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Everything posted by IIID3LTAIII

  1. (Sorry, Just woke up XD) Angel was awoken by Lyria, "[colour=#800000]Slept great. Thanks" [/colour]She kissed him on the muzzle and he smiled. She told him she was going to go practice and that lunch was on the counter, It almost felt like they were a married couple. But they had only been dating for the pass 4 months. After lyria had left, Angel got up and trotted into the bathroom. He hopped in the shower and started to clean himself off. "[colour=#800000]I wonder if SpitFire's going to give me a assignment today? I guess it wouldn't hurt to fly up to the academy and see..[/colour]" He thought to himself. He stood there for a few moments before getting out, Enjoying the feeling of the warm water. After he dried himself off. He trotted down-stairs and began to eat what Lyria had left for him. He smiled to himself.
  2. (Fallow-up RP is up. http://www.canterlot.com/topic/14467-the-academy-chapter-2/)
  3. It was 2:00 Pm in the afternoon, AngelSnapp still in bed. Sleeping in would have been his special talent if he had not discovered camera's. He turned on-to his side. Camera's lined the walls of his room. Usually SilverStar would have waken him up by now. But she was away for the last few day's on a art workshop in Canterlot, She was returning today, She was in Canterlot for the pass 5 months. So she would be meeting Lyria for the first time.
  4. (Yeh, A link would be great ^^)
  5. Angel again smiled. The crowd cheered as FlashBomb left the stage. Angel opened the envelop SpitFire had given him. He read aloud the postions the pony's were given "[colour=#800000]Marble, Your skills in crafting and sculpting are seen as a usefull trait, There for youll be assigned to the Special FX Team as well as the Media team with me. Lyria, Your skills with flying and agility are almost overwhelming, Your in the Regular squadron Youll be assigned as a lead pony to one of the recruits who pass the next course. Flash-bomb and LightningDust, Same goes for you, You will be assigned a Wing-pony next year.[/colour]" (Im going to stop there, Because I dont have enough info on the other characters to make a informed decision of there positions ^^; Just assign yourselves If I forgot you.)
  6. Angel smiled, He looked down at the list. One last name was present "[colour=#800000]Last, We have the strongest of the class. This pegasus seems to be unable to stop hurting him-self. Getting into fights and nearly getting his wings torn off. No matter what, He just kept on moving, Filly's and Colts, I give you FlashBomb. The last of the awardees[/colour]" Angel nodded down to him. Suddenly SpitFire came on stage and whispered something into angel's ear and handed him another envelop. Angel Nodded and waited for FlashBomb to come get his diploma before proceeding.
  7. Angel nodded "[colour=#800000]Next, The award of Bravery, This Mare came to the academy, Failing once. But she had the guts to try it again, Even though she was shot down the first time. During this time, The bitterness in her heart remained and she made a few enemies during this week. But she stepped up to the responsibility's of her actions one night, And transformed those enemy's into friends, It takes courage to confront your fears and turn them into something more. I give you LightningDust[/colour]"
  8. Angel smiled and nodded to lyria who left the stage, The crowd cheered for her and he waited for the cheering to die down "[colour=#800000]Next, This recruit demonstrated to most loyal actions of the whole academy, With a friend injured, He stayed by his side, When he was insulted, He defended his friend. When the friendship nearly died, He was brave enough to confront his friend, and settle the dispute, Filly's and Colts, I give you Marble.[/colour]" Angel looked down and nodded for him to come up.
  9. (Lets get it started ^3^) SpitFire nodded to Angel, He was to lead the ceremony. Angel nodded back at her and trotted onto the stage. The crowd's cheering grew louder, As a few die-Hard fans screamed Angel's name. Although he wasn't to most popular wonderbolt. He still had a fan-base. He stepped up to the microphone and said "[colour=#800000]Alright, Lets bring it down[/colour]" He waited for the crowd to quiet down. Once silence was near he started his speach. "[colour=#800000]Wonderbolts, We all know that name. And the honor and responsibility that come with it. Today, We welcome a few lucky recruits who have successfully passed the week long course. Though they become wonderbolts today, That dosent mean they wont stop learning[/colour]" He looked upon the audience, They smiled with glee. He looked down to see his friends all sitting together. Angel took a deep breath "[colour=#800000]I will now read the top graduates for this class.. First, Our top speed Flyer was Lyria, With DizzyTron time of 6.8 seconds.[/colour]" He looked down at her and motioned for her to come up on the stage. A diploma in his mouth.
