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Posts posted by brianblackberry

  1. Understandable.

    I myself haven't come under heat for being a furry yet. I guess I just don't care if I get furryrage against me. It would mean that I am semi-popular at least for random people to find me, which would be a compliment XD

    Plus, art is art, no matter the content. And I am proud of my art.

    That is most likely the best attitude to have, I salute you for it, and btw it is nice to meet you. :)

  2. Thanks. :) For the record, I used to cut up old polo shirts when I was a kid and hand-sewed bits to other shirts so I'd have Star Trek TNG shirts to wear when I was playing "Away Team"... and last year I pre-ordered the Collector's Edition of the Star Trek Online game, just so I'd have the shiny metal pin. ^_^

    Next Generation, I think I watched every episode of that when it premiered for seven years straight, so I am pretty "bad" when it comes to that franchise as well. :lol:

    Still have my Enterprise D model :D

  3. Really when friends kept telling me about the show as they always knew I had a soft spot for "cute stuff" if its done well. I was pretty dismissive at the idea of even watching at first because after all it was "My Little Pony" and all my memories of the franchise was from that bland Eighties cartoon and the related toys my sisters collected back then.

    My friends were pretty persistent and sent me a link to Youtube to watch and again I almost brushed the whole show off because "oh another one of those damn lazy flash cartoons" mentality I had. Still I gave it a chance and listened and watched one night on my computer the pilot two parter, then the next episode, and so forth... and the rest is history.

    The show manage to conquer every one of my preconceived biases that originally kept me away and that is pretty damn impressive. Being a dude in my thirties, that is even more shocking. :shock:

  4. Now I don't feel so bad, I thought I was the only one from or on FA in this group.

    Why would you feel bad if you were from FA?

    Well as far as this fandom goes, most of my interaction is from Equestria Daily where you would occasionally see the "stupid furfags" comments on anything from anyone who is considered "furry" (even if the art or story was completely within the FiM mainstream). So basically I would never say that I am from FA or anything of the sort. I wasn't sure about this place but I assumed the same just to be safe.

    *Note*: To be fair none of the anti-furry stuff came from the Equestria Daily admins, I just wanted to get that out there.

  5. I didn't bother trying I just made a new avatar when I saw it said 6kb limit. But now that I know i might change mine.

    Ohh. Well that's for uploads, which have been disabled for now. BUT! to help clear up some of the confusion, it should read 32kB, which I think is a better limit. :) Thanks for bringing that to my attention!

    I was curious about that, mine is linked but is far over 6k. Thanks for answering that question!

  6. I compare furries to Star Trek fandom. Some folks are cool and watch the show (aka, like the art). Some folks wear communicator pins and have a few toys. (Commissioned art, ears.) Some go to cons. (Furry cons.) Some are Klingons that stomp around Burger King and demand the blood of the innocent when reaching for ketchup. (Fursuit sex.)

    That comparison is pretty much spot on and so accurate you could apply it to almost any fandom. Heck, when I go to Sci-Fi conventions, most cosplaying Trekkies I meet are there to just have fun and relax, and do it for the conventions. I never meant any who take it to some extreme level (no doubt there are a few). Same with friends of mine who are into fursuiting; I personally don't get it, but I realize they do it just for fun at conventions and the like and nothing crazy like "fursuit sex" (but again, no doubt there are a few people who do that too).

  7. Yep, I didn't think our forums would take off because I'm labeled heavily as a "furfag" to most people. But look at it now, 100 users baby! Woo woo!

    Man, haters are going to hate, using an old meme; besides I have no doubt there is a larger crossover between furry and FiM fandom (and 4chan) than most people realize mainly because furfans, like more other "geek" fandom participates, don't go around announcing it to people (heck I don't yell "I'm a B5 fan!" to anyone :) ). Heck half of the art I see on ED's drawfriend posts are from folks who are furry and just post the images to both FA and DA. *shurgs*

  8. Hi, Brian!

    Admittedly when I was little, I loved things like... Inspector Gadget, Danger Mouse, Thundercats... but I also watched Rainbow Brite, Punkie Brewster, and a few other shows that a BOY probably had no business watching. Strangely, I never got into MLP -- I've never liked horses, and I think the 'cutie' style the new show has really helped me get past that. lol

    Please feel free to post art, and try the RP thing. I'm just as shy about role play stuff (I haven't done it in 15 years or so!) but I plan to give it a go. :)

    I agree with Faust that most girl cartoons generally sucked. I do remember the one cartoon considered "for girls" my sister really liked and that was Jem, I don't know if you remember that one. It honestly seemed alright. Still at that time I pulled her into my world of Transformers and turned her into a hard-core fan of that series. I wonder what she say if she knew I suddenly liked MLP, :lol:

    Thanks about the art, I'll post as soon as I put up anything public; I love feedback. As for the RP thing, rather nervous, it isn't something I am used to but here it all seems innocent fun and more relaxed, so I'll likely be more inclined to participate. Last did RP, oh 4-5 years ago and left after people would solicit my character all the time. :shock:

  9. My friends are responsible for dragging me into the herd. Once I was in I was pretty shocked how many were FiM fanboys and fangirls. Of those who are not, I was surprised by the positive reactions such as "Wow, that is cool you found something that made you so happy, you are usually cynical". Some friends just chuckle and say nothing, or poke fun in a manner friends do; no one has actually given me any friendship threatening grief over it, I suppose because each of them are also into something odd for their age as well (such as Pokemon RP or something similar).

    My family though I haven't mentioned this to. I really doubt they be nearly as understanding and already have a negative opinion of all the "geeky" fandoms I am involved in; this may be a bridge too far with them. Since I don't live with any of them though, they won't know unless I come right out and tell them.

  10. Not sure what to say. I guess I am one of those people who thought they would never be sucked into a My Little Pony fandom. Guy, in his thirties, into Science-Fiction, football, and action/horror flicks, someone you would likely think I'd be the last person who would be interested in MLP. Truth be told before FiM I thought nothing of the pony franchise other than remembering my sisters collecting them growing up. The only Pony cartoon I was aware of was the original from the Eighties and I remember it being bland enough that even my pony collecting sisters didn't bother to watch it (good news, more Transformers time for me! ;) )

    However I have always been a cartoon fan and a couple months back a few friends of mine told me about Friendship Is Magic and that I should "check it out". At first I was pretty dismissive; My Little Pony? C'monnn, be serious! All those "girl cartoons" I remember have always been terrible. They persisted, so one day while coloring on Photoshop I decided to que up the episodes on Youtube and listen while coloring. I was hooked pretty much instantly with the art, the characters, the writing.. and OMG the cute, I have always been such a sucker for the cute.

    Even with my new found love for FiM, I was pretty closet about being a bronie, but the more friends discovered I was into this, the more I discovered they were all pretty cool with it and several turned out to be bronies themselves (well my male friends, not sure if you call female friends who are fans bronies too or not). I guess now I can't get enough of FiM, so I am pretty hooked. Bad enough when a friend got me an Applejack and a custom Derpy I was stoked (yeah I have an innocent "crush" on AJ :lol: ); the rest of history.

    Anyway I figure this be a cool place to be. Been lurking on Equestria Daily & FiMChan as either Brianblackberry or BMcP for a while, but always felt on the outside in the fandom and I wanted to change that. Hopefully I can show some arts, and even try the RP thing (I admit I may be rather shy with that) and generally have fun. :D

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