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Posts posted by River

  1. OOC: I go to sleep early for once and I miss all this. *Grumbles.* Hold your horses, I'm typing my post!

    River followed silently behind the group, still very much disturbed by the change that had overcome her body. It was odd to not feel the weight of her mane on her neck, or to bite her lip to realize that her teeth were sharp. Was she freaking out? Definitely. Since she had no option to vocalize her panic, she restricted her panicking to her thoughts.

    They went into this old building, and Necro started explaining what they were, and what did they do. Feeding on dreams? Now that was just odd. How would you consume something with no substance? Changelings did that too, didn't they? Fed on love and whatnot. She jumped slightly when Necro spotted a moving shape. She prayed it wasn't one of the nightmares. Would she be able to pass off as one of them? Sure, she had the costume, but she was a terrible actress.

  2. I suppose we all have our own views on that c:

    However, I would just like to point out that in Christianity, the more oft used term would be 'siblings' or 'brothers and sisters', not just 'brother'. But I digress, we're here to talk about Sonies and Bronies, not religion ^^

    And I might just refer to them as Sonies as well, just to see their reactions :3

  3. I think QuickLime means that yes, you can use this version of the character for FFA. However if you want to use the same character for WoE, you have to get rid of anything related to video games. Stated in the rules somewhere, the technology in the series are limited to steam and coal, wind, hydraulic powered simple appliances.

    I do hope that helps! ^^

  4. Roleplay Type: WoE

    Name: Coral Gem

    Sex: Female

    Age: Younger Mare

    Species: Unicorn

    Eye colour: A bright cerulean

    Coat: Coral's coat is rose red all over, and she often wears a plain white locket that contains a picture of River and her.

    Mane/Tail: Her mane and tail are dominantly black, with streaks of red occasionally. When left to hang they are long and wavy, their tips almost touching the ground. However, Coral likes to keep the two of them braided up neatly and tied with two small plain red ribbons.

    Physique: Coral is lean, though she's far from being willowy like some other mares. Swimming with her sister frequently as well as hunting for beautiful shells for her work has given her a fair share of strength.

    Residence: Trottingham

    Occupation: Jewellery Making/Selling. Coral owns a small jewellery shop near the lake called Merpony's Baubles. The shop has a decently sized apartment above that she and her younger sister live in.

    Cutie Mark: A pearly white conch shell threaded through a silver chain. When Coral was just a young filly, she loved spending hours combing the beaches for beautiful shells. Once collected, she faced a dilemma as to how to keep them all together. Seeing a tourist's necklace gave her an idea and she found an old piece of string to tie them up with. On the way home, several of her friends had stopped her and complimented her on her 'necklace'. That was the start of it all. Coral fell in love with the idea of making small trinkets with pieces of shells and such. She spent long hours looking for pieces that would compliment each other, and longer still to thread them together.

    Coral had a teacher she loved very much in school, and wanted to make her a necklace for her birthday. But an ordinary piece wouldn't do- definitely not! But how could she make it special? Coral racked her brains and drew numerous designs and made many necklaces. Yet, each didn't seem to be right. The day before her teacher's birthday, she grew so frustrated that she took a walk on the beach to clear her mind. It was then that she stumbled upon her biggest find ever- a pearl. Coral used up a good portion of her night to complete the necklace. The next day when she presented it to her teacher, her teacher was stunned by the piece of art. Small but elegant white and pink shells bordered two periwinkle shells. Sandwiched between the shells was the pearl. It wasn't extravagant like the others, but it was simple yet charming and complimented her teacher's personality perfectly.

    Soon after, Coral began to get requests from friends and even older ponies for her to make them something, and she happily obliged. It was then that Coral realized that making these made her happy, unique even. So it was that right in the middle of making a necklace for her sister, she got her cutie mark.

