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About lemonadesqueezes

  • Birthday 02/27/1997

RP Characters

  • Character 2
    Blackie Nightslash
  • Main Character
    Lemonade Squeezes

Profile Information

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Role Play Information

  • RP Ready

Contact Methods

  • Skype

lemonadesqueezes's Achievements

Blank Flank

Blank Flank (2/9)



  1. I deal with it myself.... I si,ply put user not found amd no responce
  2. Hai! Yeah... I am a changeling prince in disguise as a yellow stallion with a white mane and tail a lemon Slice cutie mark And brown hooves and solid midnight blue eyes((a mutation))
  3. Alright let me make something VERY clear..... I don't tolerate bullying... if anypony sends me a hate message... To the moon with you... though the mods will deal with you... I am sick of being treated like a little nagging or bullying dumpster! SO CUT THE NONSENSICAL HAY OF BEING MEAN! It hurts the victim badly.... I have a ton of experience.... If any ANY pony is getting bullied tell me!! I have received messages about how ponies hate me.. cause I am a changeling Prince doesn't mean..... Go and nag me cause I am a changeling!! Geez.... I hate bullies
  4. I made some fresh Lemonade and I make the best in town..... Or anywhere... And if you want food with lemons in it... I can make that too!
  5. I pray to Celestia there will be a lot more seasons of ponies! Is anypony the same way?
  6. I wont be here longer if the messages wont stop about my Oc being stupid
  7. I am a changeling prince.... I only want friendship
  8. Again..... Seriously.... No matter were I go I find hating ponies yelling at me
  9. Do you hate changelings Twily?
  10. I m a changeling prince!!! Thats why I am hated..... *curls into a tiny ball and sobs*
  12. Hi!!!!! I am Lemonade Squeezes! I am happy to join this site! Also.... I make the best Lemonade and anything with lemons is my specialty! I have come here to make friends..... but every time I find a new site I am rejected and hated.... Read my latest post below please I m stressing out bullying here... I absolutely Hate it... its all I ever get from an mlp fan site
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