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Everything posted by IIID3LTAIII

  1. CloudDasher put her elbow on Eleanor's back, Leaning on her "[colour=#ffd700]So elle, Where exactly is study hall at?[/colour]" She asked.
  2. CloudDasher looked at Elleanor [colour=#ffd700]"Ive got StudyHall too, So boering though..[/colour]" She sighed getting up, Waiting for her.
  3. CloudDasher finished off the last bite of the sandwich. "[colour=#ffd700]Alright, Im full.[/colour]" She said, Tossing the wrapper in the trash.
  4. CloudDasher looked up from her sandwich "[colour=#ffd700]Just about, Gotta finish this puppy off[/colour]" She proclaimed, Taking another bite.
  5. *Of course! Hop right on in! * CloudDasher examined the table. They were all looking at her. "[colour=#ffd700]What, You guys never see a mare before?[/colour]" She joked. She picked a spot and sat down next to elle and blue
  6. Very cool art style, I love how artists have different way's of drawing the same concept. For some reason I get a WindWaker groove from looking at this XD
  7. CloudDasher stood up "[colour=#ffd700]New friends! Here I come[/colour]" She exclaimed. Picking up the plate in her mouth.
  8. I would VERY Much like to take part in this EPIC rp please /)^3^(\
  9. You mean your signature? If you go to your profile click on "Edit Profile" Then on the side bar there will be a little button that says "Signature" Click on that. It will pop up much like your posting in the thread, Youll need the picture to be a URL So if its on your desktop youll need to upload it to a site like Photobucket. Click on the little photograph with the tree and it will ask for that link. It can be up to 600px by 100px I believe:3 ~Hope this helped!
  10. Welcome to Canterlot! I personally like the episode 'Super speedy cider squeezy 6000' ^3^ If youve seen that, that is XD
  11. CloudDasher smiled "[colour=#ffd700]Hey, Dont worry about it. Im here for ya. And im sure blue will keep em' in line[/colour]" She reassured Eleanor
  12. *Nah, I dont think its too late. Its lunchtime, Me, BlueStreak and Eleanor are sitting down to lunch together. If you want to know character backgrounds Just go back and read a few pages. :3 Check the first page for the application though. Just fill out the info and jump on in!*
  13. Welcome to canterlot, Melody! Im sure youll fit in here just fine :3
  14. *Mornin* CloudDasher looked over to her friend "[colour=#ffd700]Up to you Elle, Im good ether way.[/colour]" She told her
  15. CloudDasher smiled "[colour=#ffd700]Its about time you got your plot over here. Nothing much, Just complaining about the food.[/colour]" She told him putting her beenie back on.
  16. *No idea what just happened XD* CloudDasher sighed "[colour=#ffd700]What can I expect. Its School food.[/colour]" She looked back to where blue sat. He didnt moved so she guessed he didnt seen her wave.
  17. CloudDasher trotted over to the table and sat down And took off her beenie, Letting her Mane flow out. she iched her head. "[colour=#ffd700]The food here any good?[/colour]" She asked. *Be back in a little while*
  18. CloudDasher nodded looking over at the table blue sat at. "[colour=#ffd700]​No problem. Let go sit down.[/colour]" She said. She waved and tried to get Blue's attention.
  19. CloudDasher picked up a salad and trotted back over to Eleanor "[colour=#ffd700]You see Blue anywhere Elle?[/colour]" She asked.
  20. CloudDasher sighed "[colour=#ffd700]No pizza hu? That sucks.. Guess ill just have a salad.[/colour]" She said standing in line next the Eleanor. She scanned the room looking for blue.
  21. CloudDasher looked over "[colour=#ffd700]Awesome, Dont have to fight fore Elbow room[/colour]" She said smiling. "[colour=#ffd700]Alright, What can we get to eat here?[/colour]" She asked
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