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Posts posted by MyHarmony

  1. [colour=#00FFFF]"That bottle that I through out of the window was a potion Scissor made herself called the Forever potion. The affect of it is that it puts the pony into eturnal sleep."[/colour]

    She looked at Light then back at the dresser where the bottle once was.

    [colour=#00FFFF]"I don't want you to get hurt Light."[/colour] She said and blushed a bit but not to much to see.

  2. Rainbow Dash then rushed over to Light's bed and slapped it out off his hooves.

    [colour=#00FFFF]"Don't drink anything in this room. I don't really trust any liquid in this house anymore." [/colour]She picked up the bottle and it was labled Forever Potion.

    [colour=#00FFFF]"Good, we found the potion." [/colour]She flew over to the window and through it out and it smashed against the ground.

    [colour=#00FFFF]"Light can you promise me not to take anything else from Scissor. I don't trust her Light and you shouldn't either." [/colour]She trotted over and looked at him concerningly.

  3. [colour=#000080]"I don't really know. I just made it to prove that I can make one of the most advanced potions. Maybe give it to someone here and then make the antidote and cure them, just to see what people would say but they weren't surpost to find it. What should I do Darkness?" [/colour]Scissor got up and explained while pacing back and forth. When she had finished she clapsed to the floor and tear slowly slid down her cheek.

    [colour=#000080]"My friends probably hate me now that they think I have put that I have put the Prince or Princess to sleep forever when I haven't." [/colour]Her tears started to flow down her cheeks and droping onto the floor.

  4. Scissor was intreaged by the mini storm Storm had made above the little flower village. She then saw Dash come flying in talking about the forever potion.

    [colour=#000080]"What? How does she know about it. Did I leave the book somewhere where everypony could see it?" [/colour]She asked herself when everypony was gone apart from herself and Darkness.

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