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Posts posted by LightningStreak

  1. Thunderbolt's eyes fluttered open"Mmm.."He looked around and saw Delilah laying-sleeping on him,he smiled and very gently moved out and laid a pillow underneath her head."Huhhuhh,"He yawned."What some sleep,"He looked outside and saw that the sun was only just try to sleep itself."So pretty."He looked at thesunset then over at Delilah and he said to himself,"But not as beautiful as you." After he had said that Delilah eyes opened up she looked at him and smiled flirtiously.He smiled back at her,"Have a good nap?" He asked her.She nodded her head then shivered quickly and abruptly."What's wrong?"He asked."Oh. i'm just cold,freezing."She shivered again.Thunderbolt walked over and laid down next to her."Nice..."She snuggled up close to him and him too.They watched the sun set upon the sky...

  2. "Alright, here it is wella, the turquiose as the main colour of the dress,and the grey as trim,and purple as the ribbon and swirls that are all over the dress, the ribbon goes around the stomach,"She said to herself,Delilah took the dress of the manakin and took it upstairs as a Surprise to Scissor for all the things that she has done for her,"Hey Scissor... I made you a little something," She handed her the dress and took a step back.

  3. At Thunderbolt's house they nestled up with eachother, and Thunderbolt turned on the T.V just to see that the news cast was even talking about tomorrow and how the Wonderbolts were going to perform."Aren't you nervous?" Delilah asked him."Eh, only right before we start, but even then it's not even really there."He replied."Wow, I can't wait for the day that I get to see you do a shock boom." Delilah added on."Well, we'll see,we will see..."Thunderbolt said and their conversation trailed off into a heavy slumber with eachother.

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