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Posts posted by Lovinity

  1. Okey smokey, I will be located in.....Apple Acres I guess xD

    If that avatar is your pony then I can say it'd probably be a good fit for Apple Acres considering she's an earth pony and the colours she has.

    ...I wonder if there's a pony named Apple Juice XD , or Sour Apple, or Grapple, or Apple Pie, or Apple Slice, or Applesauce...

  2. Welcome to the town of Canterlot!

    One question... your location states "Equestria". Haha I agree Duh! EVerywhere in MLP, at least I think, is in Equestria. So I'd like to know where in Equestria you are? CloudsDale, Ponyville, Canterlot, Apple Acres, Evertree Forest, etc.?

  3. Note: I don't advise using the term "enemy" since it implies a sort of individual who goes out of their way to combat your character in some fashion (physically or otherwise). As "enemy" characters can't be apped for in WoE, it makes little sense to use that term in your app since "enemies" don't exist in slice-of-life RP. :razz:

    Anyway, keep up the good work Lovinity!

    No problem! I've already edited it out in my latest edit, plus added some more details on character summary.

    Here's my second part of the history of Lovinity, cutie mark up to present. Please tell me what you think. The last sentence may sound a bit overpowering. If so, please let me know how I could tone it down.

    [colour=#8B4513]After receiving her cutie mark, Lovinity had realized what her destiny was: to bring much love and support to ponies who need it. After realizing this destiny, she had set out to express her love to other ponies. This in turn triggered a sharp boost in how Lovinity felt. She began to feel much happier, more energetic and bubbly, and more connected to other ponies and Equestria around her. She also developed the capability of shedding tears of joy, which she wasn't able to do before this time.[/colour]

    [colour=#8B4513]Now, Lovinity feels a passion and a drive to continue her destiny. She's realized the magic of love, and how much it can make other ponies shine. She wants to continue sharing that, little by little, for she believes that love can change lives for the better.[/colour]

  4. 1. Done deal

    2. The highest level of affection that Lovinity will display is nose nuzzle, or uncommonly a nose lick. I'm very much against NSFW as well.

    3. I'm not sure if I understand fully what you mean by changing the term enemy so that it is clear Lovinity socializes with "jerks". I am assuming you mean saying something other than enemy, since if Lovinity socializes with them then technically they are not an enemy to Lovinity. I will also see what I can do with the term "hate". Maybe I could use something like "where love is needed" instead of "hate".

    4. Yes she does have her preferences. I could say something to the effect of "She loves just about anything, but prefers..." or something of that nature.

    5. I will add some recreational activities in there. I've never really thought about what Lovinity likes to do specifically for fun, but I'm sure I can come up with something.

    EDIT: Edit 11 is ready

  5. I just now added a draft character summary for Lovinity. Please tell me what you think:

    [colour=#8B4513]Lovinity expresses many qualities in her personality: [/colour]

    [colour=#8B4513]She loves to laugh and giggle, as well as cheer other ponies up. She loves [innocent and clean] jokes. She likes to have fun with other ponies by playing games, talking, visiting places and special events, and so on.[/colour]

    [colour=#8B4513]She loves affection. She loves giving and receiving hugs. She also likes to cuddle with ponies that she is close to as friends, or that need some pony to cuddle from being upset. She's also known to come up with random excuses to do something affectionate. One example is that another pony had whipped cream on her nose, and Lovinity asked her if she could lick it off.[/colour]

    [colour=#8B4513]Her destiny is to be an image of love and support. She really loves being there for other ponies who need love and some pony to talk to. She's great at listening and talking on a very personal level with other ponies. She's wise when it comes to advice. She does what she can to provide acts of kindness both big and small. She's also known to never consider any pony or creature an enemy, in fact, she's also known to be a friend for enemies (but she doesn't actually join the enemy in his/her ways).[/colour]

    [colour=#8b4513]She is very sensitive and empathetic, and is affected by her surroundings. She's an easy target for getting hurt or upset, but with her kind and optimistic personality she can get back up. She's also known to over-react in stressful situations. When that happens, she usually has to go off away from the situation for a little time to take a breather. She prefers peace and wants to do everything she can to keep peace in a tense situation.[/colour]

    [colour=#8B4513]Lovinity isn't picky when it comes to like and dislikes. It basically falls into a simple statement: She loves everything. Sure, she does want to try and avoid or change forms of hate, but she doesn't like to fight hate with hate. Instead, she likes to send acts of love towards the hate, for she believes love can overtake hate.[/colour]

  6. We're having people on both sides of the scale: For hosting in WOE and against hosting in WOE.

    I cannot make a decision at this point and have instead opened a poll for you to vote what happens with this series.

