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Posts posted by LightningStreak

  1. Thunderbolt and Delilah both smiled at Cloud,"Hi there," Yeah Hi!" They took turns saying,"I'm Thunderbolt," ",And I am Delilah!" Delilah jumped up,causing her saddlebags to fall off of her back,when they landed,her schedule came out,it landed right in front of Cloud,"Oops,sorry,that was simply just my Schedule for the Academy," She trotted over and picked it up,"Again,so very sorry," Thunderbolt glanced at Delilah,shook his head and said," It sure is a pleasure to meet you," He said," I don't believe I have caught your name," He held out a hoof for Cloud to shake.

  2. ((Nope,we are in the Phillydelphia Park,with all of the Wonderbolts :D ))

    Thunderbolt noticed a pony come crashing down next to him,His first instinct was to pick up the pony and check for injuries,but he resolved himself to,"Hey,are you okay?" He asked,wondering what had exactly happened. Delilah stood by his side,her saddle bags hanging from her back,her Wonderbolt uniform was hanging out of one of the bags,she saw it and tried to tuck it back in,she finally noticed the other pony,she said to him,"Hi there,that was a pretty mighty fall you had there,are you sure you are alright?"

  3. Delilah turned to Ash,she got an idea,"Since we are stuck out Here,we can make Him,come over here to Us," She whispered,then turned back to Thynderbolt,who was standing there impatiently,"Hey,you want to come and get me,well come and get me,if you dare," She stood tall and stiff,Thynderbolt eyed her,"I,can..." "Yes,go on,but you will have to come out here,for we can't come in to you," Delilah shuffled her hooves. Thynderbolt got a sinister smile on his face,"O,o,o,kay," He flew right through the barrier,landing infront of them he said,"Ready or not,here I come,"

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