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Everything posted by AirForceBrony

  1. ((A little too fast, but fixed. Slow down a bit.))
  2. He took a deep breath, sheathed his sword and rested his hoof on his face, letting out a bit of a frustrated sigh. "Now, if you honestly want me to help you... YOU MUST COMPLY!!!" He said very sternly. As the rat bit him, he tore it off, taking a chunk of flesh with it... And in cold blood, threw it on the ground and crushed it underneath his hoof... He showed no sign of worry or pain. Then looked back at her. (Half of the things that would be done in a real interrogation can't be done here... too violent and such... )
  3. "Really now?" He laughed, "here I am TRYING to help you..." He shook his head and drew his sword, "then for your crimes against the princess, and all of Equestria... I find you guilty... Punishment... Death... Unless you change your act now..." He said, he didnt want things to end in unnecessary death, and he was genuinely going to try to get to the bottom of things to help storm... But seeing as she was behaving the way she was, he had to stop it some way... Even if that meant killing her... "I hate having to kill a mare..." He growled as he took the sword completely out of the sheathe and readied a fighting stance.
  4. He continued to show no fear, and then he put the music back on. Seeing as it kept it under control for the most part.
  5. He glared at the mark. He walked over and shut off the music. He kept his hoof on the player just in case he needed to turn it back on. "Celestia i hate that infernal racket..." he growled, "What is that? And what's it doing on your hoof?"
  6. The lieutenant showed no signs of fear, instead, glared at it.
  7. "Uncross your arms." He muttered, "and tell me what caused you to 'protect' the princess." Then he saw the brand on her hoof, "give me your hoof..." He growled.
  8. (Then ill just try to use substitution words... So we don't have to move it.)) "You'd better calm the tone before I decide to lock you back up in that darned cell!" He growled, pointing at her as he sat back up, "do you realize that you're facing life imprisonment or death for these charges? If you won't be compliant, then all I would be able to assume is that you're guilty and deserve to go down like a filthy criminal!"
  9. (I'm trying to refrain from language because its not in 18+... Though due to its darker nature, I think it kinda should be... But that's just me...)
  10. "Now, that wasn't so hard, now was it?" He smirked, and then leaned back in his chair, "and I'd suggest wiping that stupid look off of your face." He muttered, "protecting her? Why?"
  11. Brave heart slammed his hoof on the table with enough force for her to hear a crack. "Don't you DARE TAKE THAT TONE WITH ME!!! I can be your best friend, or your worst enemy, it's your choice... And you're going down the wrooong path missy." He growled, "now, ANSWER THE QUESTION!!!"
  12. "Sergeant snow?" The interrogator growled in a low, disgruntled voice, "why is she chained up?" "W-well sir, I--" "Unchain that mare... Now..." "Uh... Y-yes sir..." The pony hesitantly came in and took the chains and shackles off of storm. "Leave... Go to bed, I don't care." The lieutenant growled. The guard stood there and stuttered, he thought the lieutenant was absolutely crazy, "I SAID GO!!!" Lieutenant heart screamed, then as the guard left, heart slammed the door and walked over, pressing a button on some kinda recording device. He stated his full name as "First Lieutenant Brave Heart" the date and time, and Storm's full name. "Alright now... Tell me what happened..." He said, "all of it!" He finished, raising his voice a little.
  13. The guard heard the interrogator and complied. "Don't try anything... Lieutenant Heart wants to speak with you..." He growled, he opened the door and brought her to the interrogation room and sat her down in a chair, chaining her to the table. The guard walked out and stood at attention just outside the door... Then the interrogator walked in, shutting the door behind him. He walked over, without saying a word, sat down in the chair and started looking through the paperwork in a way to stress out storm a little before starting. Occasionally, he did glance at her and back down to his paperwork... Much like he was studying her...
  14. ((Ok, thanks, so now I'm waiting for the prisoner to come in.)
  15. Before entering for interrogation, the interrogator closely studies the documents. Making sure the documents were accurate, and everything seemed to fall into place. Though he wasn't there himself, he wanted to bring this perpetrator to justice. He carefully pieced together how he was going to do this... He wasn't known at all for his ability to forgive and forget... And he always wanted to get to the facts. Nevertheless, he had a job to do. And he was going to do it. Regardless. "Bring the detainee in here." He growled, he seemed to be either very brave, or very foolish to have someone come into his office the way he suggested. (Can I create a name for him?)
  16. (Whatever works, though I'm going to need you to tell me what the documents say about the case so I can get him.)
  17. (Its not that they're poorly informed, it's INFOSEC, or information security. There are different levels of security clearance, and this guard wouldn't know much because he's not allowed to know. And anything that this detainee mentions, he's gotta relay to his supervisors and such. Since it'll help with investigations.)
  18. (I think I'll just stick with what I know right now. It'll kinda spice things up a little should storm decide that he/she wants to "convince" the guard to let him/her go.)
  19. (Ok, thanks for the input.) The guard stands in attention next to the entrance of the cell... Due to the severity of the case at hand, the best was hand picked to guard the cell and keep everything in order. He scowls off to the enterance, fully aware of his surroundings and focused mostly on the prisoner. He doesn't know why he's standing here, and he doesn't care. As long as this person in the cell is brought to justice, that's all that would matter to him. (How's that? I've got a little lack of intel, so I don't have a whole lot to work on.)
  20. (Sorry about that, we were in FPCON exercise Delta... I had to do some ECP duty and lockdown procedures... So how am I getting in? Investigation?)
  21. (Ok, so I was just asked to RP as a guard. So what am I doing? Lol)
  22. My name is pinkie pie! Hello!!! And I am here to say, I'm gonna make you smile and I will brighten up your day!

  23. My name is pinkie pie!

  24. Abundant harvest continued to grab at the bite, it looked like he was trying to get something to wash off the bite. Rinsing off the bite would help take away any residual venom and slightly increase his chances of survival. However not by much... He then fainted again from the pain.
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