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Everything posted by IIID3LTAIII

  1. Angel Looked down at lyra, He spat out some blood. "[colour=#800000]Now Lyria, We wait.. Thats all we can do[/colour]" He sighed.
  2. Marble pushed off Angel and punched him in the face.. He grunted in pain and Lyria tackled him again. Angel let out a few choice words under his breath.
  3. Angel stood above Marble, Pinning him to the ground.. he threw insults at him. Telling him the Lyria loved him more in a kiddy tone. Angel stared at him, There was no need to hurt him. He was detained. He looked at his cutie mark, Telling him how worthless he was and that he was the real marble. How the ShadowBolts showed him how to be more honest. Angel kept staring at him. Tightening his grip on marble. He hit him one more time in the stomach. "[colour=#800000]Shut up![/colour]" He looked over at lyria. Then back at Marble.. [colour=#800000]You already have LightningDust.. If you want Lyria I guess I could take her off your hooves.[/colour]" He told him.. Trying to make him angry.
  4. AngelSnapp ran out after lyria. Marble had been infected and gave Lyria a blow to the face. She pinned Marble but Marble countered, He smiled and Said something inaudible to Angel, Then kissed Lyria.. Angel's eye twiched with rage.. "[colour=#800000]What... Was... That..[/colour]" Marble suggested that it could also go "Further" Angel charged at full speed and tackled Marble into a wall "[colour=#800000]Don't touch her you piece of cud[/colour]" He yelled giving him a blow to the stomach
  5. CloudDasher listened to the fight.. She scraped her hoof against the floor of the cell "[colour=#add8e6]Why am I in here?! I wanna fight too" [/colour]She yelled. She sat in the cell. Waiting for it to be over
  6. Angel was taken by surprise When CloudDasher spoke out to him, Her eyes turned back red.. Angel stepped back. CloudDasher made a comment about how He was attractive, And how he should just give up with Lyria. He looked over at her.. Then turned to the cage. CloudDasher's Red eyes seemed as if they longed for something.. "[colour=#800000]CloudDasher, I know your in there.. Dont give up![/colour]" He yelled. He trotted closer to the cage.. CloudDasher still leaning against the Bar's. Angel saw that she was crying. His heart sank.. She was obviously fighting the curse as best she could. CloudDasher stepped back into the dark "[colour=#add8e6]Poor.. Poor CloudDasher. I think... Yes, Her heart is broken.[/colour]" CloudDasher hit the bars of the cage and Laughed. Her eyes a brighter Red.
  7. CloudDasher's Eyes went back to normal "[colour=#add8e6]Angel? Help me..[/colour]" She said. She let out a little scream and fell to the ground. She slowly got up.. Looking up her eyes were red. "[colour=#add8e6]So your AngelSnapp? Wow.. I can see why this are has taken a liking to you..[/colour]" She leaned against the bars and gave him a seductive look "[colour=#add8e6]Y[/colour][colour=#add8e6]our very hot.. Why dont you just break up with Lyria and go out with me?[/colour]" She asked.
  8. Angel trotted into the room with the others. Lyria looked sad. "[colour=#800000]Look.. There right here, There fine[/colour]" He reassured her. He put his wing over her. He looked over to the cage "[colour=#800000]Why has she been imprisoned?[/colour]" He asked. Looking at CloudDasher
  9. CloudDasher's eyes turned back to green "[colour=#add8e6]What did I say about the kid thing?! I Swear.. When I get my hooves on you[/colour]" Her eyes turned back to red "[colour=#add8e6]Please stop that.. Its quite annoying having to deal with her.[/colour]" (Going to bed. Night every-pony)
  10. CloudDasher Banged against the Bars. Her eyes turned back to there normal Green "[colour=#add8e6]HEY! Lets get one thing straight! IM NO KID![/colour]" She yelled. Then pulled back. He eyes closed and returned to red. "[colour=#add8e6]Ohhooho.. Looks like Miss CloudDasher is trying to fight the curse.. How cute.[/colour]" She giggled
  11. CloudDasher flinched when Shadow hit the bar's. She stumbled backwards into the cage. He then threatened to let Marble in who was calling her quite vile names. A clenching feeling began in her chest. She felt tears start to role down her cheeks. She sat quietly in the corner of the cage.. Fear took over and she wiped her red eyes of the tears. She shook her head, Trying to get the though out of her head, and quickly got up and leaned on the Bars once more. Sticking her muzzle out. "[colour=#add8e6]Fine, Let him in.. I dont care any-more, There's nothing I can do.. How in Luna do you think I know where they are? Im just A grunt! And this Mare.. Is my Puppet..[/colour]" She said. Referring to CloudDasher
  12. CloudDasher was about to escape into a near-by room when Shadow tackled her. She squee'd in surprise and he pinned her to the wall "[colour=#add8e6]Well.. This was fast. I though you would at least take me on a date first[/colour]" She joked. "[colour=#add8e6]Ill tell you that I know your not going to win[/colour]" She smiled, He grabbed her by the mane which hurt a fair amount. Shadow threw her into the room with LightningDust and the others, Then was thrown into the cage. Marbel looked as if he could dash into the cage and snap her neck in 10 seconds flat. She sighed.. And put her hoofs on the Iron bars. Her muzzle in between two of them. "[colour=#add8e6]Whats the point.. I can just leave this body and let her die.. So dont try and threaten me[/colour]" She of course.. Was Bluffing
  13. CloudDasher turned around to marbel "[colour=#add8e6]Hey, Cheer up here big guy, Its not like there's a cute mare behind you or [/colour][colour=#add8e6]anything[/colour]" She joked, She was actually frightened now.. She was alone, The squad had abandoned her. She slowly backed away.. looking for a place to hid from the Stallion's Rage, That no doubt would be unleashed upon her. Her eyes glowing a brighter red now. She looked for a way out of the hall. But it seemed as if there was no end to the hall.