    The poll is at http://www.canterlot.com/topic/14181-my-oc-pony-friendships-untold-location-of-rp/

    There's also two options regarding starting another series and keeping this one. So four choices in all.

  7. Lovinity if all else fails with the WOE application I would be more then willing, and over extatic, about helping you build this out in FFA, we would talk over pm so we can really figure out the rules and restrictions along with the plots, while yes the other memeber will help with the plot basis we can structure so it doesn't go awall like it kind of did here. You know im on most eeryday and always out and about, i think with a bit of work and moderation we could make a more structured version of this still in FFA, though we may have to be a bit stricter on appling..maybe not as strict as WOE, but still we need a bit of OC guidelines.

    It's looking good so far... the application. The staff is liking the new summaries and such. It's still incomplete, but there's hope.

    I still would much prefer this series to be in WOE even if we did set up a structure... this series as I said is meant to be formal and realistic... and I feel weary of keeping it here providing the fact just about any character could join even if he/she was over powering... and I don't want that. If it were moved to WOE, it would be more guaranteed that realistic characters would join, and that the structure of the role play will be very concrete.

    Again, if I do move it to WOE, I will still host "out-of-the-series" role plays in the FFA, meaning that yes there will be plots and guidelines just like in the actual series, but they would be less strict, non-approved characters could join, they will not be in a series (so not connected with each other), and will allow for some magic and power as long as it doesn't come close to what happened here. So basically those FFA role plays will be just for fun about fun/random plots.

  8. We do not use human years to define the age of ponies in WoE, because we don't know for certain at what rate ponies age in the FiM universe. Henceforth, please only stick to terms like foal, filly, and mare when defining a pony's age.

    Other than that, feel free to proceed with your edits. ;)

    Okay I'll need to ask then for some help on determining age category. Filly refers to a "teen" pony. Foal is younger than a filly, and mare is older. Do I have that correct?

    If so I shall make her filly.

    EDIT: Providing that the above classification for age is correct, I feel that the ages for Passion Flower and Doctor Lab are incorrect. It doesn't make sense having Passion Flower a colt and Doctor Lab a mare... there's a big age difference (I think) especially when it comes to parents. I'm debating whether or not that would work, or if I should change it to stallion and mare.

  9. I just made an edit adding in:

    *That her age is around the equivalency of 13 human years

    *Her wing power is 3.1 average flight, 10.5 max flight (This is rough... may need to be changed if you suggest to)

    *Changing the cutie mark information from history to the Cutie Mark section. If it is alright, I added in a single sentence in her history about when she obtained the cutie mark.

    I will make an additional edit shortly hopefully with some decent names :)

    EDIT: How does the names Passion Flower and Doctor Lab sound? I could not find any OCs with those names.

  10. @Pegasus duties: Actually her CloudsDale duty isn't against her will. I feel it will actually compliment her occupation. I plan to keep it, unless you'd like me not to.

    @names: I didn't know about the spouse name. Okay that may actually make it a little easier then.

    Does a pony pick up a last name after Father, or Mother, or none?

    @Cutie Mark: It'd be kind of hard for me to not have it in history and solely in the cutie mark section, but I can try and see what I can do :) It shouldn't be impossible to do... nothing's impossible haha.

  11. Thank you for the comments!

    I still need to add more to the history, which is what I'll work on... because it still does not reflect up to present.

    I do have couple questions... suggestions for different first names of Pat Hearts and Maddi Hearts?

    Pat and Maddi are people names and not pony names... and the names I come up with are pretty much already taken.

    If Pat and Maddi are okay, I'll keep them but I'd prefer to come up with something else :)

    EDIT 3: Moved all Cutie Mark information to the Cutie Mark section outside of history.

  12. (Sorry for double-post but I have some ideas to share)

    Okay, here are my first ideas. Please tell me what you think.

    For occupation, instead of having something so vast like balancing love across Equestria, we're going to leave that up to Princess Cadence to do (I'm not going to say that though in the application).

    Lovinity's occupation could be on the lines of being personal love and support to other ponies. Simple and not so "upper level".

    Lovinity's CloudsDale duty (she has to have one since she's a pegasus) will be to help create rain to areas that need it, and to help clear away clouds (to bring out the sun) to areas that are too wet.

