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Everything posted by Jimbo

  1. Oh wow, that is a LOT of art!! I'm not much more than a doodler, but I similarly haven't done much art in, oh, months? We'll see how this goes, LOL! I'm aiming more towards having a really nice, polished profile - and with maybe a little sketch that looks bad, but gives the general CONCEPT of what I'm going for. XD Yipes! You're up late! Well, enjoy your time on the board! I'm off to work on my pony! :heart: (BTW, cute avvie! Nice choice for a replacement.)
  2. Haha, welcome to you too, Jimbo! Hope I see you around a bunch! I just realized how absolutely spotty my avatar is. That's no good, better re-upload that one. Thanks! Ditto for you - did you join up for the Dream Foal contest? I guess I shouldn't assume everyone is as late as I am, LOL! I wonder how well I can draw in the dark... XD I uploaded my avatar to Photobucket, it seemed to work well! Are you resizing it from a bigger version when you upload it from your computer? That's the only reason I could guess it might be spotty - if it's automatically resized by the board program, it might go a little funky. Doing it manually via Photobucket or whatnot might make it less grainy - but that's just been my personal experience, and I am VERY far from an expert, LOL! Good luck with the fix!
  3. Howdy! I just got here too, so welcome aboard, fellow newb! :3
  4. Jimbo

    Hi Hi!

    -facehoof- XD (Second 'r' is an 'n') LOL okay, well, this has got to be SOME kind of record, three derps in as many posts? (And that's what I get for eyeballing people's names! Sorry!)
  5. Jimbo

    Hi Hi!

    Oh, derp! I was thinking that the girl who posted the Dream Foal contest (Manestream I think?) was an admin, I must have misread Moderator for Admin! Man, I am sorry!! I are good at reading, I swears. And thank you very much for the welcome! XD Artax and Manestream are BOTH Admins. LOL!! Oh man. Well, I am going to count this in the "slightly less derp" column, because having to consider that I derped twice is doing my head in. XD Thanks for the clarification!
  6. Jimbo

    Hi Hi!

    Oh, derp! I was thinking that the girl who posted the Dream Foal contest (Manestream I think?) was an admin, I must have misread Moderator for Admin! Man, I am sorry!! I are good at reading, I swears. And thank you very much for the welcome! To Armory - hi to you too! Thank you very much, I hope I will too! :3 To MyLittlePonyTales - thanks so much for the links! I will take a look at those right now! I saw the group's contest on EquestriaDaily, and I forgot about it until today, ooops! (Edit: I went back and looked, and I forgot - I DID kind of see it on DA! I was tooling around the TP, saw someone's lovely art, went to the DA page, and read that it was an entry for this contest, which I had forgotten about! Very convoluted, LOL!)
  7. Jimbo

    Hi Hi!

    Hiya! I'm Jimbo, and I have shamelessly signed up for the foal-designing contest. I gotta be honest, right!? And I was a bit of a foal about it, too - I originally saw the contest, figured I'd pass, then happened to see the full 'rules' page and realized how in-depth and awesome it was! (I also originally thought it was going to be an art contest - and although I love to doodle, I'm not particularly good at it! So I figured, why bother, with all of the better artists joining?) Oh, such a foal I was! So now I'm going to stay up half the night and try to come up with a really good foal idea! Let's see, a little about myself - well, I'm a girl, mid-twenties, and I'm also from California! (So I'm excited that the Admin is from my state, woo!) I've actually been in the pony community for quite awhile, long enough to have joined a MLP RPG back in the day when G3 reigned! And unfortunately, I got very soured on it by accidentally signing up for a clique-run game. (As in, you had to be in the GM's circle of friends to get any threads, any playtime, etc.) It totally blew, and so I gave up on RPing in message-board format entirely. This is my first time back, and I'm both nervous and excited! I took to writing fanfiction as a sort of pony-outlet, so you might know me better from ff.net or DeviantArt: http://jimdimitri.deviantart.com or http://www.fanfiction.net/u/1891546/JimDimitri ! I love to collect the pony toys, but I loooove making up original characters and getting down to some old-fashioned RPing too! So who knows, maybe after I finish this foal contest entry I'll see if I can join up in one of the threads on here! I hope to see you all around! :heart:
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