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Posts posted by brianblackberry

  1. Take for example the theory that life has existed on Mars at one point or another. Multiple studies have been done to test if life is possible, which is centered around three ideas: the presence of heat, the presence of organics, and the presence of water, water being the most crucial. Scientists at this point have found two out of those three, the third being organics. As such, many scientists believe life has existed there. Do they have 100% definite proof of this? No. Will they ever? Who knows. And if they do find organics, will that give them definite proof? Of course not; the only way they would have 100% proof is if something living actually came into sight and proved itself to be living. And yet many scientists hold strongly to the idea of life on Mars simply from sources of water because they have faith.

    There is a couple things wrong here. First, you are not describing a theory of science, you are describing a hypothesis in science. Scientists observe that Mars holds evidence of the possibility of past life, mostly due to the observations and evidence it once had surface water. From this the hypothesis is created that Mars may have had life. A prediction is made on this hypothesis, that there are the remains of past microbial life in the soil. In order for "past life on Mars" to become a theory, experiments would need to be performed that show the prediction to be correct, and then the experiments have to be independently repeated by others and those results have to show the same evidence and thus conclusions. Only then would you have a theory, when clear evidence shows such life existed, and thus no faith is needed, otherwise its either still a hypothesis or shown to be completely falsified.

    Also 100% proof, that only exists in mathematics. Any theory in science has the possibility of being falsified, or show not true, with future experimentation and observation, therefore no theory is 100% absolute.

    A closer example to home would be gravity. In short, there is no defined source of gravity. No one knows how or why gravity exists. And yet gravity is an accepted idea in every day life. Why? Because when you jump up in the air, you come down again. But jumping up and coming down isn't definite proof that gravity exists, it's only an effect that means something is keeping us from floating away. And while we have no definite proof that gravity exists, we believe that it does, because we have seen results that match up with what gravity is supposed to do.

    Because we have laws of gravity, which are repeatedly observed phenomena that can be measured, such as Newton's Law of Gravity, which is a mathematical formula can show to always be true through experimentation. We know it exists because of the observed effects. A theory is an explanation of why gravity works, not that it exists.

  2. Carrot Fields had a plan, well really more just an idea.  He needed to generate business, after all what good is a farm if no one buys your crop, and how can they buy your crop if they don't know who you are.  Thus the idea of offering a gift basket of carrots to the various food merchants in Ponyville, a nice way to let them know about the newest farmer in town and hopefully, just hopefully create a customer base.

    He decided to try that new looking cafe near the center of town; it looked busy, which of course meant it needed a lot of food supplies for the daily food.  Cafes have muffins after all, and one of Carrot's favorite among those were the carrot muffins.  Maybe he could persuade them to make a regular order to fill their need for carrots!  It certain couldn't hurt to try - and besides, he was already very hungry...

    Carrot unhooked himself from the cart he was pulling along and stretched, cracking his back before he picked out the top basket of fresh carrots with his teeth.  He approached the front door and hesitated, taking a deep breath to steady himself.  He wasn't the salespony his father was, nor was he as enthusiastic about carrots as the rest of his clan.  Still, he was here, and it wasn't like he hadn't done this before, when his dad sent him in with baskets of carrots to charm the business owners.

    Carrot walked in from the bright sunlight into the dark interior and paused once more, quickly blinking his eyes to become used to the much dimmer lighting.  Even before his eyes adjusted, he could hear the murmur and hubbub of the cafe.  The place was quite busy with a large variety of customers - earth ponies, unicorns, pegasai - one pegasus was especially large - and even a griffon, which was a surprise to see.

    He looked ahead and walked towards the counter, hoping to not look too odd holding a basket of carrots in his mouth, and waited patiently if a bit nervously for his turn in line.  When it was finally his turn, he put down the basket, and merrily greet Mocha with, "Bonnie day innit?  Bonnie day fir a free sample, too!  New farm here in town, glad tae offer ye a sample!  We'd love tae have yer business!  An' while Oi'm here, Oi'll be gald tae order a muffin, me belly t'inks me t'roat's bin cut!"

  3. Well, now you've covered everything that I would have used. :D

    I'm in complete agreement. I've never found faith and science to be mutually exclusive, simply because the difference between the two is how much evidence you have to support your theories.

    In science, a theory needs a body of evidence to support it. A theory in science explains some observations in the material universe, and these include explanations and predictions that can be tested. If you cannot test these explanations or predictions, or they are not falsifiable, then it isn't a theory of science. Usually a theory is based on a long term body of work built over time on experimental observation and repeated testing by various people (if others cannot repeat your experiments using the same conditions and methods, then the theory also fails). Faith does not come into it, as it is all about what can be shown, measured, and repeated, not what is believed.

  4. I can imagine Inkwell having an unrequited crush on Rarity.

    Honestly I can imagine several colts having that. Rarity is in my view, someone who is supposed to be "stunning" among fillies and thus probably gets a lot of male attention, even if its completely passive like an unrequited crush.

  5. I need to name my character's mate. (My character is a remake of Draggle, as a broken-horned unicorn. Her mate is an earth pony, based muchly off my own husband.) I can't think of anything. Some names I thought of have been Breathes 'n' Eats, Nice Guy, and Draggle's Husband. This is pathetic.

    "What does James like to do?"