    Her history could start out as something like this (the history will be a lot different but I might still be able to make it resemble some real-life experiences in a discrete way):

    She was born of Pat Hearts and Maddi Hearts (I don't think there's any OCs with this name... so if that's true I'll use these names unless otherwise suggested something else).

    Pat Hearts was a young colt who was excellent at fixing things. He was also similar to Lovinity Hearts in the sense that he was there for other ponies who needed love. He also had a strong sense of passion and dedication; he doesn't let anything step in the way of his destiny.

    Maddi Hearts was a mare with a dream to become a doctor (she wasn't/isn't one yet). She's had a huge interest in pony anatomy as well as making line art for the Equestria news papers. Although she was mainly an introverted mare, she was an ear for those who needed to talk to some pony.

    As a very young Lovinity, she was a very hyper and bubbly blank flank who loved to play around and make jokes. At first, she wanted to be a message server, delivering updates to Equestria as far as what CloudsDale had prepared for as far as the weather goes. But instead she took interest in the school's printing press. She was there for some time, writing various articles about a number of topics. Her content didn't get much recognition though, and so she decided to quit.

    She entered a period of sadness as she grew up. She was upset that she still hadn't found her destiny and her cutie mark. She was often feeling down and often created rain where it wasn't needed.

    One day as she was having a conversation with other fillies and colts, she spotted another filly in a worse position than she was. Lovinity went over to her and asked her what was wrong. Lovinity was an ear and a heart for this filly, providing strong love and personal support for her. The two fillies became friends instantly, and both Lovinity and the other filly noticed a positive change in how they felt. Over the course of a couple days, both Lovinity and the other filly were lifted up and feeling energetic and positive. But on the third day since they first met, the other filly said to Lovinity that she needed to go; she was away from her special some pony in a different town from being afraid to upset him, and she needed to return to him now that she felt a lot better. Lovinity gave her a very prized artifact that meant a lot to Lovinity: An (non-magical) amulet given to her by her family, which helped her go on and to remember that she is always loved and also to be love for others. The other filly burst into tears and hugged Lovinity tight; it meant a lot to her that Lovinity did that for her.

    As Lovinity said goodbye to the filly at the train station, she felt a strange sensation on her hip that she's never felt before. She looked at her hip and was wondering what was wrong, and she noticed she had just received her cutie mark.

  13. I wouldn't try for WOE. I did and now I willn't try again. Its more a stressfull then it should be. I tryed to get Hallo Ween, my other OC in to WOE and had to change a lot; but that's not a problem. The problem was that they wanted me to change my OC's name because of how it was 'not pony'. I fought them for a good chunck of time before I was threatined for beign mean. True story.

    And I also say that you restart this here in Free for All. Its just seems like a better place for this type of thing. And MAKE SURE that the next time you start this you make a 'posting order' becuase like 4 or the rpers got left behind on like page 4.

    I wouldn't put the blame on Canterlot.com. They are only doing their job and it does say that the application process is very strict. And in addition, it's not just Canterlot.com who has rejected Lovinity as a true OC. Other places have too.

    I really don't want to continue this roleplay in the Free-for-all. This role play series was meant to have structure and have a form, in the way that FIM has (but of course not same).

    Canterlot.com has given me an option that no other place on the internet has given me: A rebirth. Sure, a re-birth would entail that Lovinity will end up being different in the end, but to be honest if that's what it takes for her to be looked at as a true OC, then by Celestia I'm going to do it.

    Everyone has their personal preferences. So if you don't wish to try out that is fine :).

    And also note if/when Lovinity Hearts (her new unofficial re-birth name which now has a last name) completes her personal training and gets accepted into the World Of Equestria, yes this role play series will live there from then on, but I will be sure to do some Free-for-all role plays as well; they just won't be for this series.

    • Like 1
  14. You can actually change the topic title using the edit feature, and use this same thread! Howzabout "Lovinity Twopoint" or something for a name? Pegasi in WoE have an ability to manipulate weather, but we don't consider it "magic" in a term of the sense, as that is the fundamental realm of unicorns.

    Ohh okay that's what they meant. Thanks for the clarification!

    And I shall do that. But I mean for example the application I think was already submitted for lock so if it were to happen I'd restart it under a new title. But I will rename it anyhow :)

    I decided I'll rename it to "Lovinity Hearts". Lovinity never did have a last name, so for her re-birth I'll give her a last name.

