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Posts posted by WhatWentWrong

  1. Slick pulled off the green sock and tossed it to Knight, he had enough green on him anyway! And like he said before, pink wasn't really his colour, perfect! He finally sat back up and leaned back in the seat, for once on the bus he was relaxed, still wiping the odd tear from his eyes "[colour=#006400]You guys... I swear are the best friends I have ever had[/colour]" he said between chuckles, pulling Shade and Knight to a group-ish hug, looking over at Violet "[colour=#006400]sorry, would include you but theres no room[/colour]" he said with a bit of a sulk, signaling over with his head "[colour=#006400]I guess you could join up with Shade and Knight! Then it could be a real group hug![/colour]" He laughed, forgetting about Knights dislike of fillies, too caught up in the moment. This was the best trip ever! And they hadn't even arrived at Red Rock yet! Slick couldn't wait for that!!

  2. After a small while Slick managed to calm himself down, but it had seemed like the other ponies where not SO calm, letting him receive a hit of laughter from at least four ponies! He didn't even notice one of them snickering at the back. Violet started to talk to him about keeping the sock on... wait... Keep the sock on!? Was she a crazy filly!? The whole trip! That was... that was insanity! Even for... oh wait... he was Slick, oddest pony to ever live. This could be a thing... for now. With the fuel of a definitely renewed friendship with Knight Slick was pretty sure he could do anything! So he did, when Shade offered a second sock he took it! With a grin as wide as ever Slick slipped it on to his left hoof and just sat there with a goofy look, twisting slightly to look at Shade and violet "[colour=#006400]Now I'm the pretties Filly on the bus![/colour]" He said over-dramatically, trying as hard as he could to keep a straight face, tears visibly welling up in his eyes "[colour=#006400]Don't you girls think so... too?[/colour]" He asked, front hooves up against his cheeks as he fell backwards into laughter, looking up at Knight as he tried to talk [colour=#006400]"S... See Knight? HAHAHA... You can talk to fillies![/colour]" He laughed, rolling on his seat in hysterics, laughter was always the best medicine for making friends!

  3. Socks!? Oh boy... Slick was pretty open to most things but socks were... more than odd on a colt, even by his standard! He took a look at the pink sock and laughed, taking it in his hoof "[colour=#006400]Well, no harm in trying right?[/colour]" He asked with another, almost nervous laugh, placing the sock on one ear so it drooped down the side of his face, giving him a pretty goofy look. He looked almost un-amused as he looked up at shade, the only real reason why he did this was to prove to Knight that fillies were indeed harmless, he better be watching... Slick was wearing a sock on his ear for this... But Shade probably was looking for a more... 'normal' sock wearing position. He took it off his head, giving Shade a small, nervous grin before slowly slipping it on his right front hoof, letting the hoof just flop in front of him "[colour=#006400]Pink really isn't my colour...[/colour]" he stated, looking from shade to his hoof then back again. Bursting out into loud laughter, rolling onto his side like it was the funniest joke ever, and to Slick it wasn't! But it was pretty close! Maybe... top ten material? Who knows, but half of it was due to intense embaressment, a feeling that Slick hadn't really felt before... why was this coming up now?

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  4. Don't trust fillies? Well that was just silly! Slick let out a loud laugh and looked at knight, hoof still on his shoulder "[colour=#006400]how can you not trust them!? I mean look at Shade here![/colour]" He said happily, his other hoof being placed on the newly arrived fillies shoulder "[colour=#006400]She wouldn't harm a fly! I mean I would trust her![/colour]" He laughed as he gave Knight a small nudge "[colour=#006400]they don't bite, there usually a bit nicer that colts... whats not to like?[/colour]" He asked, really not understanding what the problem with Knight was, his mother was a filly! Well... I 'mare' but there just big fillies, it just didn't add up... "[colour=#006400]Look... Knight...[/colour]" he started, trying to think up the right words to handle the situation "[colour=#006400]I understand if you don't like fillies... but if you don't then don't be so... so... rash? Is that the word?[/colour]" He asked himself, trailing off a little "[colour=#006400]Quick to yell out and insult them! Just... keep it to yourself at least, my mum used to always tell me to tolerate my troubles, not let them get to me![/colour]" He explained with a wide grin, giving Knight a little while to think it over, turning back to look at Shade "[colour=#006400]So Shade!...[/colour]" he started, not quite sure where he was going to go with the conversation, thinking up the first thing that came to mind "[colour=#006400]Whats up with the socks? Never tried them myself[/colour]" he laughed, seeing as socks were more of a 'fillies' type of thing

