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Everything posted by LightningStreak

  1. ((yo yo,already in the club!!! XD lol ))
  2. zag tried to move her mane,but it wasn't working[colour=#800000],"C'mon,go..."[/colour] She said to herself as she tried to flip her mane out of the way,but it just stayed in place.
  3. (ya,go ahead )) Satomi flew over to the club,D1SC0RD and walked in quietly,not expecting the noise.
  4. Satomi turned and saw the otehr pony,"Why hello there," She said,smiling at her,
  5. [colour=#800000]"Okay,thanks for the headsup,"[/colour] Zag smiled,her mane fell into her eye again,she just tried to ignore it,and be cool,but it kept on bothering her.
  6. ((oooohhhh,okay,now I get it XD )) "hmm...well then,see you there maybe," Satomi smiled at him,she thought,wow,he is really nice...
  7. "Nope,but you smiled,are you going to be there too?" Satomi aaked. ((long names,hard to memorize for 15 seconds jk I never knew that he ran 2 clubs XD ))
  8. "Oh,hi,I'm Zag," Zag flipped her mane out of her eye,halfway and shook Saronyx's hoof.
  9. ((Wow,okay... I choose,that one..)) Satomi looked at Shadow,"I think it is called,"club D1SC0RD1A...or something like that..."
  10. ((that's what I was doing,but what's the name oh HIS club???))
  11. Zag tried to push away from her sister[colour=#800000],"Stop it,you're going to ruin my reputation!"[/colour] Zig let her go,"Oh fine..." She chuckled then remained slient.
  12. "Oh,I am Satomi Kazumi Hiromi,but call me Satomi," She shook Shadow's hoof,"I am going out to a club tonight,that is why I needed to know where the Boutique was," She smiled and took her hoof back.
  13. "Oh thank you," Satomi smiled at him," I never caught your name," She said,following him.
  14. "OOOOH,a pony," Satomi looked at Shadow,"Hi,I'm Satomi,and my problem is,I am going somwhere tonight,and I need a dress," She gasped for air after saying everything very fast.
  15. "Haha,okay," Melodice smiled. ((ya'll should join my new RP in the FFA section,ir's called satomi,toady is the day!! ))
  16. ((haha,allllrigghhtt!!,ooh,ya'll should join my new RP in the FFA section,called Satomi,today is the day! ))
  17. [colour=#008080]"Haha,well,I think she said..gaw,i can't remember,I think around noon,so you'll be there an hour or so early,"[/colour] Melodice smiled and nodded.
  18. ((Hahahahaahahaha,let the waiting game begin ))
  19. "Okay,come on ponies!" Scoot yelled to her fellow CMC to get in.
  20. Ya'll who like to draw,should check out Dragoart.com,and look up Minun_pokemon's profile,that's were I started out on drawing at,and you can see what I draw now,I mainly draw pokemon,that's just because I get requested that much :D

  21. "Okey dokey!" Leif smiled,then awaited for Finny's response. ((Now we're waiting on Derpyy ))
  22. "No,you won't,get over here Shadow!" Scoot yelled to Shadow,putting him on the spot.
  23. [colour=#008080]"No,the more the merrier, Is what she said to me,"[/colour] melodice smiled at Saronyx,then replied[colour=#008080],"Yeah,I would love to meet her!"[/colour]
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