  15. I have a new idea! What about making a new OC with a completely new name and identity, just for WoE? We'd be happy to walk you through the design process of making a character, no problem.

    Would you try, just give it a chance? You might find that you'll start to understand.

    Aye, if you go with Rosies idea and make a new character from the ground up I'll be happy to help!

    Okay. I will give it a shot.

    However Lovinity is the only OC I would ever want. So with that, I'll do this:

    I will completely start Lovinity over from scratch... in other words erase everything about her except her appearance (that I cannot change for sure). I will keep her personality in mind but I will not set it down yet. Her history we can re-work. And her occupation will most definitely need a start-over.

    ...I cannot change her occupation and limit her enough for her to be accepted and still be who she is if I were to have kept her as-is before... but if I completely re-birth her, that changes things and makes it possible, at least in my opinion.

    Question: Pegasus ponies have a magic of their own according to a couple articles I read... just like Rainbow Dash. Is that true?

    Let the re-birth begin. Thank you very much for your offers to help. This was an option I did not see :) Thank you for bringing it up.

    ...if this application closes, as long as it was alright that I re-birth Lovinity, I will re-open a new application under a WIP and call it "Lovinity 2.0" if that's alright.

  16. Sorry for the double post.

    (sigh) Okay honestly I will say that I thought Lovinity was capable of being a FIM character if it were possible. But now that I see it with how other people have brought up the fact she's overpowering and my inability to change that to good levels, she is far from being a FIM pony.

    The only possible way for her to be able to do what she is meant to do without it breaking the laws of magic etc. is for her to be a princess. However, there are many reasons why she should not be a princess:

    A) Alicorns are hated as OCs.

    B) She wasn't meant to be a princess; she doesn't have the capability

    C) It would be completely pointless to be a princess since we already have Princess Cadence.

    She isn't fit to be an earth pony or unicorn either... she needs to fly to do what she's supposed to do. And in order to do what she's supposed to do, sure she could do without the magic, but even then people, like but not limited to you, think that her duty / destiny / occupation alone is beyond limits.

    Therefore, considering all of these, as much as I hate to do this because Lovinity means a lot to me and is a part of who I am, I should abandon her and kill her off. She's a bad OC. It's obvious.

    Unless there is something you wish to say to me to help me out here, I request termination of the application... and I will possibly eventually terminate Lovinity as a whole which will also mean a request for account termination (No OC means no reason to be here). But if there's anything to say, please please say it first before I do anything.

  17. I feel like all the ideas and time I wasted for this was well worth getting left behind, thanks.

    ? You mean that?

    If not, I'm just as upset as you :( I've been majorly stressing out these past couple days about a couple of things, like my OC and also school.

    When, and if is more like it, Lovinity gets approved for WOE, which I do not see happening, I will move this role play to WOE. If Lovinity cannot possibly be approved for WOE, then I will have to think it through as whether or not to continue the role play. If I did, and I kept it in Free-for-all, it wouldn't make much sense though since my new guidelines for the roleplay for the next episodes would be so similar to WOE rules of role play.

    The happenings right now: As it stands, Lovinity's occupation and magic is completely and severely rejected in WOE. This is a very stressful situation for me because I've felt like getting rid of / changing Lovinity's occupation and destiny would be like killing her. I was prepared to heavily work on her... but not on who she is personally... which is what needs to be done in order to be accepted. I am fine with trashing her magic... that's barely a problem. But her destiny and occupation is nearly impossible for me to change without changing/destroying who she is.

    So as it looks if things continue on this same path... Lovinity will not participate in WOE and may even be unwillingly discontinued as an OC. And as a result, this role play wouldn't be able to continue. But there is a chance that could change. A small one. I'm trying to see if that change can happen.

  18. Hi! I know you're frustrated. I would like to ask you to keep all information relative to this character in this thread. If you're sending PMs to staff and asking for things related to this character, information can get mixed up and it inhibits our ability to help you. I warned you before -- when you were inquiring about making this character a WoE character -- that it would be a process in itself that would take a lot of changes.

