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Posts posted by LightningStreak

  1. "Dont mess this up Thunderbolt." Thunderbolt whispered to himself. They ran a little ways then flew up straight into the sky like jets,the smoke and electricity sparking and glazing over the sky. They flew into a circle then used Electricity to create a fire work, Thunerbolt got an idea, he flew up out of the circle and yelled out to the rest of them,"Follow my lead!" He flew up really high in the sky and the others down below created a huge circle for him to fly through, he started flying down, electricity and Thunder thundering behind him. He flew through the circl of ponies then gained even for speed,sparks flying he went faster and faster he then angled him self and noticed, he was going the fastest he had ever gone before.He got close to the stadium then "BOOM" electricity illuminated the sky as he rushd back up still flying, glowing like a lantern he flew up the circle of pegasi then paused in mid air, in the center of the circle, his blonde mane glowing yellow and his light blue bady as well, he bowed in the air, followed by his fellow crew mates, the crowd roared and the Wonderbolts flew down and landed and bowed again once more

    "That was amazing, Wonderbolts!" Princess Celestia said to them, they nodded then carried on to go pack up and leave.

    Delilah ran out of the stadium followed by light and Sunny, she searched around a little for a glowing pony and saw Thunderbolt, standing alone with electricity framing his body and glowing at the same time."Oh my gosh Thunderbolt!" Delilah ran over to him and hugged the life out of him.

    He gasped for air for a second then her grasp loosened up a little."Hehe, like it?" Thunderbolt asked the ponies lifting up a glowing hoof.

  2. Everypony quieted down and the show started."Please welcome, without further ado I behold Equestria's finest, the Wonderbolts!" Princess Celestia said aloud.

    The wonderbolts lined up in "v" formation, starting from the left, going to the right: Spitfire,Frostbite(misty fly), fleetfoot, and in the front of the "v" was Thunderbolt, and to the right was,Rapidfire,Surprise and Soarin'

    "Let the show begin!" The announcer yelled out loud.

  3. The force of the rainboom deafened and blinded Thunderbolt for a moment then his sight regained and his hearing. He heard a splash in the nearby lake and he flew over and into the Lake with his goggles on he swim at full force in the lake to see a pony fallinf deeper and deeper,he reached the pony, grabbed his hoof and pulled him ashore, for he was consious but could not see or hear."Excuse me are you alright?" Thunderbolt asked him projecting his voice a little, at the time he did not care about how soaking wet he was, only about the pony."What happened?" Delilah ran over stunned."I don't know yet." Thunderbolt replied.

  4. "One cupcake please."Delilah told Mr.cake."Okay here you go, that'll be 2 bits." She handed him the bits, took her cupcake and trotted off to Thunderbolt who was looking out the window."Hey!" Delilah said happily to him and he flinched and his wings spread out in alertness,"Oh, feww, it's just you, not some pony else."Thunderbolt eased down a bit in his sit and Delilah sunk in the seat resting on his shoulder while nomming on a cupcake.The day was going perfect for them so far.

  5. The night was taking forever to pass so Thunderbolt was getting ready to part, to go outside and enjoy the night."Hey where are ya going?" Thunderbolt heard a faint voice ask him, he jumped a little and pricked up his ears and replied with,"I'm going to go illuminate the night sky with one of my Shockbooms... Okay?" He said."Oh, alright, but I'm going to come with, okay?" She asked, and told him."Alright." He nodded to the door then opened it up, let Delilah out and let himself out too,Then he shut the door behind him and locked the door."Let's get this party started." Thunderbolt was confident.

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