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Everything posted by Derpyy

  1. Do you ever feel like no one wants to RP with you? XD

  2. Light looked at Time and shook his head. He couldn't believe that this was happening to him. He sighed and then his horn started to shine. He closed his eyes and then opened them again. When they opened they were completely white. Light spoke but his voice was Celstia's, "[colour=#000080]What is going on here? Light never has to use this spell. I demand to know why you have made him summon me."[/colour] (Sorry if the spell seems weird. I didn't want to do the same spell as Spike lol)
  3. [colour=#0000ff]"Wait wait wait wait..the amulet of flames? What, are there two amulets now?" [/colour]Light then walked closer to Time and Dawn.
  4. --Edit-- Light looked at Time and said, "[colour=#0000ff]Well..I mean..yes I do know a certain spell that Celestia showed me...I guess I can communicate with her.[/colour]" Light started to get worried about what Time was going to ask him to do.
  5. (Nopony was posting so I just thought I would make a random post! XD) Light kept looking at Dawn and Time. But then he turned around and pretended to shuffle through his bookshelf. But what he did was. he took the note from Celsetia and shoved it into a random book. He turned back to Time and Dawn and looked back at them.
  6. Light listened to Digi and nodded. He pulled up the Portal gun and he looked at the platform Digi was talking about. He shot the portal and it landed on the door and opened up. Light saw the portal through the blue portal. "[colour=#0000ff]Wow. This technology is amazing. Well the portal is open. Let's go!"[/colour] Light proceeded to walk towards the blue portal.
  7. Light looked at Talonwing as he took the core. Light positioned the portal gun on his hoofs so it felt right. "[colour=#0000ff]So where do we go then?[/colour]"
  8. Light looked at Talonwing and walked over and said, "[colour=#0000ff]Here let's make a deal. You handle Digi here, and I'll handle the orange portal gun[/colour]." Light smiled at Talongiwng
  9. [colour=#0000ff]"A connection to...... Celestia Dusk? I'm afraid I have no idea who you're talking about."[/colour]
  10. Light quickly dropped the Portal gun and caught the core. He looked at it and said, "[colour=#0000ff]Wow, you're heavier than you look. Alright where to next?"[/colour] Light put the core on his back and then picked up the portal gun again.
  11. Light looked at Time with an extremely confused look on his face. "I[colour=#0000ff]..have something...you need?[/colour]" Light laughed a bit and then fell backwards when Dawn appeared next to Time. He looked at Dawn and Time and said, "[colour=#0000ff]Again..what..could I possibly have..that you need?"[/colour]
  12. (Wait Light is holding the portal gun!! )
  13. Light trotted back to his house and he finally reached it. He opened the door and to his surpirse Time was in his house. He quickly ran in and found the note from Celsetia that was on his desk and he picked it up. "[colour=#0000ff]Oh hello there Time. I was...not expecting to see you here...in...my house.[/colour]" [colour=#0000ff]"I thought you were in that fight in the forest?"[/colour]
  14. Light wanted to know who this 'Diamond Dust' character was but he figured getting out of this facility was his first priority. He looked at Talonwing when he said the thing about the turrets. Light looked away from him and said, "[colour=#0000ff]Yeah, thanks[/colour]." Light looked down at the portal gun and moved it around a bit. He figured this Talonwing character didn't like him that much. But he smiled a big sarcastic smile when Digi told him and Talon that Talon would need Light. Light looked at Talonwing and said, "[colour=#0000ff]Looks like we're going to be sharing the turret knocking over huh?[/colour]"
  15. Light was completely oblivious to what the training core was saying. He looked down at the portal gun in his hoof and he looked back at the core. He looked back at Talonwing and said, [colour=#0000ff]"Well I have no idea what is going on. You seem like you know more than me. I have no idea what this Diamond Dust is but should we follow this core?"[/colour]
  16. (Well I will just blame it on...Light being confused XD) Light listened to Cadance's reply and he nodded at her when she was done speaking. He was overcome with joy that he was able to speak with a princess. He then watched as Lovinity flew up into the air. He watched her fly up and he kept up with the others. The last thing he wanted to do was lose the group he was in.
  17. (Well then haha XD) Light was just calmly minding his business watching the fight. He was amazed to see the fighting going on. But then, this Talonwing griffon turned to Light and told him to get out of here. So Light looked at him and simply said, "Well alright then." He turned around and headed back to Ponyville. He had no purpose in that fight anyway. It wasn't his battle. He was just an investigator.