    I see a lot of arguments regarding character OC "redesign" to make a character fit well with World of Equestria. This is the most common argument, and this is my response:

    No, I suppose not. World of Equestria is designed to be a reflection of Friendship is Magic. If you won't see it in the cartoon itself, we probably will not welcome it in our game. I understand OCs are personal things, but it is also important to consider that you are a guest in our game, and it's polite to come dressed for the occasion. You would not wear a clown costume to a formal dance, and likewise you would not wear formal attire to a Halloween party (unless, of course, it was part of your costume). Don't you think it would be rather rude to impose a fantastic character with fantastic abilities on a roleplay with characters that are encouraged to function in a different way of design? Here, character personality and their roles within Equestria should shine in order to encourage interactions with other characters; not special abilities, tragic pasts, and elements that stomp on what this roleplay is about. That is why it is gated, and new players must go through the process of designing a character application -- they need to show us that they understand what this particular roleplay represents, and they have a fundamental grasp of how to play within it. They must understand what the rules are before they sit down to play. Some players have difficulty understanding this, and it is our job as the roleplay help team to give them guidance in this regard.

    What I suggested you do is that you take certain parts of your character that you like, and design her in a way that compliments World of Equestria. Lovinity the OC still exists, and you may play her as you wish in Crossovers. If you are designing her for WoE, she must have a design to compliment that. While she may be a special and fantastic character over there, here she should be encouraged to focus on personality and in a way that would make for fun and interesting interaction with other characters. Any kind of world hopping time-travel stuff really does not belong here. Ask yourself if you would see this character in an episode of Friendship is Magic. If you answer yes, you're on the right design path.

    Remember this is nothing personal against your creation -- you just must understand that we are treating this character application as one that will compliment the world we've designed, not yours. We have an entire team dedicated to helping you with this. Ask yourself if this is the right roleplay for you; if it's not, we have two other sub-forums that are appropriate for your play needs. Thanks for interest and patience!

    ~ Rose

    I understood that being accepted as a woe pony was a process. However, assuming "everything" when I asked what was not accepted, I thought in addition to the magic, her history personality and occupation was also not accepted.

    Unless I overlooked things, the only possible way I could keep Lovinity in this application in what I can see is if I downgrade her to a blank flank wth no present occupation (still learning what she is to do). I cannot edit the personality she had, therefore if it isn't accepted, I'll have to cut her personality out making her similar to a CMC.

    This is all, unless something else can be thought of.

    As far as the application goes, I don't want to cancel yet, but it is very much looking like I will ask for that in the near future.

    Sorry for confusing everyone up. I thought what I wanted to say would not have a place on this actual appliction, and so I sent the pm.


    [colour=#FF0000]Reason: WAAAYYYYY too overpowering and unreal. Seriously against Canterlot Role Playing rules and regulations (if Celestia saw this, she'd banish us into the Evertree Forest inside a cage).[/colour]

    [colour=#FF0000]This decision is final and no exceptions will be made.[/colour]

    [colour=#FF0000]My OC Pony will resume in the World of Equestria in a few weeks to a month or so (don't know exactly, or if it will even happen). Please look for the OOC in there when it begins.[/colour]

    [colour=#FF0000]Please do not make any more posts to this thread... I will not reply to them.[/colour]

    [colour=#FF0000]I appreciate your cooperation.[/colour]

  20. All of it, the thousand years, her abilities, all of it, you are focusing far too much on making her a unique and special snowflake pony, Yes it would be best to remove her magic entirely since she isn't a unicorn..^^; YOu need to simplfy her and make her be more the flavour of the show! She doesn't seem like a character that would be on FIM, try focusing more on making her a sweet pony that likes to warm the hearts of those around her.

    Not sure what you mean by "thousand years" but I assume the dates.

    Removing: abilities... magic... occupation... all date references... Character Summary... History.

    Only keeping: Basic info.

    Changing status to: WIP

    Alright give me about a day or two and I'll try to come up with something... unless you'd like to help me out :)

  21. Oh my! There are still several mentions of Cast characters in this application :-o as well as a great deal of Lore that isn't Mane Rp accepted, On top of that your character is far too over powered, and is practically placing themselves on the same level of Celestia, while this app is a good Crossover Rp app, I'm afraid it is going to need a good deal of work done to become Mane Rp ready!

    Will do!

    ...removing Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie from the list.

    ...can probably see now why she was kicked out of CloudsDale.


    ...removing Zecora and Princess Cadence

    ...removing all references to the Element of Love


    Okay... right now that's as far as I can work on. I need to ask some questions to go further.

    First off, Lore. What in the application specifically isn't RP accepted? I can probably take that out or revise it.

    Secondly, same deal with over power. Her main duty probably is too overpowering. How should I downgrade that maybe? Also, should her magic be even more limited? If so, how? ...or should I trash the magic?

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