  10. Angel Finished and got up. He trotted over to his friends and gave them a "[colour=#800000]Good Luck[/colour]" Before He trotted into the staff barracks to put on his uniform. He used his official Wonderbolt uniform this time, Instead of the academy uniform. He let his goggles hang from his neck and stretched. He trotted outside and took his place next to a tree while he waited for every-pony to get gathered. A few audience members turned to see him and waved. Angel smiled and waved back.
  11. Angel got up and trotted into the mess hall, He took his place next to rest of the Wonderbolts. He had to admit, It felt good not to be the underdog any more. That would be passed on to the newer recrutis. He remembered how only 2 out of 20 had passed the course while he was here, Including him-self. He took a bite out of a pile of Pankaces and smiled. The were coated with a poudered sugar and the best syrup in Equestria. They tasted exactly the same 2 years ago. He heard a few other wonderbolts laugh at his excitement. He didnt care, He loved Pancakes
  12. Angel had fallen asleep under the tree.. He Slowly opened his eyes, The sun rising in front of him. He got up and stretched. He looked over to see some staff members setting up a stage for the final ceremony.
  13. Angel laid down in his bunk, He looked over out of the window and smiled, Grabbed his camera and trotted outside, He looked around for a better vantage point. He saw one and flew up top of a rock, Though it was some-what un-stable, he got a couple shots before he had to fix his balance. He looked up and took a couple more shots before he was satisfied with his work. He climbed down and sat beneath a tree. Admiring the sky before he went to bed.
  14. (Darn cold woke me up early XD) "[colour=#800000]Its nothing, Really. I should be thanking you Lyria. For letting me fall for you.[/colour]" Angel smiled [colour=#800000]What the heck was that?! Oh Celestia that was so cheesy[/colour] Angel though to himself
  15. Angel looked over to her "[colour=#800000]Tomorrow morning, Most likely. In the past thats what its alway's been, The day after the final tests. [/colour]" Angel Explained.
  16. Angel smiled "[colour=#800000]Of course! That would be great. Im sure SilverStar will be excited to meet you. " [/colour]He told her.
  17. Angel smiled "[colour=#800000]Well its up to you really, I just didnt know if you had a place to stay, And... its alright, Really. I thought it was kinda, Nice. Actually.[/colour]" He told her
  18. Lyria seemed happy at Angel's Comment. He Smiled then she lent over the table and Kissed him. It felt like forever before she released Though it only lasted a second. Lyria quickly turned. Hiding her blushing. Angel sat there, Dumbfounded. He blinked and shook his head. Blushing he turned to lyria "[colour=#800000]Where are you going to go after this? Do you have a place to stay? If you dont.. I dont know, You could stay with.. Me and Silver. FlashBomb also lives in the basement, Only if you want too though.[/colour]" Angel stumbled over his own words, Still recovering from the shock
  19. Angel looked up at lyria "[colour=#800000]Well, Life will probably go back to normal, SpitFire will put me back on Photographer and normal Wonderbolt duties. Im not sure what will happen with the others. But you and me, Were going places lyria[/colour]" He smiled at her
  20. Angel finished putting away the things from the game. He trotted into the mess-hall to see every-pony he knew was gone except lyria. He sat next to her "[colour=#800000]Sorry im late, I was taking care of something.[/colour]" He told her giving her
  21. Angel sighed and then laughed. "[colour=#800000]My bad..[/colour]" He rubbed his head in embarrassment. He shook it off and turned his attention to Lyria who had the flag. She began to pick up speed and angel fell in behind her. Defending her from any incoming attack. She was fast. Flashbomb managed to grab the flag, They were nearing the SonicRainboom barrier. [colour=#800000]This might not end well. [/colour]He thought to himself. He picked up speed and grabbed Flashbombs legs dragging him down with the access weight.
  22. Angel smiled and dashed for LightningDust. He Nearly missed her but grabbed her legs and held on tight "[colour=#800000]Gotcha![/colour]" He yelled smiling
  23. Angel took off to the opposite side of the field. He began to defend the flag. Taking anyone down who got too close, Lyria was also doing this.
  24. Angel smiled back at lyria "[colour=#800000]Alright, Hide your flags, And dont think ill go easy on you Flash[/colour]" He smirked as he raised his goggles that hung from his neck. Angel looked at his team. [colour=#800000]I just hope my leg doesn't get worse than how it is right now. [/colour]He thought to himself.
  25. (Just choose them Daboom, It will be easier that way ^u^)
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