    Ride ATVs... ?

    My suggestion is to develop a cutie mark for him and build the character around that. Because names in FiM are closely tied to the mark, ideas will probably start coming naturally once you start building around the mark you create for him.

    You say ride ATVs, which don't exist in the FiM universe, but it does sounds like someone who likes to be outdoors in the country, perhaps exploring the country, or enjoys forests, fields, etc. Perhaps build on a mark around those concepts?

  6. =O I'm surprised, but really glad that others are reading that roleplay. It's certainly the best one I've been a part of in a long time!

    Now we can start drawing all those Djemba/Blueblaze pictures since they seem to be the most well known couple (even if they don't realize it yet! >:P ) . :D

  7. Mane and I are laughing over Wisp and Big Mac,

    We have dubbed it MacinWisp... and we think it sounds like a type of snack food. Perhaps with marshmellows and apples... and chocolate. XD

    Guess I'll have to look for that one. :P

  8. I know bronies have been asking about the various Eurobeat Bronie songs you can find on Youtube in the chat here. Well now you can get all the songs together! How? Eurobeat Bronie just released Super Ponybeat Vol. 1 as a digital album and the best part is, they are offering it as a free download!

    Also, if you do not want them all at once, you can download them individually.

    Have fun!

  9. He didn't want to watch it on his own (not sure why; man-points or something) so I offered to "force" him to watch it with me.

    LOL.. As a guy I really started to worry about that once I did watch them on people's recommendations, because it turned out I liked the show..a whole lot. I mean, an adult male liking My Little Pony?? However this is the first cartoon I really bothered to get involved it the fandom of, because it turned out to be that good. Maybe every guy has that little part of him that loves the cute, "girly" stuff and needs to express themselves in that way, but nothing was ever around that also wasn't insulting to one's intelligence (Faust is right, most "girl's shows" are awful), and now all the sudden we have FIM.

  10. My pony Gallant Quill x Brayburn :D

    I figured Brayburn was going to get a few fans after that episode. :lol:

    Let it be known my pony Gallant Quill is his biggest fan! Even if Brayburn doesn't swing that way.

    Hey you never know! Honestly though I have been tempted to try applying as him, he seems like a fun character to play.

  11. I made up a reference sheet for my namesake today.


    Click for full image.

    I still haven't quit got the hang of FiM-style. The head is too small. :D I'll definitely need to work on my pony anatomy.

    Well the anatomy isn't that off or anything. It is a very iconic, cutesy design and takes some time to get used to, especially if you normally draw more realistically. Honestly you don't have to be exact with the shows style to fit well into the "FiM" look. Most artists here have blend the show's style with their own successfully.

    Here though is a motherload of reference material for drawing pony in the FiM style, which I found to be very informative.

    The only thing that seems "off" is that I think the hind thighs should a little shorter and the lower hide leg a little longer.

  12. What is weird, that if was Hasbro, that is sad because most of the fans downloading all these episodes would be happy to purchase a DVD, in fact it likely generated more interest in a DVD sense people could draw more potential fans in by showing them the streamed links. Those that wouldn't? Well this won't change their mind.

  13. After all, remember, Gravity is only a theory too!

    Not to be a pest, because this discussion is WAY over my head given how sick I am. But, Newton's "Law of Gravity" was just that - a law. But it was also superseded by Einstein's "General Theory of Relativity". :D

    Well, there's a difference between Newton's Law of Gravity, and the theory behind Gravity, is what I meant. Superseded by Einstein's Theory does illustrate the point, though...that until something comes along and proves it otherwise, it's generally accepted as true, which is how science works.

    Newton's Law of Gravity, which is called Newton's law of Universal Gravitation, is in short, a statement of fact meant to concisely describe an action or set of actions. Laws are generally accepted to be true and universal, and can sometimes be expressed in terms of a single mathematical equation. In this particular case it is the fact: "every point mass in the universe attracts every other point mass with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them."

    The difference here between law and theory, is the law describes a fact of gravity, in the above case involving mass and distance. A scientific theory of gravity would be the best explanation of why Newton's law of Universal Gravitation works, why does every object with mass attract every other object of mass.

    In another way: A law describes a single action, whereas a theory explains an entire group of related phenomena.

    Einstein's General Theory of Relativity doesn't negate Newton's law of Universal Gravitation, but instead attempts to more precisely explain the how and why gravity works the way it does; Newton's law is still as true today as when he first wrote it.

  14. So in the context of this episode, giving good food is a sign of genuine respect. So it is no coincidence that giving good food is part of the solution, because it is a way for the settler ponies to show that they genuinely respect their neighbors.

    I wonder if that is a tradition of respect that is applied or used over wider Equestria and between the ponies themselves, it would make a lot of sense in the context of previous episodes. Heck in the first episode, Applejack and her extended family wanted to make Twilight feel welcome by feeding her just about everything they had. :D

  15. That does indeed suck, but there are other channels still on Youtube including a 1080p one.

    I should also point out we cannot be sure it really was Hasbro, and not a bot or trolls. Anyone can file a DMCA claim on Youtube, even falsely and Youtube will pull first and ask questions later. Youtube is extremely trigger happy when it comes to DMCA and I have seen false (and been the victim of false) DMCA claims before where videos have been pulled, only to show later it was without merit.

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