  14. CloudDasher laughed "[colour=#add8e6]Ive got this... Easy Peasy[/colour]" She Stopped in the hall and faced Marble "[colour=#add8e6]You know.. I can see why Lightning Likes you.. Your kinda hot[/colour]" She giggled, "[colour=#add8e6]Too bad.. Youll never see her again, Lover Boy[/colour]" She charged at him at a great speed. She laughed as she got closer. Going for his hind hoofs.
  15. CloudDasher escaped with FlashBomb. "[colour=#add8e6]So what now.. Commander?[/colour]" She joked. "[colour=#add8e6]Can we have some more fun with these stupid WonderBolts before we finish the job? Please? I really want to make that Shadow fella melt around my hoofs[/colour]" She laughed. They flew away LightningDust screaming "[colour=#add8e6]Oh no.. Dont worry, Marble will save me.. Thats what your thinking hu? Too bad, He dosent care for you.. I know this little filly know's how its like to not be loved.. Stupid.. Stupid AngelSnapp, Didn't even care for her[/colour]" She said. Referencing to the old CloudDasher.
  16. CloudDasher giggled at the chaos in the room. "[colour=#add8e6]What if SpitFire is the one who's Corrupt? She should be in there![/colour]" CloudDasher Pointed her hoof toward the cage. "[colour=#add8e6]She's Finally snapped! Shes gone crazy![/colour]" She yelled, Grinning. Her conscious watched in terror as the being who was inside he controlled her actions.
  17. CloudDasher emerged from her corner. "[colour=#add8e6]Shadow.. Im scared... I dont know whats happening![/colour]" She lied. She pretended to cry and got a little closer to him. The three were alone, It was a perfect opportunity. The curse fully encased CloudDasher. She got closer, Inches apart.. She threw her hoofs around Shadow in a hug. Pretending to weep. "[colour=#add8e6]Protect me.[/colour]" She told him. She gave FlashBomb a wink. (kk RainBoom, Ive got it ^3^) Angel turned to Lyria "[colour=#800000]Dont worry.. It will be fine. We just need to find the others.. This is a mess" [/colour]He told her as they trotted down the hall together.
  18. The group arrived at the infermary. The doctor trotted in and looked over FlashBomb.. He noticed his eyes and Flash's cover was blown. Soon after wards SpitFire came in with two gaurds and detained FlashBomb. CloudDasher backed way slowly. Making sure that they wouldent discover that she was also under the spell. She fell in behind the group as they went to the containment room. AngelSnapp sighed. They took FlashBomb to the containment room.. "So what now? How do we reverse this?" He asked. CloudDasher Stayed in the corner of the room. Leaning on the wall. She tried to figure out the next course of action she should take.
  19. CloudDasher Trotted close behind, The cuse in full affect made her see a opratunity to create cahos among the group. "[colour=#add8e6]Thats what they will be expecting.. Dont you think that they would know we have a wounded pegasus and would be waiting to jump us there?[/colour]" She asked.. Smiling to herself behind the darkness.
  20. CloudDasher waited for the group to pass then slid in behind them.. She trotted behind them like she had never gotten separated in the first place... The only thing she could think about was the Gem... The Gem... The Gem.. She smiled..
  21. (Lyria is AFK For now.. So im just going to say shes with Angel.. If thats alright) Angel Trotted next to FlashBomb.. Shadow asked if they were with them when they went out "[colour=#800000]Lyria was... I was trying to reach SpitFire when FlashBomb screamed like a little filly.. Nearly scared my wings off of me.[/colour]" He told him.
  22. CloudDasher slowly got up... Her eyes a blank red.. She slowly trotted past BlueStreak and Shadow and out the door of the barracks and down the South hall to where ever-pony else was.. She stayed in the shadows.. A grin crept onto her face. She went into the staff barracks and stayed there for a moment.. Abel to hear the pony's as they spoke.
  23. CloudDasher waited in silence.. For what seemed like hours. She could feel her heart beat faster and faster.. Suddenly her tail was grabbed by some-pony and she was dragged out from under the bunk. She struggled against him "[colour=#add8e6]Get off me you jerk![/colour]" She yelled attempting to kick him in the face.. Her efforts in vain. She struggled and swarmed attempting to get out of the Dark pony's Grasp. Her hooves attempting to drag her away. But only slid on the slippery floor.
  24. CloudDasher Turned and ran the opposite direction of the dark essence. Another pony tackled the dark essence But it was in vain. Something caught her hoof and tripped her.. Another figure appeared and advanced on her.. She scrambled to her hooves and again.. Ran. She came to the end of a hall and entered what seemed like the Stallion's barracks.. She hid underneath a Bunk Bed.
  25. Marble and Gadget appeared from behind Angel.. They attempted to help FlashBomb.. Angel stood up and looked behind them.. "[colour=#800000]Did you guys really leave the cadet by herself? What ever... We need to stick together.. It's obvious who ever did this is in the building.." [/colour]He said. CloudDasher Wandered around the Hall's of the Academy.. She tried to see through the Fog "[colour=#add8e6]How did it get inside anyway?[/colour]" She wondered to herself. She kept trotting forward and bumped into something.. She fell on her Plot "[colour=#add8e6]Owie.. What the?[/colour]" She looked up and could barely see the silhouette of a pony through the fog.. "[colour=#add8e6]Angel. Is that you?[/colour]" She asked... The Figure began to laugh in a deep voice.. CloudDasher got up and began to back away.. It definitely wasn't AngelSnapp.
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