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Posts posted by TehBbqdPizza

  1. [colour=#008000]"Well, my parents are most likely starting a new golf course. They've recently hired an architect and selected the site, and their deciding to submit an application for land entitlement," [/colour]Long Drive answered to Babs's question. [colour=#008000]"My dad used to work for another golf course, and now he's interested in starting one himself. Despite the expensive cost for the constructing and maintaining and all that, they're working with 'business' friends, so they're all paying equally."[/colour]

    Long Drive followed the two into the hospital. The building was aesthetically pleasing to him, along with being massive. He could not recognize what the one of the symbols were- two snakes wrapped around a staff with wings- though he instantly knew the red cross was. It ensured them that they were at the right place.

    Before they entered, the colt named Psmith (Long Drive simply did not address him by his name since it was difficult for him to pronounce) commented on the game of golf. [colour=#008000]"Well, golf is different from other sports,"[/colour] Long Drive answered. [colour=#008000]"Unlike most sports, you don't need to be involved in some heavy physical exercise. You don't even have to run. You only have to swing and walk to your ball. Swing and walk. Swi-"[/colour]

    Long Drive accidentally tumbled a chair, creating a minor disturbance in the waiting room. Long Drive soon noticed what he did; he swung his own hoof to imitate the swinging of a golf club, and struck an empty chair that interrupted his swinging motion.

  2. They were already going at fast as they can.

    [colour=#006400]"Quick, quick!" [/colour]Long Drive's mother got him off as quick as possible, panicked. Long Drive and she knew that the absence of ponies meant that they were late. Extremely late. Long Drive was rushed himself and only managed to wave at his mother before galloping away. The load of the backpack, unfortunately, slowed the colt down. Inside his backpack contained camping inventory that was able to last much more than one week. (along with a 5-fairway wood; he could never leave without a golf club)

    It wasn't his choice to come to Camp Little Lake. His parents decided for him to go here, in fact. Long Drive was uncertain of their reason for sending him here. They said it was because of business issues, but he wasn't so sure of that. For all he knew, they might be finding an excuse to go to a vacation without him.

    Long Drive stopped, noticing a crowd of fillies and colts gathering nearby a stage. He ran towards the crowd, shouting out, [colour=#008000]"Wait! I'm here!" [/colour]Only then until he saw that the crowd were listening to the speaker, which was apparently a mare, did he stop and lower his voice. [colour=#008000]"Uh...hello? Did I miss anything?"[/colour]

  3. I'm all in for the Yogscast, they get me laughing every time. Haven't actually looked into the others much...was a fan of Smosh though, when they were in their early stuff.

    To be honest, I hate Simon a lot. He's trying too hard to be funny, and is just acting stupid. I don't learn much from him, considering he just screws around in a walkthrough. Plus, his staged laugh is terrible. The episodes he does with Lewis and his humor is a bit forced.

    Duncan is my favorite, he's much more constructive than the others and gives some good advice for Tekkit and such. He plays around once in a while, but it doesn't interfere with the walkthrough. Nilesy is almost as good as Duncan.

    Just saying that I'm only focusing on Minecraft on that. Yogscast is a gaming group, so they do other games. Before I played Minecraft, I was watching World of Warcraft from them.

  4. 86. For the love of Celestia, do not make your pony a shopkeeper and act like Morshu from Zelda: CDi!

    87. Your pony does not live in a cave and give out stuff to wayfaring heroes. They might not live in a cave, period.

    87a. Lamp oil? Rope? Bombs? You want it? It's yours, my friend. As long as you have enough rupees.

    87b. Sorry, Link. I can't give credit. Come back when you're a little, mmmmmmmm, richer!

    Legend of Zelda reference!

    93. Your OC is not the richest pony/any other creature of any country, nor does he or she have a monopoly on any kind of service or object.

    94. Your pony did not miss school for work when he or she was young. It is very likely that Equestria and other countries outlaw hiring fillies and colts for work.

    94b. Also, your OC is not poor to the state that he or she has to miss school.

  5. Oh gosh that thing!

    My computer smelled sweet at first... but it was just the computer itself! Then I saw that before April Fools came so I'm just like.... well it wasn't a prank yet.......

    It's accurate enough. I wanted to smell dust, and it smells terrible and I sneezed.

    And I think I left black marks for a few seconds because I pressed too hard on the screen with my nose. :lol:

  6. Even though I was playing April Fools jokes myself, I was totally tricked by Google with its new Google Nose. I actually smelled the computer screen five or six times until I noticed that my screen can't possibly give out aromas.

    And that today was April Fools.

  7. Roleplay Type: World of Equestria

    Name: Servante

    Sex: Female

    Age: Late teen filly

    Species: Earth Pony

    Eye colour: Teal Blue ([colour=#367588]#367588[/colour])

    Coat: Vanilla ([colour=#f3e5ab]#F3E5AB[/colour])

    Mane/Tail: Sunglow. ([colour=#ffcc33]#FFCC33[/colour]) It flattens out on the top, and as it goes down the neck, curves toward the muzzle. Her tail also curves inward.

    Physique: Somewhat pudgy, with slightly short legs.

    Residence: Canterlot

    Occupation: Student and Illusionist/Magician

    Cutie Mark: A upside down black top hat with a magician's wand emerged from the hat.

    Cutie Mark Story: Her interest for magic began when she found a magic set during a visit to her uncle's house. Servante was interested with all the magic tricks hidden inside the magic set. You could "create" object out of nowhere, or do the reverse; making things disappear into nothingness. You could even predict what another pony is thinking.

