogy; all part of being in such a large and proud clan. “Well, Cinnamon, being the granddaughter of Prairie Tune, the elder brother of our beloved matriarch Granny Smith, that makes y'all second cousin tah mahself and Pink Lady here, and first to Apple Bumpkin over there.” He pointed to his pink maned cousin, who seemed recovered from her horseshoe loss. “Ah reckon y'all already know her.”

    The goldenrod stallion then grinned to Big Mac. He nudged his cousin in the side, “so, have y'all gotten over that shyness and found somemare t'help ye add t' the family tree?" Braeburn looked over at Bumpkin who was still sitting there eating next to them, “ah'm sure Bumpkin here has!” He would have said more, but Caramel pressed for his attention. "Be right back, cuzzes! Ah reckon cousin Caramel needs a bit of one-on-one!"

  13. Martini Paradise smiled to the ponies trickling in; already she wondered what tales they had to tell about that night, both for curiosity's sake and for news about Ponyville. She smiled across the club to the sky blue stallion, raising her voice as she answered, "We're open so long as you brave pegasus ponies need a place to relax and rest your weary wings! No need to worry about this place closing tonight!" An all-night shift wasn't too out-of-the-ordinary for her! This stallion seemed familiar ... where had she seen him before?

    Her attention shifted to the waterlogged pegasus trailing water on up to the bar. Martini magically sent the bucket and mop she'd prepared after the mess as she smiled to the brown pegasus. “oh, it’s not a problem, who could complain about a little water on the floor after all the brave work you’ve put in today?” She smiled in amusement at his order - water on the wettest night she'd seen in a while. “Sure thing, hon, one water coming right up!” There wasn't much fancy to pour water for a pony, so she just scooped up some ice cubes and topped off the glass from a cool pitcher, then tucked some alfalfa decoratively onto the rim of the glass. “Here you go,” Martini placed the cool water in front of the stallion.

    She looked up at the clatter as the rainbow manned pegasus almost flipped one of her tables. Was she that tired, or somehow already inebriated? Martini’s eyebrow arched as she heard the name - Soarin’! That's who the stallion was! She remembered him from the Gala, one of the Wonderbolts, but even more so she knew him from her daughter, who had a particular schoolfilly crush on this star above and beyond her fanatic love of the Wonderbolts in general. Martini smiled and shook her head as she headed over to the other unicorn. He looked to have slept off one too many. “Did you want anything else?”

  14. I think it's time that I add Apple Cinnamon's place on the tree.

    Apple Cinnamon is the grand daughter of Prarie Tune. Basically, Prarie Tune and his wife has two children: a colt and a filly. The filly became the mother of Apple Bumpkin, Apple Cider and Caramel Apple. The son eventually married and Apple Cinnamon was born to them. This makes AC a first cousin of the three sisters and a distant cousin to the Sweet Apple side of the family and Braeburn.

    This is where Apple Cinnamon gets her musical talent and where she got her fiddle "Melody" from (it was Prarie Tune's that she discovered in her parents' attic).

    If this is ok with everypony, I'll ammend this to Apple Cinnamon's Bio.

    That's fine by me. What it does is make Apple Cinnamon first cousin to Caramel, Apple Cider, and Apple Bumpkin, and second cousin to AJ, Braeburn, Pink Lady, etc.

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