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Posts posted by stormchaser1991

  1. The cutie mark. What it means and how he got it will speak wonders.

    What I like to do when making new characters of any RP is to come up with 3 sentences of backstory, 3 beliefs and 3 goals. That takes me pretty far, usually.

    the cutie mark is fine on how he got it his talent is he can see rocks and similar things weak points so he can break it in 1-4 hits depending where the point is

  2. i am out of ideas for Ruby boulder history and i was hopeing somepony could give me some

    (before QuickLime says anything i know that only she can appove it is to get ideas for him)

    here is what i got

    History: Ruby was born in ponyville.Other ponies felt uncomforted around him because he is so big. His father was a workaholic his mother was overprotective so he got along ok with them. his grandparents are pegasi that live in cloudsdale.He his some cousin that live in canterlot.He is a miner where he lives and takes vacation in other towns. When he as a colt he move around until he got to beakbreak city. He hopes to find the mother load of all gems.

    any help will be helpful and thanks if you help me

  3. when ironhoof was much younger someponies kill ironhoof parents said ironhoof as him and ironhoof when into his wegon house ((looks like trixe weagon house thing on the outside without her little sign at the top and a little bigger)) "come on inside ironhoof loves having guests" said ironhoof

  4. "but ironhoof need you help with something" yelled ironhoof as he saw the pegasus pick up speed and reach into his bag. ironhoof saw him drop a bottle ironhoof jump over the spill and smell it was oil went he landed on the other side ironhoof yelled "you will have to do better then that ironhoof is a top athlete and rouge" as ironhoof pick up some speed

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