    She got her cutie mark when she did magic tricks for her school's final trimester show. She did all kinds of tricks; card levitation, restoring destroyed objects such as paper, and moving objects in seemingly impossible conditions. (such as "teleporting" an object through a wall or shelf) After completing all the magic tricks she needs to perform, Servante got her cutie mark. It was actually not obtained from one major magic trick, however; the acquisition of her cutie mark contributed by successfully performing her tricks. In a way, it was also an ideal talent; the magic tricks looked impossible or supernatural- unless you know the secret behind it.

    History: Despite Servante living in Canterlot for quite some time, she was born and lived part of her foalhood in the suburbs of Fillydelphia (east of the city.) Servante had two parents, along with a younger brother. Her name was a term for magicians as a hidden box or pouch behind a table, which is widely used for magic tricks.

    Her life changed its course when there was a recommendation to a school in Canterlot. It offered higher quality education and facilities, which was more than enough for Servante's parents to have positive thoughts about it. Her parents signed the letter and sent Servante to Canterlot (along with a dormitory room for herself) , and a few days later, Servante was on a train to Canterlot, alone. She looked out from her window only once before departure, silently waving goodbye to her parents and brother, and then shutting the world outside with the curtains.

    As she arrived at Canterlot, Servante was greeted with bright building and calmness. The whole place seemed fit for a rich pony, and was paradise. She put down her luggage at her apartment as fast as she can and rushed out the door, eager to explore the whole city.

    Now, she is a resident of Canterlot, and she is living a better quality life than she was before, at least in her opinion. She was welcomed by the residents, and was able to adapt to the more luxurious life in Canterlot, despite not being rich herself. Shehe often feels a bit lonely about her parents (and younger brother) back home, however, and once in a while writes letters back home.

    Character Summary: Servante has a good talent for doing magic tricks, or creating illusions. She is able to create her own simple gadgets or machines to do her gimmicks. She is also good at acting- an essential trait for doing "magic" and keeping them secret.

    Along with illlusionary magic, Servante also likes chocolate, jigsaw puzzles, and her pet tarantula, Crawlie, in which she uses for her tricks. (Surprisingly, no pony has squished him yet, though Servante does get a lot of screams.) She dislikes cucumber, because she thinks it has a terrible taste. She also hates criticism. In her leisure time she performs magic, listen to public music performances or orchestras, or go to the theaters to watch a movie.

    Servante is a misfit in society, usually categorized as "geeky". She is self-aware that she is different from others. She often has problems with "reading" other ponies, and has her own rituals, such as eating on the same diner on the same table, or licking the frosting off a cake or cupcake before biting into it. (Despite these traits, ponies seem to accept her for what she is.) Even though she can't put herself in some pony else's hooves and usually jumps into conclusions, she dislikes stereotyping others ignorantly. Sometimes Servante can't take jokes or sarcasm very well, and is blind to body language. In fact, the negative traits in her personality is the reason why ponies misunderstand or dislike her. Servante isn't all bad, however. She is usually cautious, and though it looks pessimistic, prepares for the worst. She usually stays calm with a severe problem, and isn't overrun by emotions, but instead attempt to solve the problem. She also tries to see the smaller details in something rather than the big picture, and tries to do to most contribution or the most challenging work.

    If you were to describe her with an object, it is her room herself that describes her best. On the outside, she looks the same as other, typical ponies, though in the interior the furniture and household items are decorated on one side, while the opposite side is virtually bare. This strange appearance is equal to Servante's personality.

    Usually whenever she does her magic tricks, it is shown as a performance rather than an imitation to unicorn magic. She sometimes disproves this by doing tricks that are not feasible by unicorn magic (for example, performing tricks involving herself.)

    She also has phasmophobia, or fear of ghosts.

    Picture of Servante:


  8. Dear Princess Celestia ,

    Your mission, should you choose to accept it, involves the recovery of the Ghost Key. You may select any two team members, but it is essential that the third member of your team be Trixie. She is a civilian, and a highly capable professional thief. You have forty-eight hours to recruit Miss Lulamoon and meet me in Ponyville Park to recieve your assignment.

    This letter will self-destruct in five seconds. Throw it somewhere quickly.

    --Agent TBP

  9. Long Drive was soon walking among the two to their journey to the hospital. His request was reluctantly accepted, and he hoped not to cause any trouble to change the two ponies' mind. The last thing he wanted to do is to complicate their problems even more. Long Drive decided to be more cautious, more discreet, with his words.

    After a few minutes elapsed, the other colt inquired Long Drive regarding his life stories. The question came out of nowhere, and Long Drive already knew that the colt was simply trying to start a topic to pass the time. Long Drive himself didn't seem to care, however; his intent was the same as his. He was getting bored doing nothing but walking anyway.

    [colour=#008000]"Oh, I came from Hoofington," [/colour]Long Drive said. [colour=#008000]"I got some feelings for that place, since I lived there ever since I was born. The reason why I like golf-" [/colour]he drew a 9.5 driver partly- [colour=#008000]"is not only that I've played it since I was young and grew interest for it, but because now its my talent. I should be improving my own talents if I want to make history."[/colour]

    Long Drive bit his lip. [colour=#008000]"If only we could keep our own golf course. Some rich ponies established these country clubs and such nearby our neighborhood and took my parents' business right out of their hooves. We had no choice, so we had to move. We couldn't turn back; the ponies purchased our property and now I'm stuck here." [/colour]When he finished his last sentence, he noticed how long has he been talking (which made him think about the talkative colt in their trio). [colour=#008000]"I might be talking too much." [/colour]he added.

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