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Everything posted by RaidenTyphoon

  1. I absolutely love that bow it's so cute thank you! Although hopefully there's a roleplaying area somewhere around here there are alot of areas here it's kind of confusing...
  2. I know same here and Google is a brilliant search engine too. So easy and good to use it's remarkable! I guess it's common for newcomers like me to find places like here to chat about, well anything really. ^_^ Aww thank you! wow already people here seem really friendly, I'm already liking it here
  3. Hey there I'm Raiden, I guess you could say I'm kind of new to the whole 'MLP forum' scene. How I found Canterlot.com: You know those times when you get really bored, you end up searching random things on Google? I found this site, thought it looked like a pretty nice place to hang out so here I am! How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I'm not what you would identify as a 'brony', I like the show (especially the first two seasons) and most of the fanworks I especially love some of the crossovers people think up with etc. My favourite main cast pony/s: Well if you're curious I guess I'd have to say Rainbow Dash and Doctor Whooves. Well aside from that, feel free to drop by and chat and if you have any questions then ask away! I don't bite...Mostly. See ya in the forum people and I hope to meet people maybe even make a few friends!
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