  5. Slick was slightly disheartened and slightly determined by Knights 'still mad' state, at least they were still buddies but what was Slick going to do to make it up to him?... hmmm... Anyway, Slick pushed himself over the top of the seat to land next to Knight in his normal position, if you wanted to call it 'normal' at least it was normal for Slick. The two fillies were still talking about something and the only thing he managed to make out of there conversation was "Of course... Well, at least they are friends again" said by Violet... what were that planning?... Slick turned to Knight, looking up at him from his awkward position "[colour=#006400]Hey Knight... Why don't you like fillies?[/colour]" He asked curiously, keeping his voice low "[colour=#006400]There's nothing wrong with them... not to mention it looks like Violet and Shade really want to be friends with us... I just don't get it....[/colour]" he pondered, still looking at Knight, placing a hoof on his shoulder "[colour=#006400]we're mates buddy... You can tell me anything and I will tell you anything you want to know too! I just.... want to help you get over your fear, so you don't upset anyone[/colour]" He said, a caring tone within his voice as he looked over and the two fillies, patting the seat next to him "[colour=#006400]you two want to sit down?[/colour]" He asked with a grin as he realized what not to do "[colour=#006400]Oh! But don't sit next to Knight... just yet, and make sure to leave everypony some room![/colour]" He quickly added with a small blush, signalling towards his renewed friend.

  6. Slick felt the packet fall from above him and onto his head, bouncing off of it and onto the floor. Rejection... this was a new feeling, Slick was usually everyponies mate! And Knight was his mate, one of his new favorites... well, 'used' to be one of his favorites... Slick took a look over at Bluemoon, she was dazed and confused, poor filly, though in some sense Slick would have felt lucky to not remember what just happened, would at least soften the blow of his rejection "[colour=#006400]Knight tried to get away from you and knocked you on the floor...[/colour]" Slick said bluntly to his fellow floor sitting friend "[colour=#006400]Guess me and you went a little too far... I went so far I even lost a...[/colour]" [colour=#282828] [/colour][colour=#B22222]"I'm sorry I called you mean. I'm just mad, and get crabby when I'm in a small place. Apology brohoof?" [/colour]what?... he was... sorry!? After all Slick did!?... wow... Knight must really be a good friend... just like he managed to hear Shade say... '[colour=#800080]through think and thin[/colour]'. Slick couldn't feel happier! His grin quickly returned and he practically vaulted over the seat to get to Knight, not quite making it so he just slumped, everything from waist up over the headrest. He reached out his hoof to bro-hoof Knight with a laugh "[colour=#006400]Hell yea! I'm sorry too... But it is noted! No small spaces! No hugs![/colour]" he said with a small salute, his hoof still pressed against Knights, Slicks face full of glee once more!

    (So happeh for Slick! /)^3^(\ )

  7. It was all fun and games! Everypony was having fun but... that one comment... those words they... they really hurt... [colour=#B22222]"You're mean Slick!"[/colour]just echoed in his mind and Slick just flopped, landing on the floor between the seat he was just sitting on and the place when Knight now sat. Slick just sat there, motionless, nopony had ever said that to him, ever! Slick never thought he would ever be insulted like that... ever! And now it happened, with Knight of all people... his spark just seemed to float away, no more energy, no more anything just... sadness "[colour=#006400]Knight... I... I'm sorry...[/colour]" he called out, his voice trembling a little, ears flopped over making him look like a sad mess, Slick didn't even know if Knight could hear him. His shaky gaze then shifted between Gear and Bluemoon, not sure what to do "[colour=#006400]How did I... What do I...[/colour]" he started, not able to finish his own sentence. Slick looked down at his hooves and sighed "[colour=#006400]be a better pony...[/colour]" he mumbled to himself, not meaning for anyone else to hear. He grabbed the packet of lollies Knight had bought him and placed them over the seat to him "[colour=#006400]I'm so so sorry...[/colour]" he said again, almost begging for acceptance "[colour=#006400]I don't deserve these...[/colour]"

