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    Twisted Flame

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Blank Flank (2/9)



  1. "According to this book the changelings usually head north. In the changeling kingdom beyond froud valley."
  2. [Yeah i haven't been paying as much attention to this either Nobodys on . So we should just wait and see if the other people post again.] Well they have had experience with changelings.......We could get a book on changelings?
  3. Well asking princess Celestia where the Changelings went could be a start.
  4. "So, it's settled! We go and save Fortes parents! What time do we leave?"
  5. (I'll be on tomorrow. Gtg to bed I have basketball in the morning so i need sleep.)
  6. "This really makes me mad! I'm not going to Sweet Apple Acres! I'm going to search for Fortes parents! And we WILL find them! I know it's to late for my parents but it might not be to late for yours! Even if it means risking my life i'll do anything to save a friend! Do you know which direction they were taken?"
  7. "But this sorry if i made any of you sad.......I never should have said anything."
  8. I......Don't have any parents......I'd rather not talk about it.
  9. "Most people have agreed that we go to sweet apple acres. Are you in, Forte? And as for every pony going to sleep...... I'd rather just forget abou it. I have anxiety problems and I don't want to be anxious now do I."
  10. We're going to sweet apple acres. Well I'm not sure if going to sweet apple acres would be an adventure to write about but it's a start!
  11. (Most ofthe people will be back at about 3 hours or 2 before I get back)
  12. (Going to bed for the night. I'll be on at about 4:00 P.M. Eastern time.)
  13. "Hey I got it! How about we go to sweet apple acres and buy some food! I heard it's really good and the trip there would be beutiful."
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