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Everything posted by Kodokuna

  1. Awesome, I'll join in. Just need at least six others to play with! X3
  2. @Lerian Dem princesses indeed. Perhaps it was Sweetie Bell's enchanted singing?
  3. And I'll raise my chalice to that. I've been trying to come up with ideas to make the show more appealing to others, but the only reason I can come up with was that it has talking animals. ^^; Everyone loves talking animals! Though, I am quite curious as to what would happen if you tell someone to watch a 'new episode' of their favorite show, but instead it's a rerun or episode they have yet to watch merely dubbed by an episode of MLP. I mean sure, they'll probably realize right away if you changed audio with MLP and Parks and Recreation, but I'm pretty sure there are some shows out there that you can get away with it~
  4. I'm sorry, I just had to. But Pollo is indeed correct. I've always found it funny that people of all ages and genders automatically love Disney; there's that one movie about toys, that one movie about cars, that one movie about a dog, cat, and a hamster, all those movies about princesses... Yet, someone mentions the word 'Pony' out loud. Everyone in the room automatically assumes it's an educational show meant only for six-year old girls. I love how the world works~
  5. Hm... maybe I'm not understanding it properly. ^^; Can a doctor technically prevent the Jester from winning if he is revealed?
  6. This game does seem interesting... Though, doesn't the Jester seem a bit overpowered? ^^;
  7. That last part I can relate to.
  8. As a kid it was between Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, or Sailor Moon. But as a teenager: Mirrai Nikki. The craziest love story you'll ever watch.
  9. Seing as how those jobs were already taken, I would have loved to see her as an instrumentalist. And yes, I would love to hear Babs sing. Even if it's with the CMC.
  10. You must convert him... Nah, but in all seriousness, try to not let it bother you. This goes for anyone listening; never allow anyone to crush what you love. I've already experienced it all before, and I'm trying to mend my broken heart with the love of ponies. Opinions are simply opinions. Plus, they are the opinions of only a few people out of the six billion people living in this entire world. Although everyone is different and unique, it doesn't mean you won't find others that are close in similarities to you. I mean, look at this community. You're already surrounded by over five thousand ponies! That must mean something, right?
  11. Yeah, I never really understood that. This one guy in my class seriously thought that I was making fun of MLP by having MLP art on my folder, wearing a lanyard with a Rarity tag attached, MLP wallpapers all over my PSVita, and whenever I talk about MLP. Lol, what sense does that make? Why would someone go through all that trouble just to make fun of a show?
  12. From the album: Digital

    So this was the first cover for my friend's fanfic that I started halfway and didn't finish. LOLOMG, this was created way even before I saw the show with my own eyes! XDDD JUST LOOK HOW BAD I DREW PINKAMENA DIANE PIE!
  13. Going through all my old art. Think I'm going to upload a few of them that is actually MLP-Related. :3 Also, I haven't forgotten about those free sketches! Just been busy with Graduation preparations for Thursday night!

  14. From the album: Traditional

    A quick sketch of Celestia and Mew I drew a couple of weeks ago. Or was it last week? I dunno, sometime ago.
  15. From the album: Traditional

    An old sketch for a cover I was supposed to do for a friend's fanfic but never finished. Seriously though, how I had this skill half a year ago, and now I can't reproduce the same quality is beyond me. Features Evan and his dragon, Afrien as well as Twilight Sparkle and Spike.
  16. Who knows, half the internet is comprised of bronies, I'm pretty sure there is someone in your life that's a brony too! ;D
  17. You totally should add Lyra! Her coat colours is one of favorites~ And reading that you were happy, made me happy. Thanks! :3
  18. So, I read 'Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart'. Have to say that I enjoyed the story. The 'Villains' were good, though, I'm confused as to why one of them reformed back to evil. The plot was great up till the anticlimactic ending (I really have to stop saying that word ^^ but I honestly wished this could be converted into a two-part episode. Now for Th3WiseAssassin's theory. I think the reason why Cadence was the babysitter of Twilight Sparkle was because she had a crush on Shining Armor ever since she laid eyes on him. Though of course, the babysitting evolved into actual friendship. Hm. *Spoilers ahead. I would do that 'Spoiler' thing if I only knew how. * ----------- I am intrigued at the part that Cadence is of not actual royal blood, and that she was originally an abandoned pegsai. That was quite shocking to read.
  19. Lol, I actually found this site through Google too. ^^; I wanted to find a site specialized for bronies. Also, hello~
  20. And the greatest of origins yet. Welcome, and nice to meet you~
  21. @SonicRainboomGirl I can bump to that. Loved her in 'Sleepless'. Wished she had more of her own episodes though. Also, is there a shorter nickname I can call you? ^^; @featherquill Bu...bu...but Pipsqueak is so cute! D:
  22. Hello Senpaku~ That profile pic. ;_;
  23. Lol, you have no idea how deprived I was after the Season 2's Finale. XD Waiting for three months for season three was nerve-wrecking. ^^;
  24. Glad you dropped by! Hope you enjoy your stay. :3 Cheers~ Kodokuna Haisha
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