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Everything posted by RainboomDash

  1. Lyria stood up to the Manticore, and kicked it right in the snout. It roared in anger, and pounced toward her. She smiled, and moved out of the way. It fell to the floor, and growled at her. She grabbed a stone and stick from nearby, and quickly fashioned a spear. She stabbed it through the heart, and smiled. [colour=#ee82ee]"Good Riddance." [/colour]
  2. Lyria took off through the forest. She knew this forest like the back of her hoof. She flew over to a special place, only where her mother and father knew. She saw the water, and food was located everywhere. She licked up some water, until she heard a growling. She turned around, and saw a manticore standing there.
  3. Dawn turned to Acrylic. [colour=#40e0d0]"Nothing....:" [/colour][colour=#000000]She smiled, and stood up. [/colour][colour=#40e0d0]"Should I come back inside?"[/colour]
  4. Dawn looked to the stars, and sighed. Her best friends' parents were up there, two of the constellations. She looked at the stars, and then looked down.
  5. [colour=#40e0d0]"Call me if you need help. I have to go outside for a second." [/colour][colour=#000000]She smiles, and kisses Acrylic's cheek softly. She trots out the door, and walks over to a field.[/colour]
  6. [colour=#40e0d0]"Are you sure? I can help you." [/colour][colour=#000000]Dawn said, and turned to the one called Emulsion. She used her magic to zip their mouths closed. She winked at them, then turned back to Acrylic.[/colour]
  7. Lyria landed in the Everfree, and looked around. She saw her mother's cottage in the distance, but knew she couldn't go there. But the nice part is, her father had taught her how to live in the Everfree in case anything went wrong in Equestria. She was ready.
  8. Dawn walked over to Acrylic. [colour=#40e0d0]"Do you need help Acrylic?" [/colour]
  9. Lyria then waited for the next test. She knew this was going to be the final one. She tightened her ponytail, and took a deep breath.
  10. Dawn blushed, and took a step back. [colour=#40e0d0]"Why thank you thy peasant.[/colour][colour=#40e0d0]" [/colour]
  11. [colour=#40e0d0]"Hello." [/colour][colour=#000000]Dawn smiled, and bowed. She stood back up, looking at them, holding back another giggle.[/colour]
  12. Lyria was next. She took a deep breath, and took off. The clock was ticking, but she turned each corner with ease and went over each obstacle with a pace that was easy for her. She landed on the other side, 6.8 seconds, barely 4 seconds to spare. [colour=#800080]I'm glad I practiced that... [/colour][colour=#000000]She thought to herself.[/colour]
  13. Lyria got ready for the obstacle course. She knew she could pass this one, she had before. [colour=#ee82ee]Just focus on the turns and obstacles, and you can get through this. [/colour] [colour=#000000]She kept thinking that to herself, over and over again.[/colour]
  14. Lyria continued looking ahead, waiting for the next test. She was ready for this test, taking the insults like they were compliments.
  15. Lyria stood strong, not replying, just standing there. She didn't let the insults get to her, she just knew she had to stay strong and not break down.
  16. Lyria just sat there in awe. Her smile shined, and she looked around at the Wonderbolts. This was her chance. She knew only a chosen few were going to be added to the Wonderbolts, and she hoped her and her friends would make it.
  17. Lyria gasped in awe when the Wonderbolts walked in. It was her dream to see them, to be one of them. She watched them, and smiled as the possiblity of her becoming one grew close, and depended on this. One. Test.
  18. [colour=#800080]"Okay." [/colour][colour=#000000]Lyria smiled, and waited for the call for the test to start. [/colour]
  19. Lyria put her plate away, and grabbed a napkin, and started to wash the blood from her face. When she was done, she put the napkin in the trash, waiting for Angel's response.
  20. (Okie Dokie Lokie!) Lyria had to agree that she was nervous as well. She really hoped she would pass, but didn't know if today she would. She put her mane into a pony tail again, and brushed her bangs out of her face with her hoof.
  21. I <3 the academy. Best RP ever. Favorite OC: Lyria

  22. [colour=#800080]"Thank you." [/colour][colour=#000000]Lyria smiled to Angel. She finished her food, and looked to everypony around her.[/colour] [colour=#000000]Her friends... [/colour] [colour=#000000]The word wasn't familiar to her. She smiled though, knowing the word was good. [/colour][colour=#800080]"Ready for the test today?"[/colour]
  23. [colour=#800080]"Well I walked in here this morning to get some breakfast, and I sat over there. They came up to me again, and said it looks like Angel isn't here to save you. And they pushed me off of my seat. I stood back up, and punched him, then he punched me, throwing me into a wall, then I came and kicked him, and he kicked me back, then I moved over here. I can't get too injured. We have a test today." [/colour][colour=#000000]She said[/colour]
  24. Lyria looked at Angel. [colour=#800080]"I needed to teach those stallions.." [/colour][colour=#000000]She points to them. [/colour][colour=#800080]"A lesson on how to treat mares. They pushed me down again, and I was fed up with it."[/colour]
  25. [colour=#800080]"No it's nothing Marble. I just stood up to those stallions over there. They kept pushing me around, so I messed the main one up pretty good." [/colour][colour=#000000]She smiled, and pointed to the one in the middle, with a bloody nose, and cuts all over his face. [/colour][colour=#800080]"Needed to teach the boy a lesson in respect."[/colour]
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