  8. Slick was still sitting in his seat... if 'sitting' was really the word for it. All he could hear was the screeches of Knight beside him, oh Knight that silly filly. He took a look ahead of him and a small grin appeared across his face... perfect! Slick had just under half the seat with Bluemoon and Knight taking up just over half, buut... "[colour=#006400]Oh cmon Knight! Get your little hooves off me and go play with your dear filly friend over there![/colour]" He called out, pushing him closer to Bluemoon "[colour=#006400]There is no escape! Resistance is futile![/colour]" he laughed as Knight tried everything he could to keep distance from the filly. Slick then looked back ahead of him, there was now a perfect amount of room for another friend! "[colour=#006400]Gearlock! You crazy colt you! Get your flank over here and sit down[/colour]" Slick laughed, patting the spot next to him, still resisting Knights attempts to push away. While he waited for his new mate Slick took a look over at Shade and Violet... they were plotting something... something that gave Slick a bit of an odd feeling in his gut... could it be a counter-prank for what he and Knight did at the start? Well then! The fun shall be had! And Slick will now have to be on edge... always on edge...

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  9. Slick felt a feeling that was abnormal to him.. like he was being watched... but not in that creepy ten seconds before a murderer jumps out the bush watched... Slick had prepared for that with his marathon of scary movies that one weekend. No... it was like... admiration? He couldn't be sure but it was definitely a 'good' version of being watched... somehow. But anyway, Slick saw Shade heading up the isle towards them but just managed to catch a glimpse of her looking at him, upside down on the chair, was it her that had the eyes that watched him? Noo! Couldn't have been, he WAS upside down on a bus seat, there was no denying that people would probably look and have a bit of a laugh, that was what he was going for. Before he knew it Bluemoon was being stolen from there row! Slick would feel bad if he didn't desperately need to sort Knights issues out "[colour=#006400]Go ahead Bluemoon! If ya want to leave then it's all good, I don't mind[/colour]" he said with a grin, giving Knight a hoof to the shoulder "[colour=#006400]and I'm sure this guy would love for you to stay[/colour]" he said sarcastically with a cheeky grin "[colour=#006400]Buuut... I'm sure he would understand if you left[/colour]" He laughed, nudging Knight again "[colour=#006400]aint that right buddy?[/colour]"

  10. Hey! An art request sounds awesome! Could you do one of my OC whos just a colt on a bus sitting a little awkwardly upside down on a bus seat? xD Like on his head if you catch why I'm trying to say?

    [colour=#282828]Name: Slick Pelt[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Gender: Boy! Can't believe Oak can't recognize that...[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]R[/colour][colour=#282828]ace: Earth pony![/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Looks: A light grey, almost like an un-shinny silverish colour O.o light-ish green hair and grassy eyes[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Cutie Mark: Leaf in the wind!

    Slicks a bit of a goof, so yea xD If you need any more info or what not lemme know! Good luck![/colour]

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  11. "[colour=#006400]oh hey bro![/colour]" Slick called out as Knight sat himself next to him, guess he hadn't thought of his past action as a 'half hug' and Slick wasn't going to die... for now! Slick then looked to the front to hear the acknowledgement of Gearlock in the seat infront, it was nice to hear that his values were respected, it brought a little warm feeling in his stomach and it made Slick feel smart for the rare occasion. Bluemoon then came up the isle and slipped herself past Slick to sit on Knight... wait what!? She was serious!? Slicks jaw hit the floor but Knight was waaay ahead, shoving Bluemoon aside while he cowered up to Slick, like he was going to die from her touch or something, yelling "[colour=#ff0000]ew ew[/colour]" like he had fillyphobea! Which would make a lot of sense if he did! Slick grabbed Knight by his shoulders and looked him dead in the eye, confidence that he had gained from Gearlock surging through him "[colour=#006400]Knight! Calm down![/colour]" He half yelled in his most stern voice, which didn't manage to come out very stern "[colour=#006400]she is a filly, just a female version of you and me ok? She is just like any other colt, she has no 'cooties' they don't exist[/colour]" Slick was looking Knight dead in the eye but then looked back at Bluemoon "My most sincere apologies for my dear friend... he is a little... how do I put it..." Slick thought not able to find a word that would explain it and not hurt Knights feelings "well... you know" he said with his normal self returning as he looked back to Knight "[colour=#006400]ok Knight? You calmed down bro?[/colour]"

