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    Finn Contrast

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FinnContrast's Achievements

Rock Farmer

Rock Farmer (1/9)



  1. Hello, my name is Finn Contrast (I am playing through this as if I am Finn, so I will only be talking through him unless ooc) and I am a new face here in Ponyville, I just moved here from Cloudsdale and I certainly hope that everypony is a nice as I hear. (Okay, so Finn is a Pegasus with a dark brown coat and slightly darker mane, he is a new time actor and he hopes to soon hit the big time. Now for me, hi, my fav of the mane 6 is Pinkie Pie, my fav background pony is Doctor Whooves, and my fav villain is Discord, I apologize in advance if I'm not good at RP but I am new to this and not a great writer when it comes to movements and dialogue. So that's about long enough, I hope to get at least some appreciation on here in such a great fandom )
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