    History: Coral grew up with her parents in Seasaddle Bay, quite happily as well. Back then her parents often spent their times with her and took her out on trips to the beach. Her parents were supportive of whatever she did, although they didn't spoil her. Much. By nature Coral was a sociable person and had many friends in school that dulled the agony of learning. Okay, maybe school wasn't that bad but Coral had no patience for the written word. She managed to scrape past primary school and entered secondary school.

    At the start of her schooling year, her parents had River Song, her sister. Both parents didn't let on to Coral how their family financials were strained because of their second child as they didn't want to worry her. Father and Mother loved the two of them immensely and didn't want them to ever want for anything. So they worked hard to earn enough to let the sisters live in relative comfort, although sadly and indirectly alienating them in the process.

    Once Coral was done with secondary school, she even enrolled in the Canterlot University of Design, to even her own surprise. For the next few years she worked hard to perfect her art. Over time, she gained many acquaintances to call her friends as well as some small recognition for her talents. After University she started up a small business in Seasaddle, and from there she saved up enough to bring her and River to Trottinham, with their parents blessing. Even though she had a nice life in Seasaddle Bay, she found herself pining for a quieter life, one that wasn't so hectic. At first she was hesitant, but after she saw how River seemed to echo her sentiments, Coral moved them almost immediately.

    Now in Trottingham, she reopened her business and even expanded it to make use of river stones and small glass balls as well. Here she found her own circle of friends and has been living there happily since.

    Character Summary: By nature, Coral is a very motherly person that puts the needs of others before herself. Even so, she won't hesitate to give advice when she thinks somepony needs it. Coral is a great listener and can be sympathetic if needed. She's patient and slow to anger. However, she's fiercely protective over anypony close to her heart and oft becomes irrational when it comes to making sure no harm comes to them.

    Other than that, she's quite social and loves to have people around to talk with. Even so, that doesn't mean she's a gossip and frowns upon any rumours or those who spreads them. In fact, because of this, Coral has little patience for liars and values those who tell the truth. She's also big on trust and gives anypony the benefit of doubt- unless they've lied to her or broken a promise before. Because of this, Coral is known as a very reliable and trustworthy pony.

    One of her faults is that she's not a very neat person. Coral doesn't mind if half the table is cluttered up, because she can always use the other half. She doesn't mind if there's a ribbon on the floor because it hasn't tripped her yet. In fact, the only reason the place is clean is because her younger sister can't stand the mess.

  5. River lowered her head and pushed herself faster, hearing the hoofbeats behind her getting louder. She couldn't let them catch her! The muscles in her legs burned as she lengthened her stride, exerting herself like she had never before. Her efforts were in vain, however, when Krad pulled up beside her. What he said was nothing to her- his words muffled by the ringing in her ears. All she saw was the light from his fiery mane reflecting upon his pointy, pointy teeth.Then Nao pulled up beside him, saying something as well. One word managed to pierce through the terror induced fog in her brain.


    The filly hesitated. No one had ever broken a promise towards her. However, her hesitation caused her to be unaware of the path, and a root caught her foreleg. River tumbled foreward painfully, rolling a few times before coming to a stop after smacking into a bush. Pulling herself out of it, she gazed apprehensively at the two for what seemed like forever before lowering her head in defeat.

  6. Another one? River thought disbelievingly. How many ponies took walks in the forest at night? Even she didn't do that. She just... got lost. And as for the portal, it had been her curiosity that led her to enter it. It was like in those horror stories and the main character always entered the creepy house even though it was a bad idea. You didn't want to know, but at the same time, you had to. The other newcomer was a stallion, and he at least joined their little group normally. Introductions went around, and to her surprise, Nao and Necro were siblings and not a couple like she originally assumed. With her stick, River wrote down her name when it came to her turn.