  12. Slick cocked his head a little at Gearlock, not knowing what he was on about with his seating position until he looked at himself with a laugh "[colour=#006400]Oh this?[/colour]" He said with a grin, as if it wasn't obvious what he was on about. He shifted back to a normal seated position and grinned widely "[colour=#006400]Well that's because everyone worries about being normal you know! But In my opinion it's like... why would I want to be normal? That just means I'm boring! If you know what I mean? Why would I want to be 'normal' when I can be... me?[/colour]" He asked, his head still cocked and ear flopped "[colour=#006400]I really don't mean to offend you if it comes off like that you know I just...[/colour]" He started, trying to find the right words before going back to his old seating position with a small sigh [colour=#006400]"I just like being me! And will continue to do so! Even if I do get a 'bad back'[/colour]" he laughed, looking like a bit of a fool, but what he said was all true, Slick was just out to be himself and make mates! Why would he try so hard to be 'cool' or 'normal' when he could easily be himself!? Slick then looked over to his right and grabbed a lollipop, popping it into his mouth with a small chuckle... life was good...

  13. ow...? Slick had managed to get an ear full of Shade just as he had turned up and he could swear he was now deaf in his left ear... But he looked up at Bluemoon with a puzzled look, one ear flopped over on his right side as he tilted his head a little to watch her leave for the bus... well... did she just tell Knight ok? Does that mean she really knows what Knight said meant? Oh well... Slick decided it was better just to leave Knight alone for now, before he came to his senses and got Slick back for the half hug. He bounced outside and skidded to a halt as he saw Shade and Pocket... 'move on...' he told himself, shaking his head before making it on the bus, only a few others on here. He took his seat in the same place but there was a new pony infront of him... he wasn't there before was he? Slick sat in his normal awkward position, looking at the chair infront of him where the goggled pony sat "[colour=#006400]Hey! Mister Unicorn![/colour]" he called out with a grin, "[colour=#006400]Names Slick! Were you sitting there before?[/colour]" He asked, he hadn't really been paying attention to the people infront of him, too sucked up in the truth or dare game.

  14. Slick let Knight embaress himself for a small while... sit on his lap? What kind of pick up line was that!? He thought with a rather confused look. Eventually he decided to intervene, the look on Knights face was not one that a mate lets his mate make, Knight looked so helpless so... out of depth, like he was really trying not say something that he really badly wanted to say to the sock hording group of fillies... maybe it was more insults like on the bus... yea Slick should butt in. He came up beside Knight and grabbed around his neck, giving him a noogie with a grin to the group of fillies "[colour=#006400]Excuse my mate here, Knight is... not very good at dares... that was an attempt at him being flattering, ain't that right my dear Knight?[/colour]" He asked, releasing the poor colt from Slicks grasp "[colour=#006400]and that was not a hug by the way, doesn't count[/colour]" he added before letting his disorientated friend speak.

  15. "Right! No hugging! I got it!" Slick said, making a small salute towards Knight "[colour=#006400]I promise that if I ever hug you again you have my permission to hit, run, or unfreind me on the spot" he called, looking Knight in the eye "and no more cheek licking... but that was just a dare... you know[/colour]" he joked, his smile returning as he looked over at Shades little group of ponies.... there's an idea "[colour=#006400]which reminds me mr Knight! I believe it is my turn to choose who get the truth or dare? So how about it... Knight!?[/colour]" Before the confused looking pony could answer Slick was rambling on again "[colour=#006400]ok... truth, you go up to Shades little group and admit your feelings about you of them, I don't want to hear no sap story[/colour]" he laughed, giving Knights chest a small nudge, technically that was a dare but did Slick care? No! It was technically truth too! Slick looked back at Knight, right in the eye, Slicks face looking mischievous almost sinister "[colour=#006400]or dare... you cal waltz over to that small group and act all affectionate to ALL of the fillies[/colour]" he grinned, tongue sticking out as he looked Knight dead in the eye, looking intimidating and like a fool at the same time... Slick was good at mixing odd expressions "[colour=#006400]so what will it be mr Knight? Truth... or dare?[/colour]" he asked as he fell back in laughter, not waiting for an answer, though he had just totally screwed the rules up by telling him both sides "[colour=#006400]and if you don't want to look like a little baby foal I suggest dare![/colour]" he called out, oh how fun it was to be evil, Slick knew Knights detest of the female gender, but getting him to act all lovey dovey with them? Slick knew criminals that would call him a sick pony for that!... If he knew any criminals... you know...

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