  18. Light stood back and watched as Cadance and Shining Armor were talking to Lovinity. He had no idea what to say since he was in the presence of Cadance and Shining Armor. He followed them as they went outside. He was sad the dance was cut short for him but he kind of understood. He realized that Cadance and Shining and Lovinity must all be together somehow. He knew something was up with Lovinity because of those green sparks that were flying from her earlier. He also realized it when Cadance pulled Lovinity close and called her the Element of Love. He was uncertain of what to do. He kept walking with them and he looked at Cadance and Shining. "[colour=#0000ff]I know I'm just a simple unicorn musician...but is there anything I can do to help?[/colour]"
  19. Light looked over when the portal opened. He walked near the machine and saw they portal gun. He picked it up and felt it in his hoofs. It was kind of awkward to hold in his hoofs but he would get used to it. "[colour=#0000ff]Digi eh? Well my name is Light. You said this is orange portal right? I always thought there were two coloured portals. But never mind that. Can you tell me if me and Talon here are the only ones in this facility?" [/colour] Light knew the robot said it was just a training core but he hoped it would be able to answer his questions.
  20. Light looked up when he heard the voice. He saw something on the roof . He couldn't tell who's voice it was. But the voice called out the word portals. His senses perked up and he shouted back, "[colour=#0000ff]Well I really want a portal gun! But I couldn't find one! Who and where are you?!"[/colour]
  21. Light was caught by surprise when Talon took off to the right. Light then took off towards the left and waited till the turret started shooting at Talon. While the turret was shooting a him Light ran up and ran into the turret with the full force of his body. He knocked the turret over and fell down to the ground with it. He slowly got up and noticed the smudge marks he had on his skin and clothes. He dusted himself off and looked at Talon. "[colour=#0000ff]You alright?"[/colour]
  22. Light looked at Talon and personally he thought the idea was crazy. But he realized that they had no other options. He looked out at the room and looked at the gun. He looked back at Talon and said, "[colour=#0000ff]Alright. What side do you want to run on?"[/colour]
  23. Light looked at the griffon and listened to him. He only remember one griffon and he never talked to that griffon. But this Talonwing seemed not to particularly care for Light. Light then looked down on himself. Light then looked over at the cylinder thing with legs and he looked down at his hoofs. He actually knew what those things were. Light then watched the red beam shoot Talon in the arm. Light jumped back. Talon asked him if he had any ideas. Light thought for a bit and said, "[colour=#0000ff]Well I hate to state the obvious but it seems that we can't go around or else that thing will shoot us again." [/colour] Light looked over at the walls and looked at the cameras. He all of a sudden remembered something. "[colour=#0000ff]We could get around this if we had a portal...gun" [/colour]Light shut his mouth quickly. He couldn't believe he remember what a portal gun was. He knew nothing about them but he knew what one was.
  24. Light turned around when he noticed another pony entered the room He walked over to him and said, "[colour=#0000ff]Hey! I thought I was the only pony here. Thank Celsetia!" [/colour] Light then looked over at the test course in the room. He looked back at the other pony and said "[colour=#0000ff]So. I'm Light. Sorry for he hastiness but any ideas on how to get out of here.?"[/colour] (I'm just assuming that you were talking about the same Test chamber 1 haha XD)
  25. Light noticed that Pawn was laying on the velvet couch now. He smiled and looked back at the clock. He marked the time in his head and he walked away from the dressing room door. He didn't want Rainbow think he was an awkward pony. He started to pace himself back and forth. He kept wondering what would happen at the dance. He kept hoping that Rainbow hadn't ditched him. But that thought quickly left his mind because he figured she could have never left. He looked back at Time and Rarity and noticed they seemed to be getting along just fine. Light then froze when he heard the squeak of a door open. He knew it wasn't the front door because he could see the front door. He slowly turned around to see Rainbow -Rainbow- Rainbow finally got her dress on and her hair right. One of the hardest parts was putting in the heart gem in her mane. But when she was finished she looked in the mirror and saw how good of an eye Rarity had for gems. She really wanted to thank Rarity. Even she thought that she looked pretty. She hated to admit looking "pretty" but she did. She then put her hoof on the door and sighed. She heard Rarity and another pony talking. She decided to leave since they were talking and she didn't want a lot of ponies looking at her. But once she opened the door, the first pony she saw was Light. His mouth was wide open and his eyes were wide. She noticed that he was wearing a tux. 'He cleaned up fast.' She thought. But she froze when she realized that there was a possibility of one of the other ponies hearing her. She walked up to Light and smiled at him. She said nothing but she made a motion with her head saying that she wanted to leave. (Um..for the dress...I don't know how it should look. What do you think Fireraven? Just go with the dress from the Grand Galloping Gala?) She noticed one of the ponies was Pawn. She saw him laying down on the velvet couch. She turned her face back to Light and said, "[colour=#40e0d0]Well, here I am. "[/colour]She smiled at Light and blushed a bit. She wanted to flap her wing but she didn't want to mess up the dress.
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