    It was then that Nao announced that they had to become one of them to survive. She watched in horror as the change took over Krad, the pegasus. He was still himself, but he looked so much more dangerous. An image of herself like that flashed through her mind, causing her eyes to widen. No, she didn't want to become like that! There was also the possibility that they were lying, and she and the others would stay like that forever. What if she just found the portal? Then she would be back in her own world, wouldn't she? Besides, she knew the general direction of it- it was where the other two had come from. River knew she wasn't as fast as some ponies, but if she took them by surprise she could get a decent headstart.

    Before her doubts about the risky plan could surface, she steeled herself and quickly sprinted for the closest woods, hoping that it would slow them down. River ran hard and fast, ignoring the branches that scraped at her face or the roots that made her stumble. She just had to get away from them.

  7. River stared at the newcomer unabashedly, marvelling at how casual he was about this whole situation. And when he complimented her, she blushed slightly, not used to such attention from others. Now that was a question she stored away for later- why was it that she hardly talked to the colts at school? Nothing against them, of course, but she generally gravitated to the fillies. Meanwhile, the tension between the four had escalated quickly, and River snapped herself out of her musing. Listening to the first stallion's words, River noted with some curiosity that the pegasus's coat did seem unsinged.

    Even from her spot she could feel the heat of the fire. So then why was he unscathed? So many questions tonight, and she probably wouldn't ever get to know the answers. As she shifted slightly, something poked her hoof. It was the stick she wanted to retrieve earlier! Discretely, River dislodged the stick easily from the ground and quickly wrote out in the dirt- as legibly as possible, "I don't know the pegasus, so don't ask me."

    OOC: My apologies for the short ish post. I'm on my stupid smart phone. Oh look, an oxymoron :D

  8. Oh that's cool :D Maybe we could just merge or something. A fair's the only thing I can seem to come up, but then there's always lots of stuff to do at a fair. Picnics as well- I really love picnics. It's a bit early and slow to be thinking of this, but I was wondering how it would be as a mass RP kind of thing. No posting order, lots of ponies and general chaos ^^ Just like a real fair? Haha, or is that too disorganized?

    And yay! :D Haha, travelling all the time sounds fun :3 Though yeah, I suppose constant travelling would take a hefty chunk out of her wages o:

  9. So I was thinking, since Trottingham has the lake, wouldn't it be fun to have some sort of fair day? I dunno, it's just a little something because I realized there weren't a lot of Trottingham threads out there in the Mane RP. We could have boat races, performing troupes and individuals, food (FOOD), and little booths and games for the little ones. :D IT WOULD BE FUN!

    Anyone else on board with this idea?

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  10. [colour=#282828]Nao softened, as was usual for the naturally kind-hearted mare. "Oh, she's just a filly. She's probably just lost...." she said softly to her brother. The white flames of Necro's mane burned hotter. "An intruder is an intruder, pint-sized or not." he huffed hotheadedly, looking down at the filly. "What do you think you're doing here? Stick to your own dimension!" he added, stepping forwards and causing the frightened filly to step back.

    [colour=#282828]River watched the exchange between the two warily, her turquoise eyes flickering back and forth. Unconsciously, she gravitated closer to the mare, for she seemed to be much nicer than the stallion. She jumped when the stallion turned his attention to her, fiery gaze and all. What was he saying? Dimension? It all seemed like a dream- nightmare more like. It was quite obvious now that they weren't ordinary ponies, but what were they then? At his questions, her hoof reached for the saddle bag out of pure habit, but it met nothing but her flank. It was then that she remembered she had left her saddlebag behind, and with it her quill and her notebook. How could she have been so stupid as to leave those behind? She never went anywhere without them. Her eyes darted around wildly for something that would help her, and they landed on a stick. Just as she moved to pick it up, another pony barreled into their group, causing the stallion to snap at him.[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]River shoved herself out of the way just in time and she watched in amazement as the pegasus laughed. He didn't seem to be one of them, and that made her relax a bit more. At that, she felt the corners of her lips quirk up into a tiny smile in spite of her fear. That was pretty funny, she had to admit. [/colour]

    [colour=#282828]OOC: Sorry for the wait ^^"[/colour]

  11. It had all been a mistake, she shouldn't have gone out alone. Earlier this day, her older sister had promised to take her for a walk by the lake. However, something came up at the shop and River Song found herself with the prospect of spending the day all alone. She first spent a good portion of her time by the lake composing songs, but eventually more ponies arrived and it got to noisy. The filly had ventured further down the banks past her usual spot. Often she had heard tales of the forest that bordered the South end of the lake but River paid them no mind.

    It was a sunny day and she had been looking for a bit of shade and peace. Deciding that the forest would be an ideal location, she wandered in with her pipe, leaving the saddlebag slung around a bush by the lake. The forest was a change from the tranquil waters of the lake. It was more quiet, though the pleasant birdsong did sound every now and then. It inspired a different melody in her, and she once again let herself go with a new tune.

    River didn't know how long had passed, but when she looked up from her pipe, she was startled to find that the woods were dark. The small path that the teal blue filly had followed was nowhere in sight. Panic surged up within her and she quickened her pace, berating herself mentally. How could she have let the time go unchecked like that? And dear Celestia, Coral would be freaking out by now. River tried to look for any signs of ponies, but there were none. And it wasn't like she could call out for help. Being mute hardly phased her, but it definitely did frustrate her now.

    As if in answer to her prayers, there was a faint murmuring of a crown from ahead, probably in a clearing. What were ponies doing out here anyway? It didn't matter- she was saved! Letting out a silent whinny of joy, River trotted forward eagerly. Then something odd passed over her. It felt as if water trickled over her back, and she was dry. Then the dizziness struck. It lasted only for a few seconds, but it was enough to disorient her. When she cleared her vision, she was stunned to find herself in a mass of ponies. They seemed to be different, and darker in a sense. Chills ran through her body as she met the eyes of a stallion. He looked positively furious- and he was heading for her.

    River's eyes widened as he trotted over to her, a mare by his side. They both wore murderous expressions that made her stumble back a few paces. Who were they? Had she done anything wrong to warrant the apparent anger from those two? As they neared, the height difference became more prominent, what with her just being a filly. That didn't help her nerves one bit.

  12. [colour=#008080].:Ri[/colour][colour=#008080]ver Song:.[/colour]

    River scanned the list she held, pausing for a moment at the pavement. Her elder sister was having a rather busy day back at the shop so the filly had taken it upon herself to go buy lunch. The list was meticulously penned in her own hoofwriting and already half checked off. All that was left were to get the muffins. She knew there was a cafe somewhere here that her sister loved to buy from, though River herself had not frequented it yet. It was not very often that the filly liked to wander into the more touristy areas, for she preferred the calm of the lake side more. Just where was the cafe again? She swiveled her head around, brushing away her dark blue mane as it got into her eyes.

    There was a small commotion up ahead as some other mare ran into another stallion, before rushing into a shop. The whole scene was rather amusing and River found herself chuckling silently. It was then that she noticed the name of the cafe the mare had rushed into. Her eyes lit up and she trotted forward, remembering this to be the place that her sister had mentioned. [colour=#008080]I[/colour][colour=#008080]t should be the one, shouldn't it? [/colour]Anyway, even if it wasn't, the smells wafting from the door of the shop were positively heavenly! After folding up the list carefully and returning it to her saddlebag, River entered the shop. Immediately the sounds of merry chatter and the scents of assorted food washed over her, giving the place a nice atmosphere.

    River drifted over to the counter, studying the menu for a bit while the stallion before her made his order. What would her sister like? She could always get the chocolate chip. You can never go wrong with chocolate chip. With that decision out of the way, River retrieved her notebook and quill from her saddlebag before writing down: '[colour=#008080]Two chocolate chip muffins please. =)' [/colour]River knew that she might have gotten some curious stares, what with her being a mute and all, but the filly was used to it. it didn't bother her much, and why should it? It didn't hamper her excessively